Unlike Bai Ze and Rayong, who are in the countdown to time, Scarlet does not have this restriction at all, and is strong enough to allow him to guard the ancient tree of the star core. It is the safest one to deploy.

And under this premise, Bai Ze and Luo Yong, Bai Ze's speed is undoubtedly faster. According to Bai Ze's efficiency, if things go well enough, he may be able to confirm the two before the Azure Dragon Martial God status is lifted. The situation of the planet.

In this way, their success rate this time will undoubtedly increase a lot.

In this process, the ancient tree of the star core did not move forward, and even began to retreat.

This is what the fairy king Hassan Medvedev meant.

The retreat this time is only temporary.

According to the current position of the ancient star core tree, it has been determined that there are four meteor cannons aiming here.

Under this premise, if they continue to push forward, or even take root directly on the enemy's border planet in the distance according to the original plan.

Assuming that the enemy commander-in-chief has predicted this level and deployed the meteor cannon on the rear planet in advance, this move forward is equivalent to exposing the old star-core tree to the enemy’s firepower again. Within range.

At that time, even if they were escorted by the golden dragon Scarlett, they would have to bear a lot of risk.

At the same time staying in place, there is no small possibility that they will be attacked by subsequent meteor cannons from the other four directions.

With this as the premise, the best move is to withdraw a certain distance one after another, temporarily get rid of the attack area of ​​the opponent's meteor cannon, and then wait for Bai Ze and Luo Yong to confirm the planets where the meteor cannon is deployed, and then start again. The follow-up action is undoubtedly to be more secure.

The meteor cannons on the opposite side cannot be endless. On their side, Bai Ze and Luo Yong will be weakened with the relief of their state, but they still have the golden dragon Scarlett.

Moreover, according to the strength of the old star core tree, combined with the previous experience, if you are lucky, it is not a big problem to catch a meteor cannon.

The current situation may not be detrimental to them.

The actions of Bai Ze and Luo Yong, as well as the actions of Hassan Medvedev, increased the pressure on Marshal Bahat who confirmed the situation.

He had indeed thought about deploying the last two meteor cannons on the planet behind.

In case the four meteor cannons in front fail to attack, and the super huge tree-shaped creature on the opposite side advances, he will let the two meteor cannons deployed on the planet behind fire, and while destroying the planet, he will eliminate the super huge tree. biological.

But then he changed his mind, not right!

Your opponent is not a fool, what if the opponent is under the attack of four meteor cannons, changes the plan, and suddenly pulls it back?

At that time, even if he can keep the two meteor cannons from firing, in the next, facing the enemy’s super huge tree-shaped creatures and top combat power, he will have two meteor cannons left in his hand, and can send How useful is it?

At that time, Marshal Bahat thought of this level, temporarily changed his plan, and directly deployed the last two meteor cannons on two of the four planets.

These two planets were also carefully selected by Marshal Bahat.

Without considering the fact that four attacks hit one point at the same time, the angle of attack on those two planets is much more generous.

However, due to the partial overlap of the deployment locations, in order to avoid the impact of the recoil caused by the firing of the previous meteor cannon, it spread to the other meteor cannon.

Therefore, the second deployment can only be carried out immediately after the firing of the last round of the meteor cannon.

The turrets and equipment are all ready-made, all prepared inside the planet, and the deployment position has already been confirmed. At that time, the troops in the planet only need to be placed and fixed.

For their experienced Imperial Artillery troops, it is not difficult, and time is completely too late.

And now, the facts before him proved that the other party did indeed do so.

The super huge tree-shaped creature began to pull backwards.

At the same time, what makes Marshal Bahat even more troublesome is that the enemy's top combat power who locked the position and launched the action really made them blind cats and dead mice, and successfully found a planet!

"Damn it!"

At that moment, Marshal Bahat could not help but whisper a swear word, and quickly issued an order to the artillery troops stationed on the two planets.

"Fire! Fire now!!"

There is no time to hesitate. The two top combat powers in the explosive state are moving at an astonishing speed. If this is a while, the other party directly rushes into the planet, and there may be no chance for the meteor cannon to even fire.

After receiving the order, the last two meteor cannons, which were already ready to go, fired at the fastest speed at the same time.

In an instant, the powerful energy fluctuations spreading in the area made Bai Ze and Luo Yong, who were moving at full speed, both alert.

As Bai Ze's perception spread on a large scale, his face changed first, and then he completely calmed down.

Through his perception of the Martial God Realm, the enemy's two meteorite cannon attacks at this time were not shot from the planet in this position.

However, he could roughly perceive that one of the meteor cannons was on Rayong's side! Rayong hit him successfully!

Under this premise, UU reading www. On the side of uukanshu.com Star Core Ancient Tree, there was also Scarlett's personal protection, which made Bai Ze's heart settled immediately, and then directly changed the original plan and rushed towards Rayong at full speed.

During this period, on the other side, Rayong, who had confirmed that he had successfully'won the grand prize', let out an angry shout, bursting with qi, and resolutely rushed to the meteor that had just broken through the planet’s atmosphere and tried to attack the ancient tree of the star core gun.

Driven by the incarnation of the Valkyrie, Luo Yong, who touched the main body of the Meteorite Cannon, once again turned his thirteen dragons and thirteen idols into his help.

The previous interception experience made Rayong's operations in this wave of operations not sparse.

However, the injuries on his arms and the massive consumption of qi energy did not make his state at this time much easier because of the accumulation of experience.

On the meteor cannon, amazing power continued to overflow, and the incarnation of the Valkyrie could not fully protect Rayong’s arms. The armor of the arms that had been shattered before, obviously could not constitute the slightest protection for him at this moment, and was destroying the gang. After the defense of Qi, the astonishing power was directly crushed on Rayong's arms.

Suddenly, flesh and blood are splattered!

In terms of physical strength alone, Luo Yong was above Bai Ze, but facing this force at this time, his palms that were in direct contact with the main body of the meteor cannon revealed large areas of pale bones in a short time.

At this moment, in order to protect his arms and also to prevent the approach of the meteor cannon, Luo Yong's body gas exploded frantically, while protecting his whole body, he continuously pressed toward the advancing meteor cannon.

With the continuous exertion of power, the attack trajectory of the meteor cannon began to deviate little by little.

However, this state has not been able to last forever.

With the gradual blurring of the incarnation of the Valkyrie, Luo Yong's face gradually turned pale when he felt the severe consumption of his own qi energy!

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