Among the ace pilots, Xu Ji, a goblin pilot, has top-notch mecha driving skills.

Therefore, his exclusive ace mecha focuses on mobility and flexibility.

Coupled with Xu Ji's superb operating skills, his ace mecha can almost allow him to reach a high-speed shuttle through the enemy fleet's position, like entering an unmanned state.

At the same time, this firepower, although not comparable to those serious rear output mechas, is enough to destroy the turrets of enemy warships.

In just such a short time, there were already several imperial warships, and he forcibly destroyed the naval guns, depriving them of firepower output.

And Xu Ji's performance naturally attracted Colincoln's attention.

Colinken, who had just disconnected from the top magical light brain ‘Apollo’ and exchanged for the ordinary magic light brain, did not rush to take action.

From using'Apollo' to the present, the burden brought by'Apollo' to him is still quite large. Although it will not make him lose the ability to fight directly, at this time, Colincoln still needs some time for the time being. Make some self-adjustment.

At the same time, because Trager could no longer use the space technique to assist him, as a sniper, Colinken undoubtedly had to make certain adjustments to his sniper position. It was impossible to squat like before. In a place, you don't need to move, you can directly hit the audience.

During this process, Colincoln's muzzle and sight did not keep chasing Xu Ji's mecha.

The muzzle is only roughly locked in one position, and the line of sight is basically to confirm the target position with the corner of the eye.

This is a habit of him.

Because when facing some top powerhouses, the moment your gunpoint is pointed at the opponent, or the moment your line of sight falls on the opponent, the opponent will notice.

Although the mecha probably didn't have this ability, the habitual movement of Colincoln had already penetrated into his bones long ago, and he couldn't change it. At the same time, he had no intention of changing it.

Almost at the same time that Colincoln was looking for a new sniper position, his self-adjustment was almost done.

At that moment, he saw his muzzle move, and almost immediately when the muzzle was aligned, he directly pulled the trigger.

The magic missile that came out of the chamber quickly flew to Xu Ji's mech in the distance under the strengthening blessing of magical technique.

Just like every magic pilot has his own magic spell, Colincoln is very proficient in the various branch spells of the flame spell. The blessing of the high temperature spell makes his magic missile possessed. The extremely strong high temperature penetration ability, supplemented by the burst technique, as long as he hits, he is confident that he can completely smash the mech with a single shot!

However, he obviously underestimated Xu Ji's ability and the performance of this ace mecha.

Without the support of Trager's space technique, although Colincoln's sniper strength is still very strong, he can no longer be as illusory as before, and it is impossible to defend against.

Under this premise, it is bound to become traceable.

As one of the crystallization of science and technology developed by their Ten Thousand Realms civilization over so many years, the defensive system of this ace mecha is not vegetarian, and the attack was almost immediately noticed.

At the same time, Xu Ji also showed his top reaction speed and operational ability as an ace pilot.

With the simultaneous powerful injection of multiple small propulsion devices on the ace mecha, directly controlling my ace mecha to make an extremely fast side-shifting and avoiding action!

At that moment, Colincoln's sniper shot out.

This situation made Colincoln's brows slightly raised. It seemed that the swift evasion that the Ace Mecha had just demonstrated was somewhat beyond his expectation.

After all, when the mecha troops intervened on the battlefield, neither he nor the Trager were on the front line.

Although when the support came just now, through communication techniques, Marshal Bahat also provided them with some intelligence information about the mecha units.

However, in an emergency like this, the information conveyed through simple words is not as profound as what I have seen with my own eyes.

This is undoubtedly the situation at this time for Colincoln.


With a shot, Colincoln couldn't help but hang an angry smile on his face.

In normal times, as the top sniper of the Imperial Army, Colincoln naturally wouldn't get annoyed just because he shot it empty.

Even if I really want to say, this encounters the opposing strong, unless the difference between the strengths of the two sides is too large, or you have seized an excellent opportunity to shoot, otherwise, it is actually very difficult to kill the target with one shot. One thing.

But the problem is that in the previous battle, he was molested by Scarlett back and forth for a long time, and he was full of aggrieved stomach and nowhere to vent!

Turning to the fire now, it also means to vent his emotions a little bit.

As a result, the shot was empty, and his emotions did not vent, but it made his breath even more uncomfortable.

At this moment, Colincoln's mentality can only be a ghost.

At this moment, he was completely in a position to follow Xu Ji.

With a look of unbelief in evil, he launched a series of deadly attacks on Xu Ji.

Fortunately, Xu Ji was the one who suffered continuous sniping by Colinken in this wave.

Switching to other ace pilots, even if the mecha's defense system can capture Colincoln's attacks, they may not be able to completely avoid such high-frequency continuous attacks. UU Reading

As for a sniper at the level of Colinkin, once he was shot, he would inevitably be dragged into a death chain, almost certainly dead.

But Xu Ji is different. As mentioned earlier, his reflexes and driving skills are among the top ace pilots.

Therefore, in order to cooperate with Xu Ji's advantage, his ace mecha operating system is more sensitive than other ace mechas.

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Let other ace pilots operate Xu Ji’s ace mecha. They may feel that they are too agile, and they can’t do it properly, but Xu Ji is completely able to control it.

As long as he enters the state, he can control his ace mecha and make many extreme operations that other pilots seem to be incredible! This is where he is strongest!

Just like now!

Inside the Ace Mecha, the composite power system consisting of the solar furnace and the magic power furnace has already reached its limit.

Among the propulsion devices everywhere in the body, high-concentration energy particles continued to erupt. Under Xu Ji's extreme operation, the Ace Mecha made continuous small-scale evasion movements. While avoiding Colincoln’s continuous sniping, he quickly avoided Behind an imperial battleship.


Still maintaining a sniper posture, looking at the imperial battleship in the way, the expression on Colincoln's face showed a slight uncomfortable expression.

Although Trager, who was standing by, didn't know what was going on, looking at Colincoln's reaction, he could almost guess it.

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