The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3670: , The trouble

Before the official launch of the Trident fleet, Hill and Dominique Adolf had predicted in advance what the Trident fleet might encounter.

And the current situation is undoubtedly in the prediction of the two.

Therefore, the two did not show much surprise.

"The enemy's background is deeper than we predicted."

In the front-line tactical conference room, Dominic Adolf, who confirmed the intelligence, had a rather headache.

Hill, who was sitting on the other side, nodded slightly, his face full of contemplation.

As a fleet used to carry out attacks and path-finding missions, the size of the Trident fleet is definitely large enough. After all, the Trident fleet is one of the main fleets of their civilizations! Under normal circumstances, a small fleet is sent to perform this task. Who will send the main fleet?

But Hill and Dominique Adolf did this, and there is naturally their purpose.

One of the purposes is for the mission to proceed smoothly.

On the enemy’s turf, the enemy’s control over this area is absolutely greater than theirs. Small fleets enter, even with the golden dragon Scarlet, I’m afraid it will be difficult to avoid being destroyed by the enemy fleet. End.

In order to avoid this, the dispatched fleet needs sufficient scale and combat effectiveness to ensure the smooth implementation of the mission.

At the time, there were only a few fleets that they could mobilize. Among them, the one that was good at performing this type of task was Zhao Yi's Raging Waves fleet, except for Dak Bem's Trident fleet.

However, Zhao Yi’s Raging Wave fleet lost a lot in the previous border battles. In comparison, Dak Bem’s Trident fleet is much better, so the Trident fleet became Hill and Dominic. · The most suitable choice in Adolf's eyes.

After confirming this, Hill and Dominique Adolf came up with a second goal based on this deployment.

That is to test the imperial army, want to see how much combat power the imperial army has after the battle on the border.

The existence of the golden dragon Scarlett predestined that the opponent would send a force far beyond their Trident fleet before they could repel them.

And now, the other party did it.

In such an emergency situation, with the emergency mobilization of troops, this can be achieved. The actual strength of the opponent at this stage is very strong, Hill and Dominic Adolf are completely foreseeable.

Compared with their Ten Thousand Realms civilization, what the opponents are worse now may really be the top combat power.

The opponent currently does not have enough top-level combat power to contain their top-level combat power. This has caused the powerful Imperial Army to fall into a huge passive state.

Next, the question of whether the mechanical civilization will send troops to support the magical civilization will not be said.

Even when the mechanical civilization of Caesar Trunk did not send troops to support them, in the face of today's magical civilization, they actually did not have the strength to fight casually.

Because from the perspective of military strength, they still have obvious disadvantages. If they do not manage well, even if they can win in the end, their army of civilizations will also pay a painful price in military strength.

And now in this battlefield, there are not only the two forces of their ten thousand world civilization and the opposite magical civilization.

At the same time, this battle will not end just because they both fight.

If in the process of defeating the magical civilization, they paid too heavy a price, then the situation of their ten thousand world civilization will probably not be too good.

Therefore, even for this consideration, what Hill and Dominic Adolf will do next is not as simple as winning the army of magical civilization.

It is to control one's own casualties to a minimum while winning the opponent!

Of course, before that, Hill and Dominique Adolf need to solve this problem first.

That is, in the face of such a large-scale imperial army, how can they successfully complete the path-finding mission?

You can't just dispatch the army without knowing where the destination is?

If you are not careful like that, you will be exploited by the Imperial Army.

Now their expeditionary army of ten thousand realms civilization is occupying an advantage, but because of this kind of thing, they can't give up the advantage that they have so hard to occupy.

As for the operation, simply not sending a fleet and let Scarlett operate alone...

At first glance, this idea seems to be no problem, but that's because you don't understand the mechanics of Star Fleet movement.

Indeed, the enemy's imperial army basically had nothing to do with the golden dragon Scarlet.

But the problem now is that even if Scarlet discovers the planet of the magic civilization, there is no way for them to lock the interstellar coordinate position of that planet with the magic fleet of the world civilization.

In space, there is no clear sense of direction, so if a large-scale army wants to reach a place, it must first lock all the interstellar coordinates of that location to establish a sense of direction.

At the same time, the same is true for short-distance movement. It also needs to lock the interstellar coordinates. It is not like driving a car, when the steering wheel is hit and the accelerator is stepped on, it is not like that.

Take the Trident fleet as an example. After the fleet is dispatched, without a clear long-distance interstellar coordinate, the magic warship as the main flagship will directly lock its fleet to detect. Within the range, the farthest interstellar coordinate is then synchronized to the entire fleet, locking the interstellar coordinate to move.

When the interstellar coordinate is about to be reached, or when the direction of movement needs to be changed halfway, the main flagship will lock a new interstellar coordinate and synchronize it to the entire fleet to complete the change of the entire fleet.

To confirm the interstellar coordinates, you need the corresponding equipment. Scarlett does not have these equipment. At the same time, even if you give him a complete set, how to operate it is also a matter of ensuring that the equipment will not be damaged in battle. problem.

Of course, they can also try to use this stupid way of letting Scarlett lead the way, and then the big troops follow.

But to be honest, this stupid method may not have much practical value in this level of battle.

Let's not talk about the problem of reduced mobility. During this process, if the enemy army takes the initiative to intercept and kill them, facing the pressure, they will definitely not be able to continue to move smoothly with Scarlet.

At that time, under the enemy's attack, their tens of thousands of civilizations will suddenly lose their sense of direction during the march, and the situation will be even more chaotic when the two sides fight.

As for operations such as raiding the enemy planet and launching a landing battle, basically there is no way to proceed smoothly, because the fleet does not know the interstellar coordinates.

In the end, he fell into a state where he had to fight to the end with the imperial army and defeat the enemy army in order to reach the enemy planet smoothly.

This is equivalent to handing over the dominant power to the army of civilizations in the Ten Thousand Worlds, which has already occupied the advantage and dominance, and fell into a passive position.

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