The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3571: , Firepower suppression (3)

John Thrall didn't think that the attack of the energy tracking bomb could kill the opponent.

Although energy tracking bombs have advantages over ordinary tracking bombs in terms of speed and flexibility, there is no perfect weapon in the world. The slightly inferior power is obviously one of the shortcomings of energy tracking bombs.

Sure enough, the major general of the Imperial Army who withstood the continuous attack of the energy pursuit bomb was not dead at all.

In other words, he actively chose to crash into the energy tracking projectile.

In the brief encounter just now, the major general of the Imperial Army undoubtedly had a preliminary understanding of the power of the three firepower weapons carried on the exoskeleton reinforced armor of the "King of War".

So he can basically confirm that among the three firepower weapons, the weakest is the energy tracking bomb.

Under this premise, let him choose a direction to break through. Compared with the thermonuclear energy cannon and the eight-barreled Yanlong cannon, then he must choose the direction blocked by the energy tracking bomb, so as to take the damage he needs to bear. Control to the minimum.

During the explosion, the opponent rushed out quickly.

At this moment, the appearance of the major general of the Imperial Army was slightly embarrassed.

However, the defensive technique covering the surface of the body has helped him offset most of the damage of the energy-tracking bomb, and coupled with the officer-level armor, even if it is hit by the energy-tracking bomb head-on, He was only slightly injured, which basically did not affect his combat effectiveness.

Faced with this situation, John Thrall was not surprised, the thermonuclear energy cannon on his right shoulder, after experiencing another firing, entered a cooling state.

At the same time, in the armor of his left back shoulder, the launchers of the two energy tracking bombs have also been empty of the energy tracking bombs stored in advance. If you want to launch again, it will take some time for the weapon to cool and reconsolidate the energy tracking bomb .

John Thrall, who had just performed a burst of output before, is undoubtedly about to enter a period of firepower downturn.

But he didn't feel nervous about it.

The eight-barreled Yanlong Cannon on the right armored arm continued to pursue the imperial army major general on the opposite side.

In the case of manipulating heavy firepower weapons of this level, it is possible to maintain such a precise pursuit, which is enough to prove John Sar's powerful combat awareness and superb firearms skills.

But the major general of the imperial army on the opposite side is not a vegetarian. Without the pursuit of energy tracking bombs, the restrictions and pressure that thermonuclear energy guns can bring to him, the entire action of the opponent has undoubtedly become more rapid. , One round of rushing forward, the distance between the two of them was quickly shortened!

At a critical juncture, John Thrall reacted swiftly, not only did not retreat, but stepped out and took the initiative to attack.

At that moment, multiple propulsion devices installed on the legs, back and shoulders of the exoskeleton reinforced armor of the "King of War" began to spray at the same time, and John Thrall started off with an explosive rocket on the spot.

At the same time, he quickly grabbed his right shoulder armor with his left hand, and the shoulder armor opened, and a black knife handle suddenly popped out of it.

Grabbing the handle of the knife, John Thrall pulled it hard!

Suddenly, accompanied by a muffled sound of'buzz-', a sharp blade, while being unsheathed, the entire blade also produced a special high-frequency vibration, and within a very short time, it emitted It's an amazingly high temperature!

Between the lightning and flint, the two sides approaching extremely fast completely launched the first round of head-on confrontation.

The imperial army major general with fierce assault momentum, at the moment when he noticed that John Thrall's left arm saber popped out, the two of them had already entered each other's attack range, and if they wanted to change their tricks, it was obviously too late.

In an instant, the weapons of both sides collided, and the first-order broken blade flew out in a series of splashing sparks.

The sudden state caused the imperial army major general's heart to twitch.

As one of the senior officers in the Imperial Army, the magic bayonet he used, even if it was not as good as those of the top powerhouses in the empire, was by no means unusual.

But at that moment, he was cut off easily by the saber in the opponent's hand? !

In this scene, the major general of the Imperial Army really didn't even dream of it.

Fortunately, as a major general of the Imperial Army, his professional combat awareness is still fine.

When his magic bayonet was cut off, his first reaction was not to escape.

As a battle-tested imperial officer, he knew that the enemy would inevitably launch a pursuit at the fastest speed.

He didn't know what methods the enemy would use, or how he would fight after the attack.

Faced with this situation, different people have different ways of coping.

And his response method is to attack! Attack against attack!

The enemy shouldn't have thought that he would launch a counterattack in such a crisis situation in which he has fallen into an unfavorable situation.

If he could force the opponent back with an attack, then the crisis in front of him at the moment would naturally be resolved.

And if he can successfully hit the opponent by surprise, then he can even directly seize the opportunity to see if he can control the opponent with one breath. UU read and try to suppress the opponent to death!

When this thought flashed through his mind, the major general of the Imperial Army had already acted.

Accompanied by the rapid development of the whole body magic technique, almost at the fastest speed, the gun was pointed at the major general of the Imperial Army of John Thrall, and the trigger was pulled continuously.

At that moment, only three gunshots of ‘bang bang bang’ were heard, and the three specially made magic missiles immediately locked in three positions and attacked John Thrall.

If this is replaced by someone else, facing such a sudden attack, chances are they will hide.

But their dwarves have always been rich in irritable brothers, and John Thrall is the dwarf king. Although he is very quiet and introverted on weekdays, but this fight, the blood surges, and it flows on him, the dwarf king. The irritability factor in his bones was immediately stimulated.

hide? Hide a basket! !

At this moment, John Thrall, who was completely in a state of combat, didn't panic at all when facing the attack. On his right arm, the eight-barreled Yanlong Cannon that had just been turned off was directly turned into a melee weapon at this moment, and he was suddenly swept. Past!

After experiencing crazy fire, the hot gun body, at the moment when it collided with the three special magic missiles, the shocking cold air emitted by the three special magic missiles with the ice technique suddenly became The high temperature of the eight-barreled Yanlong Cannon reacted.

Extremely cold and extremely hot, two kinds of attacks with extreme temperatures were madly hedged, and an amazing steam explosion was triggered on the spot.

Amidst a piercing sound, accompanied by the white high-temperature steam that spewed out, the power of the steam explosion engulfed the two figures at once!

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