The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3886: , The ruthless move of mechanical civilization

At this moment, why did Caesar Trunk choose to take the initiative? And the reason why he chose to deal with the undead army of Zhong Mo's Styx civilization first has been found.

   At the very beginning, the opponent had already established the weapon that would surround the ‘black hole’ as the core of this wave of counterattack.

   If let the ‘black hole’ unfold outside the second line of defense of their mechanical civilization.

   Even if the ‘black holes’ can consume the fortresses of their mechanical civilization’s second line of defense and expand crazily, on the contrary, their second line of defense will also completely collapse and disintegrate.

   With this tactic, if something unexpected happens, they will have lost their second line of defense. By then, they will have no resistance to the combined army of Zhong Mo and Luo Ji.

   Therefore, the mechanical civilization side will choose to take the initiative to attack it.

   As for why the priority should be given to the undead army?

   This question is even simpler.

   If you have a big move in your hand that can hit hard, or even destroy any army on the scene, it must be the stronger one!

   Under the continuous self-detonation of the Suicide Legion of Mechanical Civilization, the black hole absorbing the self-detonation energy, frantically expanding, almost filled the nearby star field in a short time.

  Dracula, the king of the blood, burst into extreme speed madly, and escaped from the dead.

   But the forces of the eight clans he sent out before, including the three blood princes, have all been swallowed by the crazy black hole!

   At the thought of this, Dracula's handsome face suddenly became distorted and hideous.

   As the three kings under Zhong Mo, their families are Skeleton Race, Lich Race and Blood Race.

   Among the three powerful clans, the largest is the Skeleton Race of Skeleton King Wu Chuang, and the smallest is their blood family.

   In this wave, the strength of the eight clans was completely destroyed. The original strength of the thirteen clans was left with only five clans. This is undoubtedly a heavy loss for their blood clan.

   Not to mention the black hole, but it hasn't stopped yet.

   A large number of mechanical warriors continue to explode, adding nutrients to the black hole, allowing the black hole to continue to maintain and expand.

   At the same time, the enlarged black hole swallowed more undead troops, further improving its own expansion efficiency.

  From this point of view, the black hole is like entering a virtuous circle.

   At this moment, the rear army headed by Zhong Mo did not dare to stay at all and evacuated this star field at full speed, for fear of being overtaken by this crazy expanding black hole and then swallowed in.

   At the same time, Wu Chuang, the Skeleton King who led the army and killed the army of mechanical civilization, escaped accidentally.

   turned his head and looked at the terrifying black hole that swelled to an exaggerated size behind him. The two groups of soul fire in the eyes of Skeleton King Wu Chuang were beating violently.

  Dracula is not interested in the life and death of that guy.

   However, the expansion of the black hole to this level has reached a point where it can threaten their undead army!

   And the most frightening thing is that you have no solution to the black hole except for letting it disappear by itself ‘tired’.

   I have to say that Caesar Trunk’s killer move is indeed ruthless!

   During this period, the main force of mechanical civilization is obviously not interested in staying as a nutrient for the black hole.

   In fact, at the beginning, the entire army, including the main force fleet of mechanical civilization, had always maintained the maximum attack range, fighting against the undead army there.

   In the process of General Tronia, mixing into a group of mechanical warriors, straight into the back row of the undead army.

   The main force of their mechanical civilization, at the signal of the mastermind of civilization, put on a posture that they wanted to keep a safe distance from the undead army that rushed up, and they retreated and pulled the front, and then began to retreat.

   And based on the calculation results of the Civilized Main Brain, the body computer, at the moment when Admiral Tronia officially started his hands, a more thorough retreat was launched at full speed.

   The movement efficiency of the mechanical civilization army is still very high.

   This allowed the army of mechanical civilization to successfully maintain a safe distance from the black hole.

   And in this process, for the undead army headed by Skeleton King Wu Chuang, Caesar Trunk, the mastermind of civilization, obviously didn't want them to retreat.

   A large number of mechanical warriors and unmanned fighters quickly formed an army to kill the undead army.

   Among them, against a group of bone-dragon knights headed by Skeleton King Wu Chuang, and the mechanical civilization side, they continued to send out S-level fighters with annihilation mode to launch an offensive.

   Their purpose is not to defeat this undead army, but to delay time.

   As long as it is successfully dragged to the black hole to expand, then this army of undead will definitely have no possibility of surviving.

During the    period, Wu Chuang, who was the Skeleton King, was even more cared for by the mechanical civilization.

  The S-rank fighters who besieged him, suddenly increased from ten at the beginning to twenty.

   After the combat unit doubled, even Wu Chuang felt a little bit of pressure.

   At this moment, what kind of mind the mechanical civilization has, UU reading is self-evident.

   The other party just wants to hold him, let him be swallowed by the black hole!

   Although their undead people carry the word ‘immortality’, once they are swallowed by the black hole, there will be no scum left.

   Even the undead must die obediently, and want to be resurrected, it is simply a dream.

   Skeleton King Wu Chuang, who knew this in his heart, naturally couldn't sit still.

   Twenty S-class fighters who have turned on the annihilation mode joined forces. The threat is indeed not small, even he has to deal with it seriously.

   However, if he doesn't want to fight, can the opponent force him to trap him?

   "Assemble the whole army! Follow me to break through!!"

   The order was issued, and a group of bone dragon knights gathered first, using Skeleton King Wu Chuang as the tip of the knife, and quickly formed a breakthrough formation.

During   , facing the interception of a large number of mechanical warriors including S-class fighters on the side of mechanical civilization, Skeleton King Wu Chuang was not at all ambiguous with the opposite side, and directly exploded with power, in the most arrogant way, from the front!

   As the three kings, the Skeleton King who is best at fighting on the battlefield! He Wu Chuang is not in vain.

   The blade-type mechanical S-class fighters before, relying on speed, avoiding the frontal confrontation, and dealing with him, it is not bad.

   But once it turns into a head-on confrontation, that bunch of steel bumps, dare you try to stop him head-on?

  A face-to-face can completely crush you into a pile of scrap copper and iron! Does it really mean that Wu Chuang, the King of Skeletons, is a vegetarian? !

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