The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3747: , The countryman has entered the city

Remember the name of this potential stock.

If this is not a surprise, his feats will be added later.

When the time comes, it's not a dream to be a major!

Of course, before that, you still have to do your job well.

The total number of survivors in this camp is 57.

Generally, in this kind of camp, there are dozens of people in it, and some hardy crops that don't rely on sunlight are planted under the ground as food.

In this situation, they basically only have one meal a day, and if there are more people, they can't afford it.

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After counting the number of people, there is actually nothing they need to bring. In the eyes of the captain, it doesn't matter if all the broken things in the camp are thrown here.

However, each of the survivors still ‘stubbornly’ carried all their belongings on their backs.

During this process, the landing ship that received the message also flew over at the fastest speed, then locked the coordinate position and landed slowly.

After confirming that the transport ship is in place, there is no need for the survivors to set up a ladder to climb up by themselves.

Some of the survivors, including the little ghost of Jarvan, can directly fly up with the flying technique, instead of the survivors who do not use the flying technique, the soldiers in power armor will carry one each, and one jetpack behind them. Jet, and soon all the survivors were brought up.

The temperature above the surface is colder than below.

These survivors don't know how many layers of winter clothes are wrapped on them. Although they all wear like a ball, in fact, the ability to resist the severe cold is definitely not better than the power armor on the soldiers.

The only advantage is that they live on this planet full of severe cold all year round. Therefore, they are more accustomed to the climate here than the soldiers of ten thousand civilizations.

At the moment they moved to the ground, the survivors suffering from severe cold erosion, before they had time to cry out, their attention was already attracted by the huge and incomparable magic transport ship in front of them.

In addition to Kaidiwen, for the survivors in the camp, steel battleships like this basically only exist in the story, and they have never seen it with their own eyes.

Although it was just a landing ship with little combat effectiveness, it still surprised the survivors, and many of them couldn't help but screamed, and even forgot about the surroundings. Bitter cold.

In comparison, what Kaidiwen sees more is the excitement of finally being able to return to a civilized society and escape from the sea of ​​suffering!

Seeing that group of bear kids in this icy and snowy ground, not shrinking their necks properly, and swaying their necks constantly, looking at the huge transport ship, Kai Diwen couldn't help being speechless for a while.

If this is a sunny day, he certainly doesn't mind letting these bear kids take a good look at this steel battleship, which is definitely more than a kilometer in length and larger than their camp.

But now they are in the ice and snow!

In this horrible place, he really didn't want to stay for a second!

"Hey, kids, what are you looking at? Keep up!"

Simply put, everyone in this survivor camp was taught by him.

As the oldest person and teacher in this camp, Kaidiwen's prestige among the survivors needless to say.

With Kaidiwen's opening, although the survivors were still reluctant to give up, in the end they still obediently followed Kaidiwen and the soldiers of the Ten Thousand Realms civilization on board this magical landing ship.

The other teams stayed here to continue their missions. After the seventeenth team took all the survivors on board, the bottom hatch quickly closed.

This scene may have long been accustomed to the soldiers of the civilization of the world, but for the survivors, it is still very visually impactful.

Not surprisingly, there was another exclaim.

All the survivors entered a typical state of ‘the countryman has entered the city’.

No, I really want to talk about it, this hasn't even entered the city yet.

Everything in this ship is novel to the survivors.

But then, the captain, who was eager to report the situation, obviously did not intend to take them for a tour, or it was impossible for the survivors to visit and run around inside the ship.

"Okay, Kevin, whoever takes care of you, let them come with me."

During the talk, the captain waved his hand while speaking to Caddy, and made a ‘follow up’ action.

In response, Kaidiwen quickly copied a Raksha language and began to ask the survivors to follow.

But I don't know if the shock brought by this short period of time is really too great for the survivors. For a while, even Kevin has the feeling that they can't be moved.

However, this is already inside the spacecraft, and there is no need to suffer from the wind and snow outside the Kaidiwen, the whole person is also a lot calmer, no longer as anxious as before.

It took a little bit of work, and after bringing everyone on board, he followed the captain and walked into the ship.

After walking for a while, Kaidiwen, who felt his whole body warm up, pulled his neckline subconsciously. UU reading www.uukanshu. Com began to take off his unknowingly many layers of clothes one by one and held them in his hands.

In the process, Kaidiwen looked back subconsciously, as if he had remembered something.

After that, the whole person was stupid.

I saw the survivors who had originally yellow and thin faces. At this moment, one by one, the whole face was as big as a monkey's buttocks. At the same time, the face was still sweating at a speed visible to the naked eye. ...

"Garvin, why don't you take off your clothes?"

At the same time that he said this sentence, Kaidiwen reacted.

Even in the underground camp where the temperature was relatively high, the winter clothes on them had to be wrapped tightly. Otherwise, there was a high possibility that they would get sick or even freeze to death.

Jarvan and the others, I'm afraid they have never experienced this kind of temperature in their lives.

In other words, they don’t even know what ‘hot’ is!

The ability of this transport ship to withstand severe cold is undoubtedly much stronger than the power armor. Under normal operation, the low temperature outside can hardly corrode the inside.

Inside the ship, the optimum temperature has basically been maintained at 26 degrees.

Under this premise, the survivors, one by one, wrapped themselves up like a ball, and there will be ghosts if they are not hot to death!

Regarding this, after hearing what he said, the expressions on his faces were filled with blank expressions. While feeling big for a while, Kaidiwen quickly stepped forward and began to help Jiawen and the others undress.

The captain standing next to him was more speechless.

By the way, the interior of their power armor is based on constant temperature, so even if it is transferred from the ice and snow to this suitable temperature environment, they will not feel the heat when wearing the power armor.

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