After perceiving the mobilization of the imperial army on the void battlefield, Zhao Pan's heart sank.

With the intervention of the Goblin Wang Gaowen with the combined fleet of the Heavenly Dynasty, the battle on the Void Battlefield finally got a little better, but it couldn't be disturbed by the opponent.

At this moment, the golden dragon Scarlett is the only one who can turn the tide!

After receiving the news, Scarlett, who was rarely able to get back to business, behaved very cooperatively.

He saw his golden dragon wings shake, and without saying anything, it turned into a golden light and rushed out.

According to Scarlett's speed, it is easy to intercept and kill this imperial fleet.

At the moment of arriving on the battlefield, in the most powerful posture, a dozen or twenty imperial warships were crushed at once, and the opposite was told in the simplest, rude and practical way...

"Master is coming!"

Marshal Bahat received the news, his heart pumped.

But at the same time, Marshal Bahat's suspicion of the combined fleet of the Heavenly Dynasty became deeper.

But the specific situation, is it the same as he guessed...

Marshal Bahat needs more intelligence information to prove it.

After all, as the commander-in-chief of the imperial army, he can't really make judgments based on his intuition and some guesses that have no real evidence. This is not a good habit.

The reason why the opponent mobilized the golden dragon to intercept and kill may also be that it wanted to provide a more stable output environment for the fleet that was spending on the flanks.

Even this approach is completely reasonable, not necessarily as he thought.

At this point, Marshal Bahat's heart inevitably a little entanglement...

Splitting the forces at hand in half and fighting both sides at the same time, he would never do.

In this process of commanding operations, there must be a primary and secondary distinction.

Concentrate your forces, mainly attack one of the positions, and control the forces in the other positions.

And now, the question before Marshal Bahat is whether he wants to attack the main enemy force on the front battlefield first, or whether he wants to attack the main enemy force on the front battlefield first. This appeared on the flanking battlefield, which made him suspect that it might be a bit tricky enemy fleet. ...

From the point of view of importance, the main force on the front battlefield is undoubtedly the most important combat power of the opponent. As long as this combat strength is solved, the opponent will basically be powerless.

But on the other hand, the size of this main force is much larger than that of the flanking fleet. Even if it reaches its current level, it will take a lot of time to solve it completely.

Moreover, in this process, the flanking fleet will inevitably open fire madly under the cover of the golden dragon, which may cause them considerable losses.

In comparison, the fleet that appeared on the flanking battlefield was much smaller and easier to solve, even if the golden dragon got in the way, as long as he sent a large enough imperial fleet to overtake it, Can be done in a short time.

The disadvantage is that, compared with the main force to solve the problem, even if this flanking fleet is solved, for their Imperial Army, at best, it will expand some advantages, but it will not allow them to achieve the effect of a complete victory.

Even in this process, it is possible for the opponent's main force to seize the opportunity, get more adjustment time, and become more difficult, which may not be a good thing.

Both decisions have their own advantages and disadvantages, and it is difficult to tell how to do the right thing. This is the key to entanglement.

However, this process did not last long, and Marshal Bahat quickly made his decision.

Fight the flanking fleet first!

Compared with keeping the two sides fighting for a long time, Marshal Bahat finally made a judgment, thinking that the enemy fleet that appeared on the flanking battlefield should be resolved first, and then concentrated on the energy and strength of the enemy's main force on the front battlefield. Deciding the outcome, it would be more secure.

Following the decision made by Marshal Bahat, the Imperial Army quickly launched a large-scale mobilization.

Through the continuous feedback of information, Zhao Pan, who confirmed this situation, probably knew what Marshal Bahat thought.

This situation is undoubtedly something he doesn't want to see.

On the battlefield, with two forces, the maneuverable space can become larger.

Therefore, according to Zhao Pan's idea, he undoubtedly hopes to maintain the two forces of the frontal battlefield and the flanking battlefield at the same time, and launch a two-line combat mode.

Unfortunately, their main force is in poor condition.

Otherwise, in the face of the opponent's mobilization, the main force can fully exert force and put pressure on the main force opposite to achieve the effect of containment.

But now, it is completely impossible to do this...

"What's the situation now on the mecha unit?"

"Report to the Marshal, the first unit will finish rest in one minute, and the second unit will take 37 minutes at the earliest!"

"Thirty-seven minutes..."

In this galaxy-level war, it is not surprising that a round of offensive action lasts for days and nights, even ten days and a half months.

Because the battlefield is really too big, it would take a lot of time to dispense with individual units with particularly amazing high combat power, or high mobility units, or ordinary troops, to mobilize them at will.

Therefore, thirty-seven minutes is not long for this level of war, but it makes it difficult for Zhao Pan to be optimistic.

"Synchronize the interstellar coordinate information of the flanking battlefield to the main system of the mecha unit, so that the first unit can be dispatched urgently after the rest is completed!"

After an order was given, Zhao Pan sighed secretly in his heart...

"I only hope that Lord Scarlett and Lord Goblin King can support it."

At the same time, the first unit that received the order, in accordance with Zhao Pan's order, was dispatched urgently one minute later.

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At that moment, a large number of heavily armed mechas flew out of the prepared base in pieces.

As the ace pilot in the mecha unit, Xu Ji and his ace mecha are on the list!

"All Machine Federation!"

"The Federation of All Machines!!!"

The order was given, and the mechas that were dispatched urgently, under the control of the pilots, adjusted their angles one after another, and continued to converge over Uranus.

Year-round joint training has allowed the pilots to have a very high understanding of each other.

Accompanied by the sound of a series of mechanical components fitting together, the mighty mechas were completely connected into two huge rings in the shortest time.

"Everyone strikes out!!!"

In an instant, the output power of the propulsion device was fully turned on, directly forming a ring of bright light rotating at high speed, amid a series of sound explosions, breaking through the atmosphere of Uranus, and killing straight toward the coordinate position of the enemy fleet!

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