The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3717: , Push again

   In the next few days, after the post-war work on the front line came to an end temporarily, during the restoration of the ancient star-core tree, it was of course impossible for Hill and Dominique Adolf to stay idle.

   When the enemy army intercepted and killed the ancient star core tree, the four magical civilization planets that were exposed have now all been occupied by them.

   Then Hill and the others sent out the exploration fleet again and began to confirm the location of the subsequent planets of the magical civilization.

   In the process, the annoying Empire fleet ran out again without accident.

   However, this state did not last long.

   Because after waiting for Bai Ze's weak state to be relieved and recuperating for two or three months, he soon joined forces with the golden dragon Scarlett.

   At the same time, in the latest tactical meeting, Hill and Dominic Adolf undoubtedly began to discuss the next attack plan for their front-line expedition.

  According to their preliminary estimation, the magical civilization will be completely broken within two hundred years!

   Don't be scared by this number.

   Considering the scale of the magical civilization, the efficiency of movement between planets and even galaxies, and the battles that may occur next, this efficiency is already considered high efficiency.

   In this process, even though this war was fought from the beginning, it was initiated to maintain the balance between the major forces, not for personal gain.

   But anyway, after continuously occupying more than a dozen planets of the magical civilization, Luo Ji's civilization of the world has finally started to pay back after years of fighting!

   As for saying that you want to start making profits, you have to work harder.

Today, within the planets on the border of the magical civilization, the large-scale gathering forces from the rear to the front have arrived one after another, and in the shortest time, they have set up a frontline gathering field and began to gather resources in the planet. , And sent back to the rear.

   Although there are basically no rare resources on this border planet, it can win by quantity.

   However, the time it takes to transport materials between the two galaxies is a big problem.

   The longer the transportation time, the higher their transportation costs will naturally become.

  Originally, if Luo Ji were on the front line, he would be able to directly bring a wave of open-and-hanging operations with Ye Qingxuan's trading system, directly reducing the transportation cost between the galaxies to zero, and greatly increasing efficiency.

However, in this battle, Luo Ji himself stayed behind and was not at the front at all. At the same time, due to his need to practice with great concentration over the years, and because of the need to practice reincarnation at any time to resurrect the fallen officers on the front line, he is even less at this stage It may have gone to the front line, and this operation naturally cannot be carried out.

   Fortunately, in recent years, the three-ethnic engineers on the frontline have been relatively efficient in their work.

   In the near future, the fixed space gate leading to the border of the magical civilization has been completely completed, and the first pass has been carried out smoothly.

   After this, their magical fleet of ten thousand civilizations wants to reach the border of magic civilization from the border of their ten thousand civilizations. This cross-galaxy movement only takes six months.

   However, in the case of the transport fleet, considering the difference in mobility and load, the time of a single trip is estimated to take eight to nine months.

   But compared to before, after all, the ‘highway’ has been successfully opened, and the efficiency of this movement is already much faster.

   At the same time, from successfully capturing the border planet of the enemy’s magical civilization, and then returning the first batch of trophies and supplies, in this process, the people of their ten thousand world civilizations have finally been basically comforted. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

   After this, the Great Void Wall on the border of the battlefield of Ten Thousand Realms Civilization No. 1 obviously should increase the restoration efforts.

   Since the border war, the imperial army used a meteor cannon to explode, the more than three hundred kilometers of the Great Wall in the void, let alone the completion of the restoration, the entire progress can be called the tortoise speed.

  The main reason was that during the war, all resources were tilted towards the expeditionary force. In addition, the civilization was not particularly peaceful. In the end, even the financial funds allocated to repair the Great Wall of the Void were not much.

   And now, with the mining and transportation of front-line resources, the civilization of the world that has gradually begun to return to its roots, while the rear is completely settled, this piece of funds can naturally be allocated a little upward.

   In this way, after a period of time, the energy of another planet was absorbed again, and the ancient tree of the star core was completely restored, and its own strength, along with the absorption of the energy of the planet, increased a little.

   At the same time, Rayong and John Thrall, who withdrew from the front line to the rear for training, undoubtedly have completely recovered, and returned to the front line with a group of conquer king colossus who gathered a group of faith.

   Now they are pressing on the front line of the Expeditionary Army of Ten Thousand Realms Civilization, and they have already entered a state of being ready to go.

   The previous path-finding work between Scarlett and Bai Ze went very smoothly. A genius remembers 噺バ一Chinese m.x/8/1/z/w.c/o/m/

   After finishing the final preparation work, the expeditionary army pressing on the front line immediately set off.

As always, just in case, UU Reading asked Scarlett and Rayong to return to the front line to bring the old star core tree and push forward from one side, while their main force was to go another way. route.

During   , the Imperial Army under the command of Marshal Bahat deliberately wanted to struggle.

   But under the premise that they were unable to successfully intercept the ancient star-core tree, this battle had just begun, and for the Imperial Army, it was already a countdown.

  The expedition army of ten thousand civilizations is very powerful. Today's imperial army, let alone defeated them in a short time, is not difficult even if it wants to win.

   In the process, as long as the golden dragons Scarlett and Rayong successfully advance to the enemy planet with the ancient star-core tree, let the ancient star-core tree take root on that planet, and the battle is over!

  At this time, some people may be surprised that even if the rear planet is taken and the rear support is lost, it will have a certain impact on the combat power of the Imperial Army, but the Imperial Army will not be completely defeated.

   If you want to smash to the end, of course you can fight.

  The problem is that Scarlett and Rayong returned after the planet behind them was taken away! Coupled with the existence of Bai Ze.

   These three top combat powers are basically invincible on this battlefield.

   At this stage, the imperial army’s tactics have been biased towards waiting for the mechanical civilization and sending follow-up reinforcements to the rescue.

  Before that, what Marshal Bahat had to do was to deal with the expeditionary forces of the civilization of the world as much as possible while preserving the strength of the troops, not to fight with the expeditionary troops of the civilization of the world!

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