For the golden players in the four Raksha camps, Luo Ji obviously did not plan to promise each other.

Excluding Ivan Rast, who has reached the ultra-spec level, the strength of the gold level of the Raksha camp is far inferior to that of their celestial camp.

Ivan Last did not send them troops in the previous battle. At first, he thought that he could easily defeat Luo Ji according to his own strength. He didn’t need them at all. Naturally, one of the reasons was that he knew that. The four golden players, even if they send troops, do not constitute much combat power, there is no need to waste energy to toss this.

And Luo Ji, of course, is not interested in their combat power.

Originally promised Ivan Rast, but the other party did not come to die and let them go.

In other words, let them fend for themselves, and the life and death of the four Raksha players has nothing to do with him.

But now, if this matter is dealt with, isn't it just soliciting trouble for yourself?

In this situation, Luo Ji doesn't have that leisure time.

I didn't waste time circling around with them, and after a few words, asked the four Raksha players to take care of themselves, and then stopped paying attention to them and continued to toss their own affairs.

Some time passed after that...

At this stage, apart from farming and developing and restoring their military power, the only thing they have to do is to pay attention to the movement of the Styx civilization and the mechanical civilization.

But this one, after so many years of fighting, to be honest, the situation is very stable.

The volume of the Stygian civilization is placed there, let alone fighting each other attrition, even if they are seriously smashed, the victory or defeat between the two super-standard civilizations, I am afraid that can not be separated in a short time. .

With this as a premise, the biggest advantage of their Celestial camp lies in the presence of an ultra-spec player Luo Ji in this battlefield.

As long as Zhong Mo operates it properly, he slowly drags it down until Luo Ji's civilization of the world recovers its vitality and even rises completely.

At that time, in this battlefield, their celestial camp will be two against one.

Although Caesar Trunk's mechanical civilization is strong, can it still stand up to the two of them not working together?

Judging from the current overall situation, this should be the safest way for their celestial camp.

The only thing that makes people a little bit scrupulous is the sun that the magical civilization was dragged away...

I don't know what Caesar Trunk is trying to do.

According to the consistent urination of mechanical civilization, if the opponent makes such a move, it means that after dragging away the sun and abandoning the magic civilization, their chances of winning the mechanical civilization are higher. Otherwise, the mechanical civilization would not do this. Thing.

At the same time, it is precisely because of this that it arouses people's dread...

In response to this problem, Luo Ji has actually pondered many times over the years. He has various ideas in his mind, but it is difficult to have a specific accuracy.

And just when he was so entangled, a burst of ‘dididi’ news reminded him a little bit.

Taking a closer look, the person who sent the message was Zhong Mo.

Too lazy to think, Luo Ji directly clicked on the message window and checked the content.

At a glance, it became clear in my heart.

I have to say that Zhong Mo was thinking of going with him.

He was both speculating about what Caesar Trunk was thinking about.

By the way, when confirming the news, Luo Ji and Zhong Mo had sent a fleet to try to search for the whereabouts of the sun of Magic Civilization.

Regardless of what Caesar Trunk was thinking, just cut it off for him. That's right.

However, when they waited until they received the news to assemble the troops and set off, it was obviously too late.

Even to speak of it, even Ivan Last failed to catch up, let alone them?

Under normal circumstances, how difficult is it to find the sun?

The sun is so big and glows hot. Is it not easy to find such a big light source in the universe?

But the guy Caesar Trunk was undoubtedly well prepared. The devices of their mechanical civilization, while covering the sun with no trace of light, can also offset the sun’s gravitational pull and absorb solar energy through high-intensity conversion. In order to promote energy, the sun is pushed to move, supplemented by the environmental mimicry of the mechanical civilization fleet.

In this way, if you want to find a sun that is completely shielded from light and heat and can hide its tracks in this huge universe, the difficulty is undoubtedly increased exponentially.

Originally, Caesar Trunk had revealed the trick earlier, and Zhong Mo and Luo Ji wouldn't have been so entangled.

But the problem is that after such a long time, the other party is still unhurriedly fighting against Zhong Mo's Styx civilization.

Think about it more optimistically. It may be that the sun abducted from within the magical civilization has not yet fallen into the hands of Caesar Trunk.

After all, the distance between civilization and civilization, even if it is with a fixed space door, it takes almost half a year to move it.

And under the condition of dragging a sun, even according to the technology of mechanical civilization, there should be no way to smoothly use the space shuttle to move. UU reading www.

In addition, as the largest celestial body in a galaxy, the size of the sun is far from comparable to that of ordinary planets.

Drag a sun to move? It is completely imaginable how moving efficiency will be.

With this as a premise, in order to avoid possible pursuits, after the mechanical civilization succeeds, they may choose to detour and avoid the pursuit route to ensure safety.

But in this way, their return journey will become farther. You said that the sun has not actually fallen into the hands of Caesar Trunk. This is actually not entirely impossible.

Conversely, if the sun has actually fallen into Caesar Trunk's hands, but the opponent hasn't moved for a long time, then they have to suspect that Caesar Trunk is holding a big move.

Luo Ji and Zhong Mo are nothing more than this.

Now Zhong Mo approached him, and to put it bluntly, he wanted him to send troops!

According to Zhong Mo, no matter what tricks Caesar Trunk wanted to play, it was always right that they directly began to put pressure on the mechanical civilization and reduce the opponent's forces and resources.

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But his army of undead clan fighting against mechanical civilization is really not dominant.

For this reason, he hoped that Luo Ji's civilization of the world could also send a large army to launch an offensive from another direction.

Of course, Zhong Mo also knew that at this stage, in all likelihood, Luo Ji's military power had not fully recovered, so he did not ask Luo Ji to launch a strong offensive.

Asking Luo Ji to send a large army is actually to contain the mechanical civilization and force Caesar Trunk to divide his forces, so as to create a chance for himself to hit the other side badly!

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