During the front-line meeting, Hill's plan quickly received unanimous approval from everyone.

Dominic Adolf’s words are in fact completely at point.

But even so, they have to do their best.

The order was issued and the plan was soon implemented.

While the ancient tree of the star core changed its moving route, the marching speed of the expeditionary army was finally completely liberated at this moment. The efficiency of the entire march was doubled, and it went straight to the border of Ivan Rast’s magical civilization. Press it out!

And as Dominic Adolf said, the movement here is really too big.

Whether it is the main force of the civilization of the world or the ancient star core tree, these are all real big guys. Once they act, it is almost impossible to hide the movement.

But it must be said that the move of the ancient star core tree to change its movement route actually caused some trouble to the Imperial Army under Marshal Vlad.

Adjusting the attack angle of the meteor cannon is not a hassle in itself, but the problem is that while adjusting, you have to pay attention to avoiding the attack trajectory of the meteor cannon and nothing else...

It doesn't matter if you hit the enemy's troops, but if you are not careful, if you accidentally injure your own people, or affect your own military installations, or even the planet, it won't be good.

Originally, the ancient tree of the star core directly took the shortest route and killed it straight from the front. There must be no possibility of accidental injury.

But things are different now!

Unlike the Ten Thousand Realms Civilization, which has developed quite well in science and technology, the Magic Civilization itself has many things similar to black technology, but in essence, they are obviously not an authentic technology-side civilization.

Therefore, the magical civilization is actually no better than the civilization of ten thousand realms in terms of scientific and technological capabilities.

And they are even less likely to have a product of the black technology level like the Void Great Wall.

In today's magical civilization, the frontier defense is still based on the planetary defense.

Therefore, there are often multiple planets on a border defense line.

These planets are obviously impossible to line up neatly.

Now that the moving position of the ancient star core tree has changed, Marshal Vlad suddenly felt uncomfortable after the follow-up intelligence feedback came back.

According to the latest confirmed information, following the current movement position of the super huge tree-shaped creature, if they fired on the current planet, they would spread to the two planets of their empire along the way.

The main body of one of the planets will be hit by the meteor cannon directly. As for the other planet, although it will not be hit, from the point of view of the position, the meteor cannon will almost pass by that planet.

While the meteorite gun is attacking, the power spread from the projectile can crush the space. A planet is scraped up like this, even if the main body of the planet is fine, but the cities and land in the planet are It's almost impossible...

If possible, Marshal Vlad really wanted to fire directly.

However, that super huge tree-shaped creature has not yet entered the range of the meteor cannon!

This is obviously not good luck.

The imperial army used the meteor cannon three times before. After the war, the army of the world civilizations used these three meteor cannons to estimate and analyze the range of the meteor cannon.

For this wave, Hill undoubtedly took this range into consideration and made deployments in advance.

However, this is not to say that the Meteor Cannon of the Imperial Army cannot be used.

As I said before, Hill's move only caused them some trouble.

As for the solution, it is not complicated, that is, transport the meteor cannon to another suitable planet and launch it.

And in this process, the expeditionary force of the civilization of the ten thousand realms that is advancing at full speed has undoubtedly completed the suppression of the realm first.

At that moment, the war broke out instantly!

Excluding the fact that the imperial army has been replaced by a commander in chief, the forces of the Ten Thousand World Civilization and the Magic Civilization can be regarded as old opponents for the time being.

Now that the battle started, the situation intensified instantly.

Marshal Vlad’s command may not be as rigorous as Marshal Bahart, but his strong offensive intention is to make him command the frontier army of the empire, with an aura of breaking the Ten Guilds. !

Directly attacked with absolute strength in one breath, and combined with their imperial army's home field advantage, and expedition to one side of the army, even if Hill and the others discovered the weakness of the opponent, they were a little weak to launch a counterattack due to the suppression of the opposing forces.

The book booth that book friends used before has gone down, and now they are basically using \Mi\Mi\Reading\app\\.

After understanding this situation, Luo Ji naturally did not dare to have reservations on the opposing home court.

The colossus of the King of Conqueror riding on the throne of heaven quickly intervened in the battlefield from behind.

At that moment, the gain BUFF of the Conquering King Colossus increased the combat effectiveness of their Ten Thousand World Civilization Magic Fleet to a level, to a certain extent, narrowing the gap between their strengths. UU看书www.uukanshu.com But obviously it is far from reaching the point where they can reverse the situation.

Luo Ji, who had already understood Hill's plan, knew in his heart that they couldn't just retreat in this wave.

Even after digging out and pressing the bottom of the box, even the underwear is turned upside down, they will also withstand it until the ancient star core tree officially presses on it!

Because this may be their only chance for the civilization of the world to defeat the magical civilization of Ivan Last.

For this reason, Luo Ji will do whatever it takes!

Seeing the opportunity, Luo Ji cooperated with Hill's command and mobilized to directly perform the Holy Word technique with An Lijie to control the field on a large scale.

At the same time, with Mia and Iverson at the head of the Royal Mage Group, they also joined forces to cast high-level spells at the fastest speed. Together with the high-level spell scroll in their hands, they launched a burst of output to a place on the border of the Imperial Army. The planetary line of defense launched a wave of indiscriminate bombing.

Although the continuous combat capability of the mage troops has been criticized, it must be said that their explosive power is definitely enough!

With the combination of Luo Ji and An Lijie's Holy Words, they directly opened a gap in the imperial army's planetary defense line.

Seeing the opportunity, the planet landing forces that were already ready to go, aside from saying anything, rushed up in one breath, trying to break through the planet's atmosphere and kill the planet.

Obviously, this wave of cooperation, their purpose, in addition to wanting to suppress the forces of the Imperial Army outside the planet, there is a more important purpose, is to let the planet landing troops create opportunities to rush into the enemy planet.

As long as they can dispose of the command base on the opposite planet, they can complete a wave of salary draws.

Even if the border garrison of this magical civilization is not completely defeated, it can definitely suppress the garrison in this planet area!

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