On the outskirts of Planet 3, facing the attacking forces of the civilization of the world, the fleet of mechanical civilizations deployed nearby at that time quickly assembled and launched a counterattack.

  A simple two-round exchange of fire, and the troops of Ten Thousand Realms Civilization began to withdraw.

   The support efficiency of mechanical civilization is very high. If this is to fight for a while, they may not be able to leave until the reinforcements from the side of mechanical civilization surround them.

   Therefore, Zhou Yi has repeatedly urged not to fall in love with battles for the several troops performing the task.

   No matter what the situation, don’t be greedy, just leave after two waves.

   Don’t think these steel knots that follow the calculation results are stupid. Those big data calculations and analysis are very scary. Many times, they can even calculate what you want to do next.

   At the same time, the actions of the mechanical civilization unit are definitely not as rigid as you think.

   Let's take the issue of chasing distance as an example.

   In the case of no intention to take the initiative to attack, the mechanically civilized border garrison, in the face of the harassment and attack of the tens of thousands of civilizations, the troops that take the initiative to approach them will stop chasing after a certain distance.

   But this ‘a certain distance’ is actually not a fixed number.

   does not mean that they will chase you for a light-year, you bury your head and run away, after a distance of one light-year, they will stop chasing, it is not like this, the machine race is not that stupid.

   It is still taking the chase and killing as an example. In the process of chasing and killing the troops of mechanical civilization, their main brains are still running continuously.

  What is the probability that the forces of the civilization of the world will suddenly counterattack and continue pursuing them? What is the probability that they will cause casualties to the target forces? And at what level of casualties, what is the cost performance?

   These things, the masterminds of the mechanical civilization fleet, are all combining the latest intelligence information to continuously perform real-time calculations.

   Regarding this point, Zhou Yi had already figured it out as early as the second battlefield on the border of their ten thousand civilizations, when they resisted the invasion of mechanical civilization forces.

   It’s not that the machine clan doesn’t know how to adapt. On the contrary, they are actually very smart. Otherwise, the technological power of mechanical civilization would not have developed to such a level.

   It’s just that their clever way is different from the twists and turns that many civilizations like to play. The Mechanic Race is very simple and clear to use the data to speak.

As long as the results calculated in real time prove that the original plan is no longer applicable, they will not even have a tenth of a second hesitation, so they will abandon the original plan and change to the new plan with the highest comprehensive ranking. They will always choose the calculated result. The optimal solution in, without being affected by any emotions and the like.

   This is the style of mechanical civilization!

In the face of such a situation, as an old opponent of mechanical civilization, Zhou Yi roughly understood the opponent’s behavioral pattern. Now he continues to maintain guerrilla tactics and harass the border garrison of mechanical civilization, he also tries his best to let himself The fight is relatively simple.

   takes the ‘containment’ task as the first priority, and they don’t need to make any progress here.

   At least not needed for now.

At this stage, they only need to continue to maintain this guerrilla mode. While appropriately consuming the garrison on the border of mechanical civilization, they will firmly contain the large-scale army of the other side on this side of the border. Just leave.

   Take this as the premise, and playing simpler is the more reliable method with the highest fault tolerance rate.

   Through the Belief Network, I just checked the latest situation on the front line.

   With Zhou Yi sitting down, Luo Ji still feels very at ease in his heart.

   Anyway, this containment task, he has actually done it, and then, on the side of the undead army of Zhong Mo, how far can he fight, then he has to look down on the dead army's own ability.

   Anyway, at this stage, the military power of his own civilization of the world has not fully recovered to the peak of Luo Ji, but he has no plans to roll up his sleeves and fight against the mechanical civilization.

   Especially considering the suppressive power of mechanical civilization on the technological side, why should he wait for a few years and wait for his strength to improve?

   For this situation, Mr. Zhong Mo is naturally aware of it.

Luo Ji has perfectly fulfilled his original request. In the early years of Ten Thousand Realms Civilization, he had just finished a battle with Magic Civilization and suffered heavy losses. It would be a bit too much if he asked again. Up.

   Fortunately, the undead army under Zhong Mo is not vegetarian.

   Coupled with the powerful containment of their Expeditionary Army of Ten Thousand Realms Civilization, the forces within the mechanical civilization were dispersed.

   Less than ten years later, on the side of the undead army, the deadlocked battle situation finally made new progress. The border defense line of mechanical civilization was completely broken by the undead army!

   Carrying a monstrous spirit, the menacing undead army slammed into the mechanical civilization.

   As the commander-in-chief of this side of the battlefield, the Lich King Sorenk did not show much joy.

   In this wave, the frontier defense line of mechanical civilization was indeed breached by them, but the Lich King Solenk, who personally commanded this battle, knew it clearly.

   It is not so much the defeat of the garrison on the frontier of the mechanical civilization, it is better to say that the opponent is retreating in a timely manner to further close the defense line.

   No matter how you say it, the border on the side of mechanical civilization has fallen.

   The undead army headed by the Lich King Sorenk, after crossing the border, went straight to the nearest mechanical civilization planet in the territory.

   Grasping the robbed dominance, UU reading www.uukanshu.com maintained their offensive rhythm, and then a period of time passed. During this period of time, the Lich King Sorenk completely confirmed one thing.

   That is the inside of the galaxy of this mechanical civilization, there is no sun!

   Or it is not the light of the sun!

   When they were blocked outside the border of mechanical civilization, they could not feel the light of the sun. It may also be because the scale of the galaxy of mechanical civilization was too large, and the sun’s rays could not illuminate the third-party area filled in.

   However, as their undead army completely penetrated into the mechanical civilization, after a period of time, Solenk thoroughly confirmed that the degree of ‘darkness’ of this mechanical civilization was almost comparable to their Stygian civilization.

   Except for the mechanical civilization garrison in action, there is some light, there is almost no obvious light source in this galaxy.

   Even the planet of mechanical civilization seems to be shrouded in infinite darkness, and there is no such thing as daytime phenomena at all.

   This situation surprised the Lich King Sorenk a little bit.

   However, this is undoubtedly beneficial to their undead army.

   Their undead army will be affected by negative BUFF during the day, resulting in a decrease in combat effectiveness.

   Under normal circumstances, in order to avoid this kind of celestial phenomenon, the wizards of the Lich clan will jointly cast large-scale spells to change the celestial phenomenon. The top of these is undoubtedly the "Eternal Night" under their crown.

   But this time, the consumption of this spell seems to be able to save...

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