"S-level consciousness body No. 0781 is awakening..."

   "70%, 80%, 90%..."

   "No. 0781 S-level consciousness body has been awakened."

   "Testing No. 0781 S-level consciousness state..."

   "The test is complete, all data is normal."

   "Information synchronization confirmation starts..."

   "The information synchronization is complete."

   At this moment, similar sounds reverberated almost in the entire dormant room.

   With the awakening of a large number of S-level consciousness bodies and the lifting of various facilities and equipment, until this moment, the high-end combat power of mechanical civilization has gradually recovered.

   At this stage, Luo Ji and Zhong Mo, who are rushing to the front line, obviously don't know about this situation.

   On the side of Luo Ji’s Ten Thousand Realms Civilization, after breaking through the two frontiers of mechanical civilization, their expedition forces were originally going to rest and rehabilitate during this period. There is nothing to say about this.

   But on the side of the undead army of the Styx civilization, there was originally no plan to take a rest.

   However, the appearance of the sun caused the Lich King Sorenk, the commander-in-chief of the undead army, to change his original plan.

   No way, the sun has too much influence on their undead army.

   Replaced by ordinary civilization, the Lich King Sorenk can use magic methods to shield the influence of the sun on their undead army.

   But mechanical civilization is not an ordinary civilization, the other party knows how to deal with this method of theirs.

   This makes this method of the Lich Tribe's effect greatly reduced.

   In this state, if you want to hit hard, you can still hit.

   It's just that that will significantly increase their loss of force. Considering this, after weighing the pros and cons in my heart, I also intend to control the offensive strength of my side a little bit, and wait until Zhong Mo arrives on the front line.

   Of course, this does not mean that during this period of time, the undead army will completely abandon their offensive.

   In fact, the Lich King Sorenk only restrained his offensive to a certain extent.

The original undead army under his command has already begun to invest in large-scale high-level troops and high-end combat power in each round of offensive. Otherwise, their undead army will rely solely on low-level soldiers, using military and sea tactics and mechanical civilization. It is impossible to push the opponent's second line of defense all the way to the cost of fighting each other.

   And now, just in case, among their undead army, the more important high-end combat power and high-level troops, naturally, they have to be temporarily gathered up first, and they are not easily sent out.

   In turn, the undead low-level arms that are not afraid of loss are formed to form a sea of ​​war tactics to continuously consume and exert pressure on the opposite side.

   As the three kings under Zhong Mo, the Lich King Sorenk with the most outstanding command ability, has experienced countless battles of all sizes.

As one of the most important core tactics of the Stygian civilization, the    war and sea tactics are naturally handy now that the Lich King Solenk has used it.

However, the opponents are not friendly, plus the opposing mechanical civilization troops have been consciously destroying the spells that their Lich Mage has jointly used to shield the sun from the influence, so that their undead army has always been carrying a certain degree. Negative states are fighting there.

   The final result is that in recent wars of attrition, the loss of their undead army has increased significantly compared with before.

   After confirming the latest statistical loss report, Sorenk, the Lich King, had no joy or sorrow on his face.

   The loss of the low-level miscellaneous soldiers was not enough to shake the Lich King.

   At this moment, what he worries most about this situation is that with the appearance of the sun, what mechanical civilization will do to him next.

   With the emergence of this thought, the Lich King Solenk who fell into deep thought, among the slightly pale and thin eyes, two faint blue soul fires slowly swayed.

After   , more than half a year passed. This period of time is definitely not long for this level of war.

   By means of space shuttle, Luo Ji and their follow-up reinforcements from Ten Thousand Worlds civilization successfully reached the front line...

   Outside a dwarven void mobile base located in the border area of ​​mechanical civilization, Luo Ji’s exclusive vehicle, the King of Conquest, slowly leaned towards the outer starport of the dwarven void mobile base.

   Afterwards, Luo Ji, who had just got off the boat, soon heard several familiar voices.

   "Xi Sen, see your Majesty!"

   At this moment, the people standing below to greet him are Xi Sen, one of the chief commanders of the expedition force on this side, and Yuan Xi and Wang Sheng, the chief commanders of the Trailblazer Fleet and Star Chaser Fleet.

   As for the other generals, including Dominique Adolf, why didn't they come?

   After all, they are now in the territory of the enemy's mechanical civilization. In the command room, they still need a commander in charge at any time.

   In response to this situation, Xisen and Dominique Adolf are naturally working in shifts. At this point in time, it happens to be Dominique Adolf's turn to be on duty.

   In this regard, UU reading www. The commanders of the other three magic fleets of uukanshu.com, Gao Yi, Dak Bem, and Zhao Yi, are the same, and they are all on standby in the command room of the main flagship of their respective fleets.

   If the commander-in-chief of each fleet ran over, what if something happened and there was not even one person on the fleet side who could make an immediate decision?

   Luo Ji is undoubtedly satisfied with the caution of his subordinates.

   After all, he himself doesn't care about these pompous courtesies.

   As for the two battlefields, why did he choose Xi Sen and Dominic Adolf to lead the army?

  The main reason, in the final analysis, is actually one, that is, this side of the battlefield, there are five magical fleets, and the magical fleet is also the main force on this side of the battlefield.

   The gain BUFF for conquering the King Colossus is itself concentrated on the ‘Space Fleet’.

   So from the perspective of the improvement rate, he came here, and the price is higher.

   As for the main reason, there are more...

   For example, an army like this with the ancient star-core tree as its core and continuous advancing tactics is very resource-intensive, and it is very important that resource supplies can keep up.

   As long as Luo Ji is here, this problem can basically be solved perfectly.

   For another example, compared with Zhouyi, here is relatively lack of explosive power.

   When necessary, Luo Ji throws the Judgment Day Wheel, which can be regarded as adding some explosive power and countermeasures to this army.

   Besides, there are golden dragons Scarlet and Bai Ze on the battlefield, which can ensure Luo Ji's safety and so on...

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