As a planet in their empire, they knew the state of that planet too well.

The Meteor Cannon is absolutely impossible to miss!

Once it's over, hit the star core!

At the moment of destroying the core of the planet, the destructive power of the meteor cannon and the powerful energy generated by the burst of the star's core formed a terrifying energy response.

Under the frenzied squeezing of the two energies, a black spot quickly formed in the bursting star core.

After several twists, the fragments of the planet that had been shattered and splashed due to the impact of energy seemed to have been pulled by some amazing gravitational force, and they actually gathered towards the black spot in the center.

In a blink of an eye, the black hole was completely formed, and it began to swallow energy and planet fragments at an astonishing speed, and it expanded frantically!

At this moment, Marshal Vlad's purpose was already clear.

This planet, from the beginning, was a game set by Marshal Vlad.

Early in the process of dealing with Scarlett, he consciously attracted Scarlett to this planet and let him discover the existence of this planet.

After this, in order to prevent Scarlett and Rayong from being aware of the abnormality, Marshal Vlad had to send enough troops.

At the same time, there is no way to withdraw this force sent out early.

Because once this force made an early retreat, Scarlett and Rayong realized something was wrong and discovered the existence of the meteor cannon. According to Scarlett and Rayong's speed, the withdrawal would only be worse than those of the magic pilots. fast.

In this way, his plan has become a joke. Once the meteor cannon is fired, no results have been obtained, and it is useless to enter a planet.

In this way, if the plan is to be implemented smoothly, the sacrifice of these two hundred thousand magic pilots has become a certainty.

As long as Scarlett and Rayong didn't notice anything unusual in the process, it would not be so easy for them to leave after the meteor cannon was launched and approached a certain point.

The black hole that Trager had opened before had successfully swallowed the golden dragon.

And the meteorite cannon exploded with the star core to produce an energy reaction, and the black hole formed would only be more amazing than the small black hole opened by Lager.

So far, the whole situation is exactly as Marshal Vlad predicted.

Their imperial army has no retreat.

Regardless of whether the black hole can kill the opponent, at the same time, can the opponent be resurrected later.

At this stage, if their imperial army wants to reverse the situation, they must temporarily retreat the two top combat forces of the enemy.

For this reason, even if the lives of two hundred thousand magic pilots were sacrificed, Marshal Vlad would not hesitate!

The movement of the planet's explosion is not trivial. Even Luo Ji, Hill and others who are on this side of the battlefield have seen the amazing light and shadow formed by the planet's explosion from a very distant distance!

At that moment, Luo Ji, Hill and others, who had guessed more or less what had happened, had a gloomy expression on their faces.

As the culprit who planned all of this, Marshal Vlade's whole person at this time was also completely tense, and his clenched hands made it clear that he was not at peace at the moment.

The violent energy response produced by the planet's big bang disrupted the entire surrounding star field, making them temporarily unable to observe the state of that star field in detail, and could only barely see a rough picture from a distance.

Therefore, before the results came out, all Marshal Vlad could do was pray.

Even though he never liked to do such bad things!

At this moment, dozens of light years away, the black hole formed by the planet's big bang can be said to affect the hearts of countless people on the battlefield.

Under the distortion of the black hole, while swallowing all the pieces of the planet, the size of the entire black hole has already expanded to an astonishing level.

Even the asteroids originally distributed around this planet have received the suction of the black hole, and they have begun to be continuously dragged over.

And it is such a terrifying super black hole. On its edge, a golden figure is resisting the suction of the black hole, fluttering its wings frantically!

In the course of several battles in the border wars, through the command style of Marshal Vlad, Hill, who has a certain understanding of this person, has always been guarding against the opponent's inferior state and using extreme methods.

Under this premise, the frontier planet where their front-line army of ten thousand civilizations is stationed, in fact, their front-line army is not stationed in the planet at all.

Relying on the space teleportation spells cast by the space wizard group headed by Cheng Hao, the army of civilizations of the world that was originally stationed inside the planet has long been quietly dispersed and transferred to the other two nearby planets and the dwarven void base. .

The front-line planet on this bright surface is just a cover.

The purpose is to prevent the opponent dog from jumping over the wall and launching the meteor cannon directly at the planet.

On the other hand, before Scarlett and Rayong officially set off, Hill undoubtedly had told Luo Ji about this, and asked Luo Ji to talk to Scarlett and Rayong.

Therefore, for this method of Marshal Vlad, UU Read www.uukā Scarlett and Rayong were not without psychological preparation.

Originally, according to Scarlett's perception ability and explosive power, before the meteorite cannon hits the planet, he could definitely break through the planet's atmosphere in one go and open a certain safe distance.

However, considering that before leaving, Luo Ji had instructed him to take care of Rayong a little bit.

Therefore, at the moment when he sensed the attack of the meteor cannon, Scarlett's first reaction was not to leave immediately, but to rush over at the fastest speed and grab Rayong in his hands.

At the time of the planet's big explosion, Scarlett grabbed Rayong and rushed out of the planet's atmosphere, but he did not have time to fly far away.

How exaggerated is the power of the Big Bang?

At the moment of being swept in, even an existence as strong as Scarlett was injured on the spot. On his back, a large piece of golden scale armor was shattered, and at first glance, it was bloody.

As for Rayong, who was caught by Scarlett, the dragon scale battle armor on his body was also completely shattered. The whole body was completely exposed to the void, covered in blood. There is no doubt that Suffered a heavy blow!

To be honest, Luo Ji didn't expect that Scarlett would do this when he mentioned casually before setting off.

Luo Ji's original words at the time were, "When you have free time, pay a little attention to Rayong's situation and take care of it. ’

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If he had known that the situation would turn out to be like this, he would definitely ask Scalai to take special care of Rayong and run quickly.

Because Rayong has a soul crystal, it can be resurrected after death, but Scarlett doesn't!

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