Although the mecha units of Ten Thousand Worlds of Civilization occupies a great advantage in terms of strength, the imperial army’s magic pilot units also have considerable advantages in terms of strength.

The arrival of the mecha units did not make the magic pilot unit immediately turn around and retreat.

Their imperial army has always used ‘iron and blood’ means to govern the army, and the military laws are so strict that it can even be said to be so unkind.

The concealment ability of the magical transport fleet of Ten Thousand Civilizations is indeed strong. Environmental mimicry, coupled with the means of shielding their detection ability, is not easy to catch them in this huge star field.

Therefore, at the time of this operation, Marshal Bahat had undoubtedly given a deadly order, at all costs, to destroy the opposing supply fleet!

The magic pilots who received the order are basically prepared to fight to the death.

Are they not afraid?

Of course they are afraid! Even regular soldiers who have received strict training cannot be fearless of death in the true sense.

However, they have no choice.

Because if they escape, they will also be a dead end, so it's better to take a fight and see if they can give themselves a future and a feat!

If this is lucky, in the second half of their lives, they may be transferred to the rear and live a life of worry-free food and clothing.

Relying on its hard power, the mech forces eventually defeated the encirclement and suppression of the magic pilots, and successfully broke the encirclement with the magic transport fleet.

But the magical pilots' intrepid play style also brought a lot of trouble to the mecha troops, and at the same time increased the loss of the magical transport fleet.

And after this hidden hiding place was discovered, under the **** of the mecha troops, temporarily separated from the Imperial Army’s planetary base, the magical transport fleet was urgently transferred. In the next operation, the entire situation was lost. It's a straight decline.

The fundamental reason is that the Imperial Army, which has completed the carpet search, has become more and more powerful in its control of this star field.

Under this premise, even if the Imperial Army cannot directly lock your position, it can also use the control of this star field, combined with intelligence information, and take the elimination method to greatly reduce the range of the star field where the magical transport fleet may hide, equivalent to So the efficiency of the search was improved in disguise.

Maintaining such a search state, under the command of Marshal Bahat, the Imperial Army finally felt that it was getting better.

In the end, the mecha units even began to leave a portion of their forces to ensure the safety of the magical transport fleet at any time.

However, even so, it cannot change the whole situation.

For this reason, the mecha troops can only ask for help from Zhao Pan in the rear.

To solve this problem, so that the mecha troops can continue to harass the empire's frontline planetary bases, there is basically only one way, and that is to increase the force and fleet.

No matter how much the magic transport fleet loses under the siege of the magic pilots, as long as Zhao Pan can constantly replenish the magic transport fleet with warships to maintain support for the mecha units, then the mecha forces Can continue to perform the task.

However, the shortcomings of this approach are also obvious, that is, the loss of the magic transport ship and some resources and equipment will increase substantially.

In the end, to put it bluntly, it is to fight the imperial army.

But to be honest, Ivan Rast, the magical civilization, is an over-spec boss who has developed for many years.

Even if Luo Ji at this stage wants to fight the other party's knowledge, it is purely thinking too much.

Not to mention that they just paid a heavy loss because of the previous Uranus war.

However, in the current situation, even if it is to gain enough time for their plan to be implemented smoothly, Zhao Pan has to fight the opponent strategically with this civilization.

In the next period of time, Zhao Pan's approach can be summarized in a simple way with the five words of "money for time".

Because of the nature of his series of operations, that's it.

And Zhao Pan's approach is undoubtedly worse for the civilization of the Ten Thousand Realms, which had suffered heavy losses due to the Uranus War.

Outside the Hall of Discussion, the old minister of the Ministry of Finance is there every day pulling his broken gongs, waving the hanging rope in his hands, and shouting to find Luo Ji's remonstrance, this day can't be passed!

In response, Luo Ji immediately ran back to the Anglican Cathedral to take refuge.

At the same time, Ye Qingxuan came with him this time.

On the one hand, the movement of the old minister this time is really a bit big. As the real controller of the economy and finance of their civilization, Ye Qingxuan is also a little uneasy. On the other hand, it is mainly because her baby daughter An Lijie has returned. .

Because she wanted to stay with her baby girl a little longer, Ye Qingxuan temporarily moved to the Anglican Cathedral with Luo Ji.

And if there is something going on in Tiangong during this period, it's easy to go back, just step on the teleportation array.

Regardless of cost and consumption, today’s civilization of the world moves very fast within the planet.

Let alone go from the National Church to the Temple of Heaven, UU Reading www.uukanshu. Even if com is from the East Continent to the West Continent, it is a matter of stepping on the teleportation array.

During this period of time, Luo Ji could avoid the old minister of the Ministry of Finance.

As for the Forbidden Army around Uejeongjeon...

They are not surprised.

And Luo Ji also specifically told them, ‘as long as the old minister of the Ministry of Finance does not do anything frantic, you can just follow him. ’

After all, the position of the Ministry of Finance is indeed not easy to sit, especially when it comes to war, it is all humble to say that it is burning money.

The old minister of the Ministry of Finance who is under such a lot of pressure, you always have to give people some opportunities to let them vent the pressure in their hearts and ease their emotions.

If you keep holding back, what if the old minister is under too much pressure by that time, and he suffocates the situation?

This is also the main reason why Luo Ji behaves so "counseling" when facing the turbulent old Minister of Finance.

In the next period of time, all the military factories in the rear planets are all producing or repairing weapons and equipment for the frontline army, only to be able to restore the frontline army's combat power at the fastest speed.

In this process, Zhao Pan naturally continued to implement his plan to burn money, by smashing the magic transport ship, supporting the mecha troops to continuously attack the frontline planets of the Imperial Army.

During this period, the troops will inevitably be unable to support them and retreat on a large scale.

In this regard, Zhao Pan was not surprised, and let them continue to attack after the rest!

But even so, there are limits to this style of play...

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