The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3749: ,identifying

The planet they discovered this time turned out to be the main planet of the magical civilization? Where is the civilized capital?

This news is really too important to their civilization of the world.

This is the main planet. What does this mean?

This shows that there are good things here! !

Thinking of this, even Duck Bem felt a bit of excitement in his heart.

Of course, he did not express this emotion directly on his face, but calmly put forward the hope that Kaidiwen could cooperate with them and collect resources on this planet.

After hearing this, Kaidiwen naturally started to make conditions.

Dark Baym was not surprised by this.

In the process, Kaidiwen, who had sorted out his thoughts a bit, quickly calmed down.

He did not put forward some excessive conditions.

Unlike other survivors, as a member of the original empire, although he has been away from civilized society for more than a hundred years, the changes in the environment made him unable to adjust at once, but this does not mean that he has become stupid.

At this point in the negotiation, he still knows it well.

Now they really need to rely on the inventory of Ten Thousand Realms Civilization, and people are in the hands of Ten Thousand Realms Civilization. If you put forward too many conditions, people will turn around and turn their faces, that is, it will be a sudden thing, that is really meaningless.

Therefore, it is almost enough to put forward some conditions appropriately.

Under this premise, the first condition that Kaidiwen put forward is naturally to ensure their safety, and that every survivor in their camp can directly become a citizen of ten thousand civilizations, receive citizen-level treatment, and help. They settled in civilization.

Life is safe, needless to say.

After this, as an old man who has lived for many years.

Of course, Kaidiwen knows that setting aside some special circumstances, when one civilization incorporates the population of another civilization, it may not directly grant citizenship to the other civilization.

After Kaidiwen puts forward this condition, it is equivalent to helping them avoid the possibility of being pulled as cheap labor and being able to directly obtain citizenship.

Moreover, if the other party does not violate their promises, they should be able to successfully gain a foothold in the civilization of the world.

After helping his group of students and fighting for some benefits, Kai Diwen naturally has to plan for himself next.

Therefore, his second condition is to hope that Dak Bem can introduce him and Jarvan to His Majesty the Emperor of Ten Thousand Realms Civilization!

Among the survivors, the vast majority of them were actually mediocre, and there was nothing special about them, but Jarvan was the only one who possessed an exceptional talent for learning magic arts.

From the long-term consideration, to the end, I am afraid that only Jarvan can take care of each other with him.

As for the other survivors, because ordinary people do not have a long life span like him, coupled with the hard life before, left behind a root of disease, and the body is far from healthy.

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Although after returning to a civilized society, their physical condition should be improved with the help of the medical technology of Ten Thousand Realms Civilization.

But according to the condition of ordinary people, it is basically impossible to take care of such a bad physical condition.

According to Kaidiwen's thoughts, even if many of them are free from illness and disasters in the following days, they may only live another 20 to 30 years, and their life span will come to an end.

And he is different from Jarvan.

Needless to say, he has almost endless lives, and Jiawen, he has talent. As long as his talent can be favored by the emperor of civilization, there is also a big possibility that he can obtain Long life.

And as long as you live long enough, the root of the disease left in your early years can always be recovered.

The conditions proposed by Kaidiwen are very reasonable, and Dak Bem has no reason to refuse.

Of course, the premise of all this is that the other party is really sincere and submissive, without two hearts, and cooperates with them in finding resources on this main planet of the original magical civilization.

In this regard, Kaidiwen naturally agreed and expressed his willingness to cooperate.

After discussing these matters, Dak Bem quickly changed the topic.

The next second, a photo appeared in front of Kai Diwen.

At the same time, Dark Bem's voice sounded again.

"Mr. Caddy, do you know the person in this photo?"

Hearing this, Kaidiwen's gaze was subconsciously focused on the photo next to Duck Bem.

I saw that the face of the person in the photo was actually like a few corpses. When the image came out, it really shocked Kaidiwen.

In his memory, he didn't know such a corpse, so he subconsciously wanted to answer that he didn't.

Who knows, he hasn't even spoken yet, Dak Bem on the other side of the communication image has already spoken again...

"This person was discovered in a ship of the original empire, and this ship is floating on the orbit of your planet."

As soon as Duck Bem said these words, Kaidiwen's face changed suddenly.

The people in their empire ship? And it seems to have only recently been discovered? If the other party lives for so many years like him...

As soon as I thought of this, Kaidiwen suddenly felt a bit of speculation in his heart.

During this period, watching the change of Kaidiwen’s expression in his eyes, UU reading Duck Bem’s voice sounded again...

"It seems that Mr. Caddy has a clue."

Facing the questioning, Kaidiwen's face showed the color of memories.

After all, this person has lived for a long time, does not mean that he has a good memory, more than a hundred years is long enough.

What's more, in the past hundred years, he has tried his best just to survive, so how can he spare time to think about those things?

When Duck Bem saw this, he didn't bother him.

After thinking about it for a while, Kaidiwen gradually sorted out his thoughts and spoke slowly...

"At the beginning of the empire, the empire suffered a change, the emperor, the original emperor, left with all the warships and troops."

"After this, the empire that lost the sun, the climate environment began to deteriorate rapidly, the world became cold, and finally the entire planet fell into a riot."

Speaking of this, Kaidiwen's face showed a clear sorrow.

"I remember that during that time, the top empires who stayed on the planet gathered all the available ships, brought supplies, and left the planet. General, the wreckage of the ship you saw should be them. As for him..."

As he spoke, Kaidiwen carefully looked at the person in the image.

To be honest, don't care about what this person originally looked like. After turning into this corpse-like appearance, it would be too difficult to recognize it.

Fortunately, Dark Bem didn't urge him either. Kaidiwen, who was really invisible, used this mummy in the end to compare with everyone in his memory.

After a period of time passed, after comparing to a certain person, Kai Diwen frowned, and finally pronounced a name with some uncertainty.

"Jeret? This person may be the former Minister of the Imperial Ordnance Research and Development Headquarters, Jeret!"

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