The offensive launched by the Magic Vanguard that triggered the spell collision can be called a sacrifice.

The power exploded, and the destructive power was so strong that under some specific circumstances, the effect that can be achieved can even exceed the main gun attack of the magical fireship!

But on the other hand, this attack method that hurts the enemy a thousand and hurts 800 is basically equivalent to the ultimate means for the Magic Vanguard. It is less than a last resort, and it is basically not easy to use.

Because this sudden collision will cause considerable damage to their own hull, and even if they are lucky, they may lose their ability to move directly after they hit one head.

In the process, many frigates rushed forward to intercept the Imperial Landing Fleet, which was aware of their offensive.

At this moment, on their side of civilization, the magical vanguard's advantages in mobility and flexibility have been fully utilized.

Many magic vanguard ships, relying on this advantage, directly bypassed the interception of the imperial frigate and attacked the landing ship directly!

Compared with the more serious warships, this landing ship is still an auxiliary ship after all. Even if safety is taken into consideration, the warship’s armor has been thickened, and the strength of the defensive technique has also been increased to a certain extent.

But its main function is to transport the large forces of the Imperial Army.

Now that it was hit by the main gun of this magical vanguard ship, it was almost impossible to completely withstand it.

The outer defensive technique was quickly blasted!

Shining with magic light, the surface is covered with a large number of wizard spells and the magic collision angle of the fixed circle. At this moment, it looks like a hideous drill. After blasting the defensive art of the Imperial Landing Ship, the ship The body quickly broke through the thick armor of the warship and crushed it in.

That terrifying momentum almost smashed an entire Imperial Landing Ship into two directly!

The soldiers of the Imperial Army who were within the impact range at the time were hard to escape, unless their body was harder than the armor of the battleship. Otherwise, the magic power was mixed with impact and crushed, and only one face would be enough to take them all. There is not even **** left!

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In the previous battles, the magical fleet of the civilization of the world had not used this attack method of corner collision. It can even be said that they, who are deeply inferior, used more.

However, this time, the strong murderous aura and the consciousness of the deadly battle displayed by the magical fleet still made the landing fleet of the Imperial Army feel a palpitation.

Even Marshal Bahat, who had been mentally prepared for a long time and confirmed the information, had a serious expression on his face.

Then he quickly issued an order to let the magic pilots of the landing fleet explode in advance, increase firepower, and curb the charge of the magic vanguard.

At the same time, individual imperial ships that were still capable of fighting due to angle problems after being hit by magical angle collisions began to turn their naval guns in an attempt to counterattack the magical vanguard ship of the civilization of the world.

Unexpectedly, just at this moment, a series of ferocious fire snakes suddenly sprang out from the magical vanguard ships, biting at the phalanx of magical pilots and those naval gun weapons approaching their warships. !

As the fire snake raged, wherever it passed, the ordinary magic pilots were instantly burnt to coke, and a large number of Imperial Army naval guns were also completely destroyed.

This is exactly the fourth-tier mid-level spell of the fire system, the fire snake dancing wildly!

At the same time, behind the Uranus front, a series of five Tier 5 fire system high-level spells, lava and planets, that looked like a small sun, directly blasted towards the phalanx of the Imperial Army in various directions.

During the long development period, within their ten thousand civilizations, the number of fire mages capable of casting the fifth-order fire system high-level magic lava and planets, including Mia, officially increased to five.

Of course, with the spell cultivation base, Mia is definitely the strongest among the five fire mages.

Not to mention that Mia also possesses a double-attribute physique of wind and fire that is simply against the sky. Not only can she cast the high-level spells of the fire system, but also the high-level spells of the wind system!

Due to the fact that on the second battlefield, facing mechanical civilization, the performance of the fire system mage group was severely limited.

Therefore, during the previous discussion, Luo Ji and the others simply transferred the fire mage group headed by five fire mage including Mia to the Uranus battlefield to help out.

Directly through the fixed space channel, supplemented by the high-speed spacecraft, from the battlefield on the 2nd to the vicinity of the Uranus battlefield, the efficiency of movement is relatively high.

Now, including Mia, five fire mages shot at the same time.

However, they did not choose to join forces to cast spells. In the extremely scattered void battlefield of the formation, facing an enemy fleet, concentrated attacks, in fact, could not achieve very good results, and the enemies that could be hit were too limited.

What they need is a large-scale attack, and if the power is sufficient, the larger the coverage area of ​​the attack, the better!

The formation of five lava planets is absolutely amazing.

However, it was obviously far from frightening Marshal Bahat.

Not to mention that it is on the battlefield of the galaxy at this level, even if it is the golden battlefield, UU reading www. uukānshu. Com strategic-level strikes are not uncommon.

Marshal Bahat has seen more battles than this, so naturally he won't be so frightened.

The order was issued, and the fleet fired, and the Empire fleet quickly exploded the five lava planets that had been crushed.

However, this is actually the wish of the ten thousand civilizations.

After the lava planet is exploded, the meteor shower formed, although its power will decrease, but the attack range will become more exaggerated. What they need now is this!

In the face of large-scale bursting flame meteors, according to the gun caliber and flexibility of the Imperial fleet, it is not so easy to explode or evade further.

Rolled down in all directions, the imperial warships within the attack range, to a large extent, can only rely on defensive techniques and warship armor to resist.

Under the frenzied bombardment of the flame meteor, the imperial vanguard with relatively weak defense force will soon be completely bombed once it is hit continuously.

The strength of defensive techniques against ship-class warships and city-class warships can still be supported, but the increase in defense pressure is basically inevitable.

In this process, the five magic fleets commanded by Yuan Xi and Gao Yi, of course, could not do nothing.

I saw them who had been prepared for a long time, seized the opportunity and slapped up.

The flame meteor formed by five lava planets, combined with the naval gun fire of the magic fleet, bombarded them.

The battleship shields of the Imperial Fleet were exploded quickly one after another, and even the ships suffered considerable damage, which caused a wave of counterattacks to the civilization of the world, which had been unilaterally suppressed by the Imperial Army before. Momentum! !

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