At that moment, everyone's first impression of that figure was hideous!

There is no doubt that the other party is also a mechanical clan.

Also compared with the shape of the most common mechanical warrior, this mechanical race is more slender in shape.

The most different place is his hands and feet.

That's not normal hands and feet at all...

I saw that the hands and feet extending from the elbows and knees were sharp and sharp, with sharp edges on both sides.

Needless to say, at that moment, the other party should have used those two pairs of sharp-edged hands and feet to dismember their ten thousand realm civilization into a powerful person in an instant!

Judging from this strength, this special mechanical warrior, his strength is absolutely impossible to be A grade!

"Is it the new S-class fighter of the mechanical clan? The opponent's hole card that has been hidden?"

The frontline commander made bold guesses in his mind.

And in this process, that special mechanical clan warrior undoubtedly dropped his goal once again on the huge void mobile base in front of him.

The entrance of the Void Mobile Base is not on the route he is currently on.

However, looking at the opponent's posture, it is estimated that he did not intend to go to the front door.

In the process of moving at high speed, on the opponent's blade-like hands and feet, an astonishing dark red light was emitted, bringing a string of terrifying light and shadow.

Under normal circumstances, if the machine clan warriors did not turn on the annihilation mode, the energy particles they output would all appear a kind of sky blue.

And only after the annihilation mode is turned on will it turn into a high-density dark red.

However, the dark red light above the opponent's hands and feet is obviously different from the dark red energy particles in the annihilation mode...

Before they could even think about it, they saw a flash of red light. The blade S-class fighter, relying on his extremely fast cutting action, using both hands and feet, instantly opened a door on the outer armor of their Void Mobile Base.

An entire incision was extremely smooth, and the fractured part appeared to be a dark red color, exuding an astonishing high temperature, causing the surrounding air to be obviously distorted.

Staring at the incision, a goblin soldier suddenly exclaimed in the command room...

"High-frequency vibration particle saber! That guy has a high-frequency vibration particle saber on his hands and feet!"

It's no wonder that the goblin soldier was so gaffe, you know, the high-frequency vibration particle saber, it is the technological crystallization of their goblin clan.

Relying on the ultra-high frequency particle vibration, it can cut objects directly on the particle level, which can be called a super sharp weapon that cannot be broken.

As for the high temperature on the cutting edge, it is purely a secondary effect after the formation of ultra-high frequency vibration in the charged state.

They obviously didn't expect that the mechanical clan would also come up with similar weapons.

Although they have long known that the technological power of the mechanical race should be the strongest among all civilizations at present, the occurrence of such a situation is really a bit of a blow to people, and at the same time, this situation is also very unfavorable for them.

"A strong enemy invaded, K3 area, all personnel evacuated as quickly as possible, and the isolation doors were all lowered!"

With the order being issued, while the personnel were evacuated in an emergency, the heavy alloy isolation doors continued to fall.

It is impossible for a person who can be a commander of a void mobile base to understand some of the military's weapons and equipment.

What a high-frequency vibrating particle saber is, of course, in the heart of the front-line commander, it is also very clear.

Indeed, that thing is almost nothing that can't be cut.

But to be honest, it is not invincible.

At least the energy consumption of this weapon is not low. At the same time, after the high-frequency vibration particle saber is activated, due to the ultra-high frequency vibration, it will also cause significant loss to the weapon itself, which makes its service life attrition. , Will become faster than other weapons.

In this way, the high-frequency vibration particle saber is compared with other sturdy and durable weapons during use. Although it is powerful, it is a very easy to wear consumable.

Since it can't stop, then consume him!

"Allow all personnel in the nearby area to evacuate."

Preparing for the worst, directly abandoning the frontline commanders in the five nearby areas, his heart also began to become ruthless.

"Come on! I would like to see how many times you can cut!"

Facing the sealed space in front of him, that special mechanical warrior, while scanning his sights, quickly performed a simple scan of his surroundings, hoping to sweep out a route with the most cost-effectiveness.

However, during the manufacturing process of these alloy doors and walls, the other party seems to have used special materials, and there is an invisible energy magnetic field, which is interfering with his scanning device.

The single-soldier-level scanning device on his body was not powerful enough to complete the scanning work.

No way, then only a rough calculation.

During the previous extremely fast approaching process, he undoubtedly did a rough scan of the shape and volume of this void mobile base, this special mechanical warrior.

Now he directly relies on the information of the shape and volume of this large fortress-level facility and the direction he entered to connect their large database of mechanical civilization to conduct big data analysis.

This whole process only takes a moment.

After calculating the best route, the special mechanical warrior quickly launched an action.

Under the wave of the high-frequency vibrating particle saber, the wall in front of him was suddenly opened by a door.

At first, the frontline commander in the base command room was nervous, but he was obviously calm. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

But after waiting for that special mechanical warrior to open the door on the ten walls of their base in a row, he started to sweat outside on his forehead.

Because he discovered that that special mechanical warrior had a clear purpose and moved straight to the position of their base command room!

"Damn it! Could it be that the base intelligence leaked? The opposing machine clan hacked our intelligence? It's impossible, the technology side equipment has basically been dismantled, and now all the magical equipment is used inside the base. Come in black."

Unlike other races, there is no such thing as a "Mongolian" in the machine race. According to their current understanding, the machine race will only act according to data.

Under this premise, no matter what the facility is, when they make deployment arrangements, they will always have something in common with the arrangements of some important facilities.

As long as you have a large database and enough big data to support it, sometimes, even with limited intelligence, the machine clan can show amazing predictions!

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