Dracula, the arrogant king of the blood, was able to dispatch more than half of the thirteen clans under his command at once, which was enough to show that he had listened to Zhong Mo's words and showed sufficient caution.

   The scarlet blood-like sword drew a cruel trajectory in the void. The blood duke in a military uniform cut a mechanical S-class fighter rushing towards him into two on the spot!

   There is no blood in these steel bumps, which makes the blood control technique used as the signature method of the blood family suddenly useless.

   But this does not mean that the blood clan is weak.

   In fact, even without the use of blood control, the combat power of a blood duke is amazing.

   These different civilizations and races naturally have different levels of combat power.

   It is actually difficult to make a unified and precise division of these forces with different systems.

   Not to mention some systems, even if it is the same level of combat power, the actual combat power is not necessarily the same.

  The most typical one is the martial arts civilization.

   is also a martial artist who has just entered the Wushuang realm, but there are differences between strengths and weaknesses, and even this distinction of strength may be quite obvious.

   Here is the same situation for the blood clan.

   On the side of mechanical civilization, the blood duke has the lowest threat level according to different individuals, which are all properly S-levels.

   is strong, and it can completely reach the ‘S+’ level.

   As for the blood prince, that is naturally stronger.

   is basically an ‘S+’ base, and even stronger, its threat level can even reach the ‘X-’ level.

   Of course, these are just judgments based on the calculation method of the machine clan. You can hardly say how accurate this judgment is, and it is more for reference.

   As the Styx civilization, the few races that are rich in high-end combat power and elite troops, the combat power of the blood race, basically did not disappoint Zhong Mo.

  While waving the scarlet long sword in his hand, the elites of the nobles of the blood clan, the efficiency of beheading the mechanical clan warriors is quite high.

   Especially the blood prince and blood duke as the clan chief.

Unless the mechanical civilization side allows the S-class fighters to form a large enough scale to besiege them, otherwise, a small number of mechanical S-class fighters, in front of these blood princes and blood dukes, are the dishes, they can cut whatever they want. , The efficiency of the entire beheading, compared with the bone dragon knight headed by Skeleton King Wu Chuang on the other side, the efficiency is at least one or two levels higher.

   But this does not mean that the Skeleton Dragon Knights are weaker than the Blood Prince and the Blood Duke.

   It can only be said that in this battle, the high-end combat power of the blood clan with more agility and swiftness takes advantage of the fight.

   Relatively speaking, the Skeleton Race, which is not so flexible and quick, can't keep up with speed, and can't improve efficiency. Such a comparison between the two sides is naturally a bit of a disadvantage.

   After all, the strengths of the Skeleton Race are not here.

   took a long look at the performance of his eight clans, Dracula, as the king of blood, flashed with satisfaction in his eyes.

   Especially when there is Skeleton King Wu Chuang for comparison.

   They don't like each other, it's not a day or two.

   In the final analysis, the fundamental reason why Dracula took the initiative to ask for a fight is that he wanted to taunt Wu Chuang in disguise in this way.

   Wu Chuang is undoubtedly watching the situation here.

   Even when he was besieged by ten blade-type S-class fighters in annihilation mode, he still had the power to get away in the battle.

   His speed and agility were slightly inferior by one or two points. Faced with the siege of ten blade-type S-class fighters, it was a fact that he had nothing to do with the opponent in a short time.

   But relative, his hard power and physical strength are there, and the opponent can take him.

   Therefore, Wu Chuang was also idle. He was casually dealing with the attack of the ten blade-type S-class fighters and confirming the number of opponents. At the same time, his attention was completely shifted to other places on the battlefield to observe the whole situation.

  Although he is no match for the Lich King Solenque in the formation of troops, he is also the king of a clan, and he has a large army under his command. This tactical mind is still a little bit.

   I found out what happened here...

  Dracula, that bastard, what does it mean, he wants to know with his finger bones.

   Suddenly, this mood became a little hot.

   even with the two groups of soul fire that were originally in the eye sockets, which burned silently, all of them burst a little bit invisibly!

   And at this time, in the void, an astonishing energy attack directly shot through the air!

   Can't think about it, at this moment, Skeleton King Wu Chuang instinctively waved the skull sword in his hand, and cut it towards that energy attack.

   The skeleton sword full of necromantic power, at the moment when it touched the energy attack, the whole energy attack was torn apart on the spot.

After   , according to the direction of the energy attack, Wu Chuang, the Skeleton King, also locked the target. The powerful attack just now came from the fortress-level energy cannon of the mechanical firepower S-level fighter.

   Moreover, there was more than one firepower S-class fighter who was aiming at him at this time.

   The subsequent fort level energy cannon attack will soon be strafing over.

   Wu Chuang, who was feeling upset at this time, naturally had no interest in being beaten obediently.

The bone dragon under the seat    roared, Skeleton King Wu Chuang ignored the surrounding blade-type S-class fighters and directly charged the mechanical clan's back row fire position.

   At the same time, towards the rear position of the undead army, the mechanical civilization unit launched a suicide attack.

   With the intervention of the blood tribe army headed by three blood princes and five blood dukes, the offensive of the mechanical tribe here was obviously stopped.

   According to the current momentum, being beaten back is a matter of time.

  Unexpectedly, at this moment, a blood duke was suddenly fatally attacked, and an astonishing energy cannon blasted it to ashes on the spot!

At the same time, UU reading www.uukanshu.com’s attack by the energy cannon seemed to have a special power, causing other blood races nearby to show uncomfortable faces. Some blood races with insufficient strength screamed on the spot. .

"That is…"

   Zhong Mo and Dracula noticed the situation here in time. At this time, it was General Tronia of the Mechanical Race who appeared on this side of the battlefield.

   However, with the lifting of their mechanical civilization energy saving mode, the current General Tronia is no longer an S-level fighter, but a complete X-level fighter!

   After killing a blood duke, Admiral Tronia directly turned on the annihilation mode and rushed into the rear position of the undead army at the fastest speed.

   At this moment, Dracula's face was full of killing intent, without saying a word, he was directly turned into a blood shadow to culminate in the past, intending to completely crush General Tronia into a pile of scrap copper and rotten iron.

   However, before he was completely approached, with the admiral of Tronia at the center, a surprisingly bright light suddenly burst out.

   At the moment of being illuminated by the strong light, even Dracula, the king of blood, felt a bit uncomfortable.

   That kind of feeling, it's like being exposed to the sun!

   At the same time, Admiral Tronia, who was in the center of the bright light, quickly opened his chest armor, and a special spherical device flew out of it.

After    was activated, an entire device was instantly wiped out, and in the astonishing glare, an extremely dazzling black spot appeared...

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