The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3591: As expected

At this stage, the gap in comprehensive hard power between their two armies cannot be made up by simply solving the suppression of technological power.

Of course, it is undeniable that, without the technological power of the mechanical civilization and electronic warfare units, their lives will definitely be much better than before...

The firepower of the imperial army could not stop him, so the golden dragon Scarlet went all the way in.

After receiving the reminder from Marshal Bahat, the mechanically civilized electronic warfare units, based on the analysis results of their masterminds, could not escape only by the movement speed of the electronic warfare units.

Under this premise, the method with the greatest chance of escape is to open the space portal and escape directly by space shuttle.

However, it takes time to open a temporary space portal.

In this process, it is of course impossible for a mechanically civilized electronic warfare unit to stay motionless all the time.

The mechanical civilized electronic warfare units that quickly calculated the required time and distance directly began to build a space portal on their only way, and let the troops move at full speed, rushing in the direction that the space portal was about to open.

If there is no error in the calculation results of their fleet mastermind.

Then, while their mechanically civilized electronic warfare units are maintaining their current flying speed to reach that area, the temporary space portal should just open.

Among the several ultra-standard civilizations, if anyone has the most proficient subspace shuttle technology, it goes without saying that it is a mechanical civilization!

As long as they successfully escaped into the space portal and closed the space portal smoothly, they would be completely safe, and even that monster would not be able to take them anymore.

Later, according to Marshal Bahart’s intention, it was natural that the electronic warfare unit hoped to be mechanically civilized. After getting rid of the pursuit of the golden dragon Scarlett, looking for a chance to return to the battlefield from another place, hiding in the dark and using electronic warfare invasion to continue to fight The Uranus garrison suppresses technological power.

However, this mechanically civilized electronic warfare unit is not his subordinate after all. This time, in order to avoid the threat posed by the golden dragon Scarlet, after the emergency withdrawal, will it follow the instructions of Marshal Bahat and support it again? In fact, it is not easy to say.

At this point, Marshal Bahat obviously had prepared the worst in his heart.

At that time, nothing more than a mechanically civilized electronic warfare unit will never go back.

But from the current situation, the problem is not that big.

In just such a moment, Marshal Bahat had actually passed the whole situation several times in his mind.

Let me tell you, [\\mi\\mi\\read\\app\\\\] really good, it's worth installing, even Android and Apple phones support it!

Scarlett is indeed strong enough, but after all, it is just an individual combat power.

Although Colinken and Trager were unable to suppress each other with firepower, on the contrary, the other party also had nothing to do with Trager and Colinken!

From this point of view, there is actually no saying that either of them is more dominant.

It's equal to each other.

After skimming the top combat power of these two sides, look at the troops below. The advantage of their Imperial Army is just there, it is not too obvious.

Marshal Bahat really doesn't believe in this evil, can this be turned back on the other side? !

Just as Marshal Bahat was thinking about it, the situation on the battlefield has changed again.

On the side of the electronic warfare unit with mechanical civilization, the gradually opened space portals have appeared in their field of vision, and they can leave the battlefield smoothly.

The golden dragon Scarlet who fell behind suddenly shook his wings. In an instant, there were cracks in the void around him, and Scarlet's entire flight speed soared in an instant, catching up!

In the most direct way, tell them that he hadn't been serious before!

At that moment, the distance between the two of them was getting closer at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Inside the mechanical civilization electronic warfare unit, it is even more alarming.

However, these steel knots obviously won't panic.

The mastermind of the troops updated the intelligence in the first time and performed calculations.

According to their mastermind's calculation results, as long as they continue to maintain this speed, they can successfully withdraw into the space channel before the golden dragon Scarlet chases up.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Scarlet, who began to fly at a burst of speed, was in the process of getting closer to the mechanical civilization and electronic warfare troops, before he officially approached, he had already stepped toward the void in front of him and waved. A heavy punch!

In an instant, the void in front of you collapsed on the spot!

Moreover, the whole momentum has not stopped there, and the terrifying force that continues to spread from the heavy punch that Scarlet shook directly formed a chain reaction to the entire void.

The surrounding space is like pieces of fragile glass, shattering all the way.

Soon, a whole space in the area was shattered, and even the space portal opened by the mechanical civilization and electronic warfare troops was completely collapsed because of this massively shattered space!

At this moment, Scarlett's purpose is already self-evident.

He directly used the simplest and rude punch to break the retreat of the mechanical civilization electronic warfare unit.

At the same time, although mechanical civilization possesses powerful technological power and extremely skilled space technology, it can be called a dead zone general area after the space is broken.

As a B-class starship, it is mainly to collect information and assist the Imperial Army by the way. It is naturally unable to support the mechanical civilization electronic warfare unit for too long. Together with the starship, it will soon be affected. The shattered space was torn to pieces.

With the destruction of this fleet, their suppression of the technological force formed by the Uranus garrison has also been completely lifted.

Regarding this situation, whether it was Yuan Xi and the others, or Marshal Bahat, they were undoubtedly prepared well in advance.

Yuan Xi and the others, who seized the opportunity, immediately launched a wave of counterattacks with the long-abandoned technological weapons.

But it's a pity that the five magic fleets on the battlefield on the 1st side, hit this point, have already suffered heavy losses.

In addition, the imperial fleet had already received the reminder from Marshal Bahat in advance, so he was fully prepared.

Therefore, on the Uranus side, the magical fleet's counterattack did not achieve very good results.

At the same time, in the face of the golden dragon Scarat, who quickly returned after solving the mechanical civilization and electronic warfare units, Marshal Bahat naturally responded immediately.

The opponent directly smashes the space and launches an attack. Basically, it is equivalent to a large-scale powerful attack.

In the face of this method, when it is impossible to resist, the best and most practical method is often only one, and that is to evacuate the formation to minimize the number of Imperial warships in an area. Reduce the loss they need to bear.

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