The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3633: , Reciprocal wings

Accompanied by Ivan Rast's obviously impatient voice, Bahart and Vlad, the two imperial marshals, walked outside the palace in dislike each other.

At the same time, after walking far away, I didn’t forget to say a few words to each other. During that battle, the guards around the palace were silent, all eyes were not squinted, their faces were stubborn, and they didn’t hear it, let alone dared to approach them. .

During this period, Ivan Last, who could still hear some movement from far away, couldn't help but rubbed his brows.

Bahat and Vlad, the two imperial marshals, were merged into the wings of the empire.

This is undoubtedly a great honor.

But now it seems that the relationship between the pair of wings and each other is obviously not very good. Depending on the battle at the time, if it hadn’t been for Ivan Last to stop in time, the two guys Bahat and Vlad , Maybe you have to fight directly in the palace.

Don't think it's incredible, this kind of thing has happened before.

After all, this is a member of the military, who hasn't gotten a little violent temper?

Not to mention the words of Marshal Bahat at the time, which directly pierced Vlad's pain.

What he said at the time was referring to the all-out war between their magical civilization and mechanical civilization.

In that battle, their two super-standard civilizations entered a state of full-scale war after the initial probing stage.

As the two marshals under Ivan Last, Marshal Bahat and Marshal Vlad also followed the orders, each led a large army, and commanded operations on two different battlefields.

Under this premise, Marshal Vlad's command style is more bold, willing to take risks, and likes to defeat opponents with more powerful play.

But it was precisely because of this command style that he paid a painful price for being surrounded by an army of mechanical civilization because of a misjudgment in the previous all-out war.

At the same time, it is precisely because of this that, when deciding who would be the commander-in-chief of the expeditionary army in this great war, compared to Vlad, Ivan Rast chose Marshal Bahat with a more cautious and steady command style. As the commander-in-chief.

Marshal Bahart used this to talk about it at this time, wasn't he just sprinkling salt on Vlad's wound?

Thinking of this, Ivan Last sighed again.

However, at the same time, the two who walked out of the palace did not directly part ways.

In accordance with the wishes of their emperor, Marshal Bahat had to complete the handover of work with Vlad before returning to reflect.

To put it bluntly, it means to tell the other party all the information, and even the experience he has accumulated in fighting against the other party.

The amount of information in this is extremely huge, and obviously it can't be done in a moment.

For this reason, even though both of them are full of irritation, they can’t wait to put their fists on each other’s faces, but they must also accept the reality that they still have to stay together for a long time to come. .

As for the place...

They directly used the conference room of the Ministry of National Defense in the capital.

Two empire marshals are standing here. Isn't it easy to use a conference room?

After entering, people made a pot of coffee and then everyone exited. The guards at the door of the meeting room were also directly replaced by soldiers of the two marshals.

At that moment, after the door was closed, the atmosphere in the conference room suddenly changed slightly.

Marshal Vlad poured himself a cup of coffee with a calm expression, then pulled a chair away and sat there with Erlang's legs upright.

"Let's talk about it, what is the situation that made you capsize in the gutter?"

At this moment, the atmosphere that seemed to be fighting in the next second had disappeared invisibly.

For Marshal Vlad's posture, Marshal Bahat was not surprised.

He also poured himself a cup of coffee, and after sitting down, he talked about the battle on the front line unhurriedly.

Obviously, there is definitely something tricky between these two people.

Their relationship may not be as good, but it is definitely not as bad as it was shown before.

The reason for this is actually not complicated.

As the two powerful marshals in their empire, the combined forces of the two men accounted for almost 70% of the entire empire. It is estimated that there will not be any ruler. He would hope that the relationship between them is too great. it is good.

Ivan Last is no exception.

Although he can see loyalty, there are so many things that this huge military power can affect. It doesn't mean that you can feel at ease just by checking loyalty.

Moreover, that loyalty is not particularly reassuring...

The loyalty of Marshal Bahat and Marshal Vlad was eighty-nine points.

Luo Ji, who was able to mass produce great loyal ministers with a loyalty of more than ninety points, was a special case.

Without Luo Ji's talent and civilization projects, the situation on Ivan Last's side would be the most normal situation.

Generally speaking, with a loyalty of more than 80 points, he is a loyal minister.

Loyal ministers like Marshal Bahat and Marshal Vlad with eighty-nine points of loyalty have actually reached the point where they can sacrifice for the empire at any time.

As for, I want to brush my loyalty above ninety points...

That is actually a very difficult thing. U U reading www.uukanshu. com

This also makes the two loyalties, there is an essential difference.

Above ninety o'clock, that is a diehard! Simply put, after the loyalty reaches this point, even if the ruler is holding a sword and wants to stab the opponent to death, the opponent will basically not resist.

But the loyal ministers whose loyalty is only above 80 points before ninety points are different.

The loyalty of this type of loyal minister to the ruler is very stable under normal circumstances, unless you do something particularly excessive, and this ‘particularly excessive’ degree will be affected by the character of that person to some extent.

Wanting to kill them must be included. If Ivan Last did something like this, the loyalty would definitely drop in minutes.

Like this, under the circumstance that loyalty may decline, if the relationship between these two heavily armed marshals is too good, how can Ivan Raster really feel at ease?

On the contrary, they disliked each other, had a bad relationship, and fought several times. Although this situation made Ivan Last feel big, but in his bones, he was so relieved.

From this point of view, Marshal Bahat and Marshal Vlad performed a good show.

Even to say it, their bad relationship is not all false.

In the beginning, they might really just act together.

But there are too many mutual scars, do you say there is no fire in their stomachs? That must be fake.

For example, when Marshal Bahart sprinkled salt on the wound, Marshal Vlad really started to ignite.

At that time, if Ivan Rast did not stop, he obviously didn't mind having a fight with Marshal Bahat!

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