The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3559: ,what is that?

While a large number of troops continued to fly out from here, on the other side, on the other Imperial landing ships, the exit doors of the landing ships were also opened one after another.

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So far, these conditions can only be regarded as within their expectations, and naturally they are not enough to disrupt the original plan of the Imperial Landing Fleet.

On each landing ship, as their imperial army's thunderous vanguard, after receiving the order, the magic pilots quickly slammed out.

While the frigate of the Imperial Army launched a counterattack with naval gun fire, the magic pilot unit also rushed to the top, trying to dismantle the war facilities inside Uranus that constituted resistance to them!

However, it is not so easy to do this.

Important facilities are basically shrouded under the ultra-high-strength defensive array. On this basis, they will be supplemented with a holy light shield to form a double shield that is the signature of their civilization.

Although the firepower of the frigates in the Imperial Landing Fleet is not bad, their main function, or the significance of the existence of these frigates, is ultimately to ensure the safety of the landing ships.

According to the firepower of those frigates of the imperial army, it is not so easy to easily explode the shield of their ten thousand civilization fortress level.

The two sides continued to bombard each other with heavy firepower. In the process, facing the high-speed approach of the magic pilot unit, the close defense machine guns at various positions near the surface and the dwarven automatic turrets were activated one after another, constantly intertwined. Eventually an ultra-high density firepower net was formed.

At this stage, the elite combat power of the imperial sorcerer regiment is still concentrated outside the planet, fighting with the martial arts forces on the side of the civilization of the world, and the group of sorcerer soldiers who followed the landing fleet to invade the interior of the planet basically came from The ordinary magic pilot units of the Imperial Army.

According to their individual defensive style, facing the machine gun level weapons, a few shots, the problem is not big, but once they are continuously strafed by the dense firepower net, they will definitely not be able to handle it. of.

At the moment when the outer defensive technique was exploded, the rain of bullets poured out directly fell on their armor as the magic pilots.

On the surface of the armor, there are also bulletproof vests that apply defensive techniques to enhance defense capabilities and far exceed ordinary civilization.

But in the face of this intensive cannon attack, this piece of armor was obviously not enough to save the life of a magic pilot. Individual magic pilots who were too late to evade and dodge were quickly shot into a hornet's nest.

However, those magic pilots are not only fighting alone.

Even to speak of it, the magic pilots actually focus on group combat.

The magic pilot unit that confirmed this threat soon took a squad, even a squadron, and a brigade as the size, and jointly opened up a stronger defense technique to resist the attack and jointly launched a counterattack.

In this state, the combat effectiveness of the magic pilot unit has almost doubled.

Soon, many close-defense machine guns and dwarf automatic turrets were exploded one after another under their concentrated fire attack.

At the same time, outside the planet, along with the changes in the battle situation, more landing ships and warships on the side of the Imperial Army are constantly invading Uranus.

After a fierce offensive and defensive battle, the Imperial Landing Fleet, which has a clear advantage in number of troops, officially completed the first batch of the Landing Fleet on a plain east of Uranus under the cover of a large number of magic pilots. Log in.

As the commander-in-chief of the Uranus Theater, at this moment, Zhao Pan was not in a hurry to intercept the opponent.

In other words, it was his intention that the opponent landed from this plain.

At that time, if he commanded the defensive forces in the planet to resist with all his strength, the opponent wanted to land on this plain. Actually, it would not be so easy. At least at this stage, it is impossible for the opponent to successfully land, but Zhao Pan deliberately let them land...

This is of course not because Zhao Pan has rebelled. In fact, this is a tactical strategy.

Rather than fighting the imperial army in such an all-round way, it is better to place a point on the opposite side.

As long as the opponent occupies this point, the opponent will inevitably use this point as a breakthrough point to initiate a subsequent invasion.

This sounds bad, but it is not.

Because under this premise, Zhao Pan, as the defender, only needs to focus on defending this one point, instead of staring at everything.

This is actually a good thing for defenders who are in a passive position in an offensive and defensive battle.

It is impossible for Marshal Bahat to know Zhao Pan's purpose.

However, Zhao Pan's hand made it a proper maneuver, and at the same time, it was also equivalent to handing out a challenge to Marshal Bahat, not afraid that he would not take the bait.

It turns out that the Imperial Army has begun to land.

At this moment, Marshal Bahat, who has a clear advantage, has no complicated ideas. If you dare to let go, I will dare to fight! It's that simple.

As the commander-in-chief of the Imperial Army, being cautious is one thing, but it also requires self-confidence.

Marshal of the dignified empire, UU reading if he loses his confidence in winning, then he doesn’t need to fight this battle, he just goes back to clean up, and submits a resignation report to Ivan Rast, and he can get his retirement .

But obviously, Marshal Bahat has no plans to retire for the time being.

Under his command and mobilization, an imperial landing ship, one after another, completed emergency landings on the plain east of Uranus.

Zhao Pan, who confirmed the intelligence, was not in a hurry to mobilize troops on a large scale, nor did he relax his vigilance in other areas.

In the process of constant self-adjustment, along with his order, there was a sudden movement in the dense woodland around the plain.

I saw the towering trees, at this moment one after another changed, turned into a huge tree people, and proceeded towards the plain where the imperial army landed.

This situation made the frontline commander of the Imperial Landing Fleet feel dumbfounded.

Before their Imperial Landing Fleet launched on that plain, they certainly noticed the lush woodland around.

However, under the sign of Marshal Bahat, they had already used exploration techniques to scan the woodlands in detail.

Furthermore, after scanning back and forth several times, it was confirmed that no enemy was ambushing there before the landing began.

In fact, it doesn't matter if there is one.

Since Marshal Bahat dared to give orders to land on this plain, he must be ready to fight the opposing army.

As a result, the whole situation before his eyes still made him caught off guard.

what is that? Is the tree alive? !

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