The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3640: , Really busy

Hill and Dominic Adolf, both of whom were considered veterans under Luo Ji's command.

Among them, Hill's qualifications are undoubtedly much deeper than that of Dominique Adolf, and he is also a famous player of their ten thousand world civilization for many years.

In addition, they are also the most famous and capable female generals of their ten thousand civilizations. Therefore, they have countless fans in the military and civilians.

From this point of view, when the Rear Staff Headquarters issued a transfer order for him and Hill to lead the army together, Donimic Adolf naturally had no dissatisfaction in his heart.

However, after so many years, due to the fact that the areas he and Hill are responsible for are not in the same area, the two have basically no intersection on weekdays, let alone familiar.

The limited number of meetings was all at the military reception in the capital of the main planet. As for the exchanges between each other, that was undoubtedly even less.

Therefore, Dominic Adolf really didn't know what Hill was capable of, which made him be more cautious throughout the whole state from the day of the expedition.

His Majesty the Emperor and the Chief of General Staff asked them to lead the army at the same time. Dominique Adolf basically understands the intentions and can also understand it. If possible, he certainly hopes to fight this Hill in the next battle. The marshal cooperated tacitly.

With such thoughts in mind, Dominique Adolf's first thought was to invite the marshal to hold a small meeting before setting off to discuss the next arrangements and at least exchange the general guidelines for each other.

After struggling for a while, just when Dominique Adolf was about to send a personal soldier to convey his intentions, Marshal Hill's personal soldiers had already approached the door first and asked him to have a small meeting...

At that time, Dominique Adolf was stunned for a moment, but he didn't think much about it. After all, this could only be regarded as normal operation.

The small meeting went very smoothly, and there was basically nothing that could not be reached.

After the small meeting, Dominique Adolf's impression of Hill was that in addition to the four words "Beauty of the Iceberg", there were four more words, that is, "Critically determined."

As soon as the others arrived, Hill asked the soldiers to pour him a cup of tea and cut directly to the subject.

Although they just confirm the general policy before leaving, it shouldn’t be too time-consuming in theory, but sometimes, in case the two sides cannot reach a consensus when discussing the opinions of both parties, then this will be justified Some opened.

At that time, his and Hill's ideas and policies were not the same.

At that moment, Dominic Adolf's head had already started to grow, because he felt that this short meeting might not be finished.

However, he did not intend to give in.

This military event is directly related to the lives of thousands of soldiers and soldiers, and even more importantly, it is also related to the survival of their civilization of the world. In this matter, how can he let it go?

With such thoughts in mind, just when Dominique Adolf was about to go out and argue with Hill, he did not expect that after listening to his ideas and policies, Hill directly began to ask him on the spot for specific ideas.

Although, what we are discussing now is just a rough guideline.

However, generals like them have detailed plans in their minds. Although it is a bit troublesome and time-consuming to say, but if you really want to say it, you can definitely tell.

Faced with Hill's question at this time, Dominic Adolf, after hesitating for a while, simply talked about his plan, hoping to have some effect.

Unexpectedly, Hill listened to his planning policy, and after a little pondering, he directly adjusted his planning policy and his own planning policy.

Of course, if only this is the case, Dominic Adolf will only feel that Hill is domineering and lacks basic respect for him and his plan.

But what Dominic Adolf never expected was that facing Hill's adjusted plan, he thought about it several times, but he couldn't tell a bad one.

This shocked Dominique Adolf at the time.

The two people's plan for the next battle is very complicated. They want to integrate their own and the other's plans in a short time, and adjust and optimize them. Really do it, the workload It's definitely a small deal.

And after listening, make adjustments immediately, which is even more exaggerated.

This requires a strong enough memory to remember all his plans and guidelines clearly, and that is of course needless to say.

In addition, it also needs super strong thinking and logic ability and information processing ability, coupled with sufficient experience in commanding troops, to be possible.

Realizing this, Dominic Adolf thought about it a little bit in his heart, if he replaced him, could he make temporary adjustments to the plan and policy within such a short period of time and achieve this.

The answer is difficult!

Under this premise, UU Reading Hill did it. In a relatively short period of time, Hill completely adjusted their plans and guidelines and made him unable to fault... …

If you say, at the beginning, Dominic Adolf felt that Hill’s character and some of his approach to doing things were a bit lacking in courtesy, and at the same time he had some criticisms about it.

So, at this moment, he suddenly understood Hill a little bit.

From the bottom of his bones, Hill does not care much about the issue of etiquette. After all, the emperor of their ten thousand civilizations doesn't care much about this, let alone the people below. With this as a premise, she is very efficient. people.

From the moment Dominic Adolf walked into the conference room, the dominance of the entire small meeting has been in Hill's hands.

Hill understood the situation as quickly as possible, and then made reasonable adjustments to the planning guidelines of both parties as quickly as possible, and finally adjusted a plan that Dominique Adolf could not fault and could not refuse. Come and end this small meeting with the highest efficiency!

This is Hill's usual style.

She was able to do this because of Hill's very special situation.

As Luo Ji's army commander, she is also a first-class consul!

In this weekday, it is necessary to handle both the daily government affairs and construction and development work in the governing area, as well as the military affairs of the military.

There are more things that need to be dealt with every day than any general. Although the content of Dominique Adolf's plan is quite large, for Hill, it is a piece of cake.

At the same time, her pursuit of efficiency and resolute style was also derived from this.

Because she is really busy! ! !

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