The characteristics of their Ten Thousand Worlds civilization and the magical civilization are different after all.

Therefore, this original version of the Meteorite Cannon, here, may be able to be improved to a certain extent.

And those missing materials could possibly be replaced with some unique materials of their ten thousand world civilization.

With such thoughts in mind, Luo Ji has been asking the people below to find all kinds of materials about their civilizations in the Ten Thousand Realms for the past few years, and let Jeret experiment.

At the same time, considering this project, its core is actually improvement.

Therefore, the leader of the ‘Meteor Cannon Improvement R&D Project Team’ is Xuan Ye, and Jerette is the deputy team leader.

After all, compared to Jarrett, Xuan Ye had a deeper and more thorough understanding of the various materials and technologies of their Ten Thousand Realms civilization.

In addition, in the field of'Ordnance Improvement', Xuan Ye has always been a good player.

For this, Jarrett has had a very deep understanding over the years.

Therefore, with Ye Xuan as the team leader, he was actually convinced.

Of course, due to the fact that various alternative materials are still being confirmed and searched for, even if Jarrett can draw the design of the meteor cannon according to his own memory, but in the case of no way to actually manufacture and test it, Even Ye Xuan, just staring at a design drawing, it is difficult to make any improvements, and soon there is nothing to do.

As the two top ordnance research masters of their Ten Thousand Realms Civilization, if they were only allowed to do this, it would be a little too idle, and it would be a waste of human resources.

So and so, this is about the research and development and improvement of the top-level magic light brain and supporting reinforced armor, and it is also the sole responsibility of Ye Xuan and Jeret.

Compared with the Meteorite Cannon, this piece of work is much more tossing.

Although a lot of top-level rare materials are needed, and there is no way to obtain them at present, as a civilization that already has exoskeleton reinforced armor, they have experience in the field of reinforced armor research and development.

This development is naturally more handy.

Even if there is no way to directly improve the enhanced armor of the magical civilization, research and study the design ideas of the enhanced armor of the magical civilization, and some technologies, and then use it to improve the exoskeleton enhancement of the "king of war" of their civilization. The armor is no problem at all!

For this reason, this improved research and development project team, as the Dwarf Deputy Minister of the Capital Ordnance Research Department, Bart Wildhammer also specially came to work with Ye Xuan, Jeret and the others.

If you want to integrate these technologies of the magical civilization, ordnance research, their ten thousand world civilizations are undoubtedly still tossing.

This period of time has been busy and stable for the civilization of Ten Thousand Realms.

In this way, time passed quietly...

As the other two super-specification civilizations in the battlefield, the protracted battle between Zhong Mo Styx civilization and Caesar Trunk's mechanical civilization is still going on fiercely for hundreds of years.

In the void battlefield outside the planet, the ghost fleet of the Styx civilization and the mechanical fleet of the mechanical civilization are in fierce confrontation as always.

The Wandering Soul Cannon carried waves of ghosts crying and wailing towards the starship of mechanical civilization.

At the moment of hitting the target, the shell exploded, and a large number of wandering spirits suddenly shot out from it, and began to continuously destroy the outer force field shield of the mechanical star ship.

In this process, the troops on the side of mechanical civilization, of course, cannot be passively beaten all the way. A large number of Type 702 fighters of the mechanical family flew out of the interstellar mothership, fighting against the first goal of Styx civilization. War of attrition.

The destruction of a large number of Type 702 fighters and the death of wandering spirits were not enough to shake the commander-in-chief of the two armies.

In fact, even if it is shaken, it will only be on the side of the Styx civilization. After all, there is no such mood swing in the mechanical race. In terms of mentality, it can be said that it takes advantage of it.

At this moment, in the headquarters of the Ghost Fleet, as the supreme commander of this side, as Zhong Mo's command, the Lich King Sorenk, one of the three kings, frowned slightly.

Even though those wandering spirits and resentful spirits, to their undead army, are some worthless low-level arms.

However, if you continue to consume it like this, once the two sides are compared, it is definitely them who suffer.

Fighting against mechanical civilization, the lost troops cannot be replenished, and this is only one of the reasons.

Another reason is that the wandering spirits and resentful spirits will be accompanied by mental attacks during their offensive process, which is also a major advantage of this type of spirit unit.

However, this advantage is completely ineffective in the face of the mechanical tribe's troops, because the mechanical tribe's troops will not be affected by mental attacks at all.

Under this premise, continuing to use the Wraith Wraith to launch an offensive, its cost performance is obviously not high...

In the pupils of the eyes, the soul fire flickered in the silence.

Although this war of attrition, it doesn't matter if you continue to consume it so painlessly.

As the low-level unit of their undead clan, the wandering spirits will not lose much to them even if the cost performance is not high.

However, UU read hundreds of years ago and obtained information from the civilization of the world, they learned that the mechanical civilization took away the sun of the magic civilization.

Judging from the overall situation in the original battlefield, this move of mechanical civilization left them scratching their heads.

At the same time, there are naturally many speculations on the side of the Styx civilization regarding this approach.

In this speculation process, even if it is the Lich King Sorenk, facing the mechanical civilization that doesn't know what tricks he is doing, it is inevitable that there will be some emotional changes in his heart.

Thoughts flew around, an order was issued from the mouth of the Lich King Sorenk.

Suddenly, on the battlefield of the void, in the position of the mechanical civilization fleet, a huge alien worm with a huge body, burning with a dark blue soul fire, was killed from the crack in that space.

These zergs are the Void Burrowers and Void Centipedes that have been transformed into undead units!

Unlike the low-level units of the undead, which are relatively easy to obtain, Zergs are special units from the civilization of Zergs.

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The Zerg civilization has been destroyed. In other words, these Zerg units that have been converted into undead will only be used less and less, and it will be basically difficult to find supplementary channels in the future.

This is also the main reason why the Lich King Sorenk has not used this power easily.

However, considering the various actions of mechanical civilization in the early years, the Lich King Sorenk, who didn't know what tricks the other party was playing, also had a little doubt in his heart.

In order to deal with this doubt, but also to test the opposite, the choice made by the Lich King Sorenk was to increase his offensive force and put pressure on the mechanical civilization!

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