At the same time, in a void that was quite a distance away from Planet One, on a large meteorite, a heavily armed figure was standing on top of a figure that was more than Mochi's counterpart. The magical rifle and the more exaggerated magical rifle are still there, and maintain a long-range sniper posture.

Needless to say, the two blows that destroyed the Conquer King Colossus just now came from this man.

At the same time, he is also the "Apollo" that Vitas used to describe.

Of course, ‘Apollo’ is not his real name, but the name of the top magic light brain he used.

And the user of ‘Apollo’, named Colincoln, was the commander of the 12th Magic Aircraft Corps of their Empire.

As you can see now, he is a very typical sniper magic pilot. At the same time, he is also recognized as the strongest sniper among the army commanders. He is the first qualified for the top magic light brain "Apollo". By.

The second qualified person was Mo Qi, but he had already died under Bai Ze's cloud-piercing gun in the previous battle.

As Vitas said before, originally Colincoln and his Empire’s Twelfth Magic Pilot Corps should be in charge of the rear, and they did not follow the expedition army to the front.

The reason why he is here now is because when Bai Ze appeared in the posture of the ‘Blue Dragon Warrior’ before, Marshal Bahat, who realized the threat, immediately sent an urgent help message to the rear.

Obviously, Marshal Bahat lacked trust in Vitas under the premise that Fein's idiot collapsed in the emergency room and lost consciousness and was unable to use'Typhon'.

It's not that he doesn't believe that Vitas can kill that enemy, but he doesn't believe that Vitas will hand over'Zeus' obediently after killing that enemy.

What if this guy goes crazy again and loses control?

"Typhon" can't be used now, but no one can come out to control the field.

Therefore, out of precaution, Marshal Bahat urgently contacted the rear.

However, under normal circumstances, even if Marshal Bahart contacted the rear of the empire in advance, in such a short period of time, it was impossible for Colinken to cross such a long light-year distance from their empire to rush to the front line.

The reason why he was able to do it had to talk about another figure standing beside Colinken.

That is the only qualified person of the top magical light brain "Cronus", the commander of the first magical aircraft regiment of their empire, and also the first commander of the army. The qualifications are almost equal to Fein. Ping Empire veteran, Trager!

There are all kinds of magic techniques, and there are many types, and Trager is best at space technique!

The complexity and difficulty of the space technique are even far beyond the lightning technique of Vitas.

Therefore, in the imperial army, the number of masters is very small.

And this is the only one who has mastered the situation like Trager.

According to Trager’s mastery of spatial techniques, coupled with the enhanced blessing of the top magical light brain "Cronus", Trager is completely able to open a space channel urgently when necessary. For the space shuttle at the limit speed, the overall movement efficiency far exceeds that of ordinary space channels.

However, he could not carry a large force to move.

Although the movement efficiency of this space channel is amazing, it can even be said to be an exaggeration.

But relatively, this space channel is also extremely unstable.

If it was just a small force with a limited number of people, Trager could take care of it for the time being and ensure their safety in the space channel.

But if it is a large force...

That's beyond the scope of Trager's care. They have a very high possibility that they will be instantly hanged by the spatial turbulence in this space channel.

Of course, if they are able to protect themselves in the turbulent flow of this space, that is another matter.

But in fact, there will always be a very small number of very few who can do this kind of thing.

At the same time, by the way, it is worth mentioning that the fewer people Trager takes, the more efficient he moves.

Needless to say, after receiving the news from Marshal Bahat at that time, Ivan Rast directly ordered Trager to bring Colinkin to support him, just in case.

Unexpectedly, under this blunder, Vitas was saved by accident.

After the war, it is estimated that whether it is Ivan Last or Marshal Bahat, they will be grateful for their decision.

And now, what is more important, of course, is the immediate battle.

The exit of the Conquering King Colossus, for the civilization of the world, the loss is definitely more than just a strategic unit.

As a five-star man-made spectacle, it has a fleet of BUFF, which is very important to their civilization fleet.

Once the King of Conquering Colossus is destroyed, the combat power gain BUFF that was originally applied to the civilization fleet of Ten Thousand Realms will naturally disappear.

This has a very obvious impact on the combat power of their civilization fleet.

After only three offensive rounds, the fleet has already shown a tendency to retreat somewhat.

In this process, UU reading, as the general who sits at the border base, naturally Zhao Pan is also fully commanding the firepower of this side of the Void Great Wall, and providing fire support and cover for their garrison on the frontier of civilizations.

For the Imperial Army, this firepower is undoubtedly quite annoying.

It is not even necessary for Marshal Bahart to say that Colincoln, who is in the void in the distance, has already used his own magic rifle, which is matched with'Apollo', and is named as'Apollo Bow'. Far locked the Void Great Wall on the side of the battlefield of Ten Thousand Realms Civilization One.

However, under normal circumstances, even if it is Colincoln who is using ‘Apollo’, it is impossible to cross multiple star fields and directly hit the Void Great Wall from such an ultra-long distance.

Really speaking, in this position, it is difficult for him to lock the target with his own eyes.

In such a state, the reason why he can carry out precise sniping.

On the one hand, it is naturally because of its own sniper strength. On the other hand, it is thanks to Trager's assistance...

Without any words, I saw Trager wave his hand, and with the high-speed rotation of'Cronus', the complicated spatial technique unfolded immediately.

Immediately afterwards, a spatial passage appeared in front of Colincoln's eyes.

And what appeared at the other end of this space channel was the Great Wall of the Void of Ten Thousand Realms Civilization!

Without any hesitation, as the strongest sniper in the empire, Colinken shot very simply, almost the moment Trager opened the space channel, he had already pulled the trigger.

In an instant, a terrifying golden light burst out again from the muzzle of Apollo's bow, hitting the Void Great Wall on the opposite side! !

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