Facts have proved that the self-detonation power of guard S-class fighters is indeed stronger than that of blade S-class fighters.

In the intense energy storm, Wu Chuang, the Skeleton King who maintained the Soul Burning Mode, broke through the energy storm like a blue-green comet.

In this regard, the firepower S-class fighters who fired at the rear, their firepower suppression, naturally kept up in the first time.

According to Wu Chuang's combat power in Soul Burning Mode, it is definitely not a problem to rush into the opposite fire position.

But in the current situation, Wu Chuang who is still sensible for the time being, still puts "getting rid of the black hole" as the first priority.

Moreover, at this stage, it is not easy to say what the undead army behind them is. For the sake of safety, Wu Chuang intends to lead his troops to evacuate first.

Sacrifice like 7huan.com Sacrifice like. With such thoughts in mind, his eyes quickly locked on the undead army under his command.

Needless to say, while he was under the intensive care of the mechanical clan, his undead army, headed by five skeletons, was also intercepted by the mechanical civilization army, including S-class fighters of the mechanical clan, and The scale is not small.

Wu Chuang, who was previously the Skeleton King, was blasted off by the mechanical civilization with a set of combos, which really hit the morale of the undead army under his command.

Although after that, all five skeleton generals are doing their best to maintain the situation.

But in this army, the existence of Skeleton King is extraordinary.

Now that the army has not been disintegrated, it is also thanks to the five skeleton generals who have stabilized the morale of the army to a certain extent.

Wu Chuang, who saw this scene in his eyes, breathed a sigh of relief.

And just at the knot he was about to rush back, an energy cannon attack that broke through the air, but cut his way on the spot.

At that moment, he controlled the momentum in time, avoided the attacking Wu Chuang, and swept towards the direction where the attack came with murderous aura.

I want to see which mechanical clan who knows nothing about life and death, dare to look for his bad luck!

Soon, the appearance of Liangdao looks similar to the conventional S-class fighters by six or seven points, but the mechanical fighters who are obviously different from each other appeared in his field of vision.

Looking at this battle, there is no way to withdraw smoothly.

Huo Dao Huo Da, but at this moment, Skeleton King Wu Chuang was still keenly aware of the difference in appearance of the opponent.

Then, without waiting for him to think about it, with the unfolding of the mechanical skeleton behind it and the eruption of red high-concentration energy particles, the two somewhat special mechanical warriors had already lifted all restrictions and entered annihilation mode!

Immediately afterwards, a large number of energy weapons exposed in the void opened fire at the same time, and the crazy firepower was directly intertwined into a firepower net of death, swept toward the Skeleton King Wu Chuang.

Although it is still unclear what the situation is with those two special mechanical warriors, Wu Chuang, who is burning with soul power at this time, seems to be in a posture of'God blocking and killing the God, Buddha blocking and killing the Buddha.'

In this state, he is really not afraid.

Without further ado, Wu Chuang, who was riding the bone dragon under his seat, killed him on the spot.

The two mechanical warriors have fierce firepower, but it is not easy to threaten him.

Look for one of them first, and successfully approaching the target, he swings a horizontal cut with the skull sword in his hand, and puts on a posture that will break ten times with one force, and cut the opponent into two in a single face!

Who knows, the speed of that mechanical clan fighter is unexpectedly fast.

You know, under the state of burning soul power, his comprehensive combat power has greatly increased, even those blade-type S-class fighters who are known for speed are facing him, in terms of speed, they no longer have much advantage.

But in front of this, the speed is extremely fast.

Obviously, the size is not as dexterous as those blade-shaped S-class fighters, and at the same time it is equipped with a lot of firepower weapons, which greatly increases the weight.

But the opponent's speed is actually faster than the blade S-class fighter?

Then there is only one possibility left.

That is the level of the mechanical warrior in front of me, above the S level! Or both!

Needless to say, in order to destroy Wu Chuang, Caesar Trunk has already sent out his subordinate X-level fighters, and he has sent two of them in one faction.

The one who was approached by Wu Chuang in front of him was Balloch, while the other one was keeping the distance, and the one who opened fire from a long distance was Kulin.

Balloch, who avoided the attack, did not pull the distance again, but directly changed to melee.

The right-hand robotic arm is like a butterfly knife. Between the flips, a dark red blade, while being exposed in the void, cuts straight towards the Skeleton King Wu Chuang.

At the critical moment, the Skeleton King Wu Chuang reacted very quickly. The Skeleton Great Sword in his hand quickly slanted into a block, with the blade of the deadly energy attached, and immediately collided with the high-frequency vibrating particle saber on Balloch's left arm.

Under the energy output of X-class fighters, the high-frequency vibrating particle saber equipped on Balloch is a bit stronger than the high-frequency vibrating particle saber equipped with ordinary blade S-class fighters.

During the collision, a small gap was left on the indestructible skeleton sword of Wu Chuang, the Skeleton King.

The gap was very small, probably smaller than that of an ant, but Wu Chuang could see it clearly, and it gave him a sense of crisis.

No matter how you say it, the somewhat special mechanical warrior in front of you has already shown that it can threaten his capital!

Maintaining the posture of sword-blade collision, Wu Chuang suddenly exploded with strength, intending to suppress the opponent with strength.

However, Balloch, who had collected a lot of combat information, had clearly calculated Wu Chuang's hand in his individual mastermind.

As an X-level fighter, this X-level body specially made for him is not weak, but it is not much stronger.

It is not a wise choice to fight head-on with Skeleton King Wu Chuang.

In the face of the attack, Balloch predicted Wu Chuang’s actions in advance and confirmed his response. The high-frequency vibrating particle saber on the right side of the robotic arm turned around. While avoiding the frontal hard fight, his legs also changed. It was turned over, revealing the high-frequency vibrating particle saber hidden under the armor, UU reading www.uukanshu.com and attacking Wu Chuang from two extremely tricky angles.

Three knives come out at once, fast attack speed, tricky attack angle, coupled with the powerful destructive power of the high-frequency vibrating particle saber, and the fire support of Kurin in the distance.

After a round of fierce attacks, even Wu Chuang, who was burning with spirit power, had a large amount of scars on the surface of his armor.

Without this set of armor on his body, the attack would inevitably fall directly on his body, causing greater damage to him.

But even so, in this process, most of Wu Chuang's attention was not focused on the three high-frequency vibration particle sabers, but on Balloch's left side, which has not been much moved. On the robotic arm.

During the fight, Balloch opened a small energy cannon on his left mechanical arm, and fired it from time to time.

汜豜汜. But to be honest, the power is limited, depending on the situation, the role of this small energy gun should be used to harass and contain the enemy.

In this level of battle, it was really a little bit less interesting. Wu Chuang instinctively felt that the opponent's left robotic arm was not that simple.

I have to say that he was right.

Seeing an opportunity, under the cover of Kurin, Balloch, with his fierce continuous attacks and his own speed, broke through his defense and bullied himself.

At the same time, his left robotic arm directly touched Wu Chuang's head.

Mi He Mi. In the next instant, the mechanical arm opened, and a spiral-shaped dark red alloy spear suddenly burst out! One blow penetrated Wu Chuang's head, and even the void behind him was stabbed out of a hole!

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