The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3691: Change coaches

The imperial army's change of coaches did not report much from the rear.

It can even be said that the whole thing was done in a very low-key way.

Although many years have passed since Marshal Bahat led the army to defeat, once the news is released, Ivan Raster will not be able to guarantee civilization, and no one will turn over these old accounts.

After a civilization has developed to a certain stage, it is definitely indispensable for the people, even if it is an ultra-standard civilization like Ivan Last.

Not to mention that earlier, his special intelligence organization, as well as spies who discovered the enemy, infiltrated his empire.

Although after confirming the news, his special intelligence organization launched a series of targeted measures at the fastest speed to minimize the threat that enemy spies might bring to them.

But at this kind of knotty, it is difficult to guarantee that some accidents will not occur.

At this time, it is always right to be cautious.

However, as the incoming new commander, no matter how low-key Marshal Bahat is, it is impossible to hide from the soldiers of the border army.

With the official arrival of Marshal Bahat, the army stationed on the border of the empire at that time suddenly plunged into a riot.

Leaving aside the fact that Marshal Bahat returned from his defeat in the early years, the change of coaching alone is enough to make the soldiers of the border army feel uneasy.

Fortunately, at this stage, the contact between the soldiers of the border garrison and the rear has long been severed.

Not to mention under normal circumstances, even if they are seriously injured, those soldiers who are seriously injured will only be transferred to a recuperation base not far from their frontline planet for rescue, treatment and recuperation, instead of being sent back directly to the rear.

In this way, even if the border garrison will cause riots with the arrival of Marshal Bahat, it will not affect the situation in the rear.

At the same time, as the two protagonists who caused the riot, Marshal Vlad and Marshal Bahat obviously didn't care much about the reaction of their troops at this stage.

Marshal Bahat, who arrived on the front line, had just stepped off his command ship on the front foot, and was picked up by Marshal Vlad's personal soldiers on the back.

After that, the two quickly completed their first meeting in the tactical conference room of the frontline base after many years.

Seeing Marshal Vlad whose eyes were bloodshot and his face was slightly pale, Marshal Bahat took a silent deep breath and adjusted his emotions.

Asking for help from mechanical civilization is an approach they have no choice but to guide civilization at this stage.

Otherwise, according to the current situation, who else can they ask for reinforcements? Or who can support them?

Under this premise, Marshal Bahat, who was introspecting behind closed doors, knew after learning the news that trouble was coming.

In the early years, their imperial army and the army of mechanical civilization also had rich experience in combat.

As one of the commanders at the time, he certainly knew the conventional routines of the mechanical civilization army.

Simply put, the combat style and tactics of mechanical civilization are simply incompatible with Marshal Vlad!

Marshal Vlad and the army of mechanical civilization got together, and Marshal Bahat couldn't imagine how they would cooperate well.

Of course, as a well-measured veteran who knows the priorities and priorities, for the victory of their empire, if they can successfully defeat the enemy, then Marshal Bahat believes that Marshal Vlad will pinch his nose even if he is dissatisfied. Cooperate with the army of mechanical civilization to launch operations.

However, the problem now is that they can't fully confirm that this cooperation can allow their Imperial Army to successfully defeat the enemy and win.

In this process, due to the change of tactical policy, Marshal Vlad's own command style will be useless, and at the same time some of his style advantages cannot be brought into play.

In this way, he stays on the front line, sitting in the position of the commander-in-chief of the frontier army, what value and significance is there?

Through the previous battle and a series of subsequent actions, Marshal Vlad, who had completely confirmed this, also made a decisive move to apply for a high-risk change of coaching.

Compared with Marshal Vlad, who was affected by both anxiety and pressure, and has been in a very bad state recently, he has grown a lot of white hair. Marshal Bahat, who has been staying at home these years, has no doubt his whole mental outlook. It's too much, too much.

"Vlad, you really gave me a big trouble."

Marshal Bahat, who sat down at the other end of the conference table and put down his briefcase, couldn't help but sigh.

Compared with Marshal Vlad, according to Marshal Bahat's command style, their Imperial Army is indeed able to better cooperate with the mechanical civilization.

But this ‘better’ is actually only relative. UU Reading www.uukahnshu.cOM

The existence of the mechanical civilization fleet is a proper'problem child' for Marshal Vlad or Marshal Bahat.

Disrupting his comfortable home life and losing such a big trouble to him, Marshal Bahat wanted to complain, and it was only natural.

In the face of Marshal Bahart’s complaints, Marshal Vlad, who was sitting at the other end of the conference table, slammed his own hair that had been messed up into a bird's nest, and said he was angry... …

"This "trouble" was thrown from you at the beginning!"

Marshal Vlad, who said this, felt very complicated at the moment.

When he completed the transfer of work with Marshal Bahat, although he could feel that this time, the opponent who could defeat Marshal Bahat would not be too easy to deal with, but he did not expect it to be so difficult. Entangled, even let him be planted.

Having said this, Marshal Vlad took a sharp breath, and after forcibly calming his emotions, he quickly cut to the topic and began to handover work with Marshal Bahat.

During this period, the expeditionary army of Ten Thousand Realms Civilization, after preparing for the attack to a certain extent, the combination of Scarlett and Rayong set out again to find the next victim planet, and successfully confirmed the next victim planet. s position.

But this time, Scarlett and Rayong didn't stay on that planet for too long.

After raging for a while and destroying some defensive facilities, they soon returned to the frontline base of their expedition force.

At the same time, under the blessing of the full-level "energy absorption" of the ancient star core tree, the magical civilization frontier planet as its nutrient was finally absorbed by the planet's energy on this day, completely changing Become a death star!

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