The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3743: ,good night

More than one hundred years have passed since this time, and their ten thousand world civilizations are still exploring these planets. Of course, their purpose is not for the few remaining populations, but for all kinds of important materials for the magical civilization.

Of course, in this process, it is also good to collect a few more batches of indigenous people to serve as cheap labor, and ask questions by the way to see if you can get any useful information.

After confirming the location, the Planet Landing Force immediately followed suit.

Directly locking the areas where the thermal energy response was found, the landing spacecraft flew over the area, and the bottom exit hatch opened. One after another, the civilized infantry wearing power armor jumped out of it one after another.

At the moment of landing, with the jetpack behind him, he landed unharmed in the blizzard.


"Damn it! Captain, this is so cold!!"

A recruit in the squad, as he pulled his legs out of the snowdrift that had been buried in his knees, there was already a bit of trembling in his voice.

The power armor equipped by the infantrymen of the Ten Thousand Worlds of Civilization, although it also has the ability to resist low temperature and high temperature, as well as various harsh environments.

But where the cost and output are, the resistance strength is obviously not comparable to the exoskeleton reinforced armor of the "King of War".

The low temperature in this planet today is enough to freeze people alive to death in a short period of time.

They can still stand and talk alive in this ice and snow, thanks to the protection of this set of power armor.

At this moment, facing the new recruit who had already shivered, the veteran who was called as the captain was obviously a veteran who had experience in this type of mission. While adjusting his breathing, he quietly activated his internal energy.

"Turn your inner strength, just move it."

Today, the power armor of their Ten Thousand Realms Civilization can be mass-produced, but it is not cheap enough to equip every soldier.

For this reason, when Luo Ji and Guo Jia were discussing it, they made a quick decision. Excluding individual special units, this power armor is only equipped for soldiers with ten-point realm martial arts cultivation.

In fact, there is no need for the captain to say more. Although recruits are recruits, the year-round military training is not done for nothing. At the moment of landing, they are stimulated by the severe cold environment, and they instinctively start to run their internal energy. .

While the internal energy was running, the soldiers all felt better.

After all, they will have to stay in this icy world for a while...

Don't think that the radar has locked the heat source, they can easily catch this group of survivors back.

This thing is not so easy.

Yes, they know that this group of people is under the ground, but the problem is where is the entrance?

Thermal sensing radar can't sweep this out.

Unless they directly use tough methods to dig or blast the surface of the ground abruptly, otherwise, they will have to work hard to find the entrance.

As for why they don’t use tough methods that save trouble.

Simply put, it is unnecessary.

Because the survivors are all gathered underground, the ground is actually empty.

If it is forced to dig or blast away, it is likely to cause the surface to collapse.

And their purpose is to collect the survivors, and at the same time to find all kinds of important information that may have been left on this planet.

To this end, they naturally have to do it in the most secure way.

Rather than risking conflicts with survivors, or even escalation, to implement tough measures.

Under the close detection of the soldiers of the landing force, the entrance was quickly discovered.

After sweeping away the thick layer of snow that was pressing on it, and forcibly digging the soil that was almost frozen into a whole piece, a piece of metal that looked quite thick was immediately greeted by the soldiers. .

This metal plate, which looked more than two hundred jin, relied on the strengthening of the power armor to open it directly with one hand.

Immediately afterwards, a vertical passage leading to the ground, which could only accommodate one person, appeared in front of them.

I don't know if it was to prevent the enemy from invading, there was no ladder installed on the inside of the bare passage, it should have been forcibly removed by the survivors inside.

The captain poked his head out and looked down. The inside of the passage was dim. For ordinary people, they really couldn't see what was underneath.

However, the built-in tactical eyepieces of their power armor have excellent night vision functions, and they can see clearly even in a dark environment.

And the attached heat-sensing sight made the captain clearly discover that there was a figure ambushing on both sides of the passage...

It seems that this group of survivors sent someone to guard near the entrance, and their movement to open the entrance aroused the vigilance of the other side.

Looking at this battle, I intend to ambush them.

Thinking of this, the face under the captain's mask showed a weird smile.

Then he took out an infrasonic shock bomb from behind him unhurriedly, and after opening the insurance, he loosened his hand, and the infrasonic shock bomb suddenly fell into the channel.

"Good night~"

All this ended very quickly. Except for the sound of the two people lying in ambush underneath, the whole process, UU reading can be said to be almost silent.

This is also a major feature of infrasonic shock bombs.

This weapon directly makes people fainted by the impact of infrasound waves.

Infrasound waves are beyond the capture range of human ears. Normal human ears basically cannot catch infrasound waves, so naturally they can't hear any movement.


When the order was given, the captain jumped into the passage first, landed steadily with the jetpack behind him, and then quickly moved out of the position to let the people behind come down.

During this process, the captain swept his surroundings and immediately locked on the two people who had lost consciousness and fainted.

The two men were wrapped in layers of winter clothes that were so thick that they were cumbersome, and the rifle, which was used as a weapon, fell aside as the two fainted.

These weapons are basically left over from the imperial era.

The survivors in this state have long lost the ability to make weapons. At most, they can collect some usable weapons or parts from the ruins of the empire, and carry out simple assembly and transformation. Just use it.

In this process, the power of the weapon will undoubtedly appear to be a lot of decline, for the soldiers equipped with power armor, basically it is not enough to fear.

However, just in case, the captain ordered the two guns to be confiscated, and used electromagnetic handcuffs to cuff the hands and feet of the two.

And just when they were wondering whether to wake up these two people first, ask about the situation, or go directly in.

In the darkness, a gunshot sounded and the flying bullet directly hit the captain's power armor helmet.

In an instant, sparks splashed everywhere.

The ensuing violent impact actually caused the explosion directly and blew the captain out on the spot!

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