Although, this time against the mechanical civilization, the combat power of the Lich Race has been greatly affected.

But they themselves use undead spells to give their own army some buffs, and it's still no problem.

At the same time, as the mind faction of the undead, many important positions in the undead army belong to the lich clan.

Under this premise, most of the troops in the undead army also come from the Lich tribe.

It is not exaggerating to say that without their Lich race, there would be no undead army of this size.

Even to speak of it, Zhong Mo essentially belongs to the Lich clan.

In this way, the position of the Lich Race in the undead army is basically unshakable.

And as Zhong Mo's family, at a critical moment, naturally, he can't shame Zhong Mo.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Lich King Sorenk dispatched fifteen combat powers in one go, two of which were his proud work over the years.

Of the remaining thirteen, eight of them are top fighters from Rowan Bollet's magical civilization, and five are from the Hyakki civilization of Igarashi Senra.

However, it is a pity that the strongest magical civilization is still the wizard, and the generals are mostly average. These thirteen combat powers are all S+, which is considered to be sent out to make up the number.

The focus is on those two proud works.

One of them is generally close to a human posture, but with a pair of black horns on his forehead, and a set of ruined armor that resembles a warrior general in the Warring States period. One of the sleeves is empty, with only one arm.

The name is Ibaraki Dozi, one of the hundred ghosts under Morira Igarashi. He died at the hands of the Skeleton King Wu Chuang in the first battle. After being transformed into an undead clan, his overall combat power has declined, but according to the mechanical clan’s Judging criteria, Sorenk estimated that he still had an'X' grade.

As for the other, it is a beautiful-looking woman.

Even after being transformed into an undead unit, her face turned into a dead gray, which could not conceal her beauty.

And under the gorgeous robe, the nine tails that could not be blocked at all made her identity almost ready to be revealed. It was the white-faced golden-haired nine-tailed fox, Yuzao Qian!

Among the Hundred Ghosts civilization, she is probably the strongest besides Igarashi Senra.

It was Zhong Mo, who was in the posture of the Pluto Dragon, and killed her personally.

Later, Zhong Mo was busy refining the Ochi Orochi, and the task before refining Yuzao fell on the head of the Lich King Sorenk.

Even after being transformed into an undead, its strength can definitely reach level ‘X’ or higher.

Although it is slightly inferior to Dracula, King of the Blood Race, or Wu Chuang, the King of Skeletons, it can still be counted as an ‘X+’ level combat power for the time being!

The top combat power of the two sides fought against each other, King of the Blood Race, Dracula, as the strongest combat power inside, naturally became the most important breakthrough on this battlefield.

Once the mechanical clan cooperates with each other, the combat power will increase exponentially like a chemical reaction.

Therefore, the best way to deal with the machine clan is to separate them one by one and don't give them a chance to cooperate.

But this thing is easy to say, but it is not easy to do it at all.

If you want to fight separately, they will let you fight separately?

Are you really a fool?

It is impossible for the mechanical clan to not know that their greatest advantage lies in the integrated cooperation, joint combat, mutual cooperation, and complement each other, which will help them maximize their own combat power.

On the other hand, on the side of the undead, fighting together is simply a nightmare for them.

See who is here?

Dracula and the others are the blood clan, the two skeleton generals are the skeleton clan, the Ghost Rider, Ibaraki Boy, and Yuzao Qian are all Lich clan in the strict sense.

The three powerful clans of the Styx civilization originally had their own armies under their respective subordinates. In the past, the battles were all on their own, with occasional cooperation. To put it bluntly, they were just performing their duties on the battlefield. There was basically no need for in-depth cooperation.

Now they get together on a temporary basis, and when they match up with the eight X-class mechanical fighters, what it will be like is completely imaginable...

Even Dracula, at this time, was also suppressed by the side of the machine race.

After briefly understanding the situation over there, Zhong Mo was mentally prepared in advance for what Dracula and the others are like.

So, there are no surprises now.

In fact, in a situation like this, apart from mechanical civilization, there are basically any civilizations, even Luo Ji’s civilization of the Ten Thousand Realms.

Not to mention different races, even if they are of the same race, you usually do not train together for the generals of the two armies, and have never fought side by side in the past, so get together temporarily to cooperate? How much cooperation can there be?

Therefore, for Zhong Mo, what Dracula and the others have to do now is to drag the eight X-level fighters on the opposite side, and don't let the other side get in the way.

In the current situation, their mechanical civilization may have no advantage in the top combat power.

But in the war unit, they still have an advantage!

There is still a difference between war units and combat power units.

Combat power units generally refer to high combat power units like Dracula and Wu Chuang.

Its value lies in killing the opposing high-power unit and creating a breakthrough for the enemy's army.

The war unit generally refers to a unit that can show great value to this war or this battlefield on a whole war level.

A typical war unit like Yachi Orochi that can directly cause large-scale destruction and threat to enemy troops, army, and fortress defense lines is a typical warfare unit.

At this moment, under the command of Zhong Mo, the Yaqi Orochi has already entered the forefront of mechanical civilization with firepower.

With its strong attribute resistance, and the powerful means of absorbing the enemy's attribute attacks, and then using them to counterattack, the Yachi Orochi can be regarded as a very powerful long-range unit.

But in fact, its melee ability is not weak at all.

At least after rushing into the front position of the mechanical civilization, the snake's body is wrapped around, like squeezing a balloon. It can easily squeeze the force field shield of the A-class starship of the mechanical civilization, and then smash an entire hull. , Directly cut into two sections.

After this, the Yachi Orochi will be very cheap to whip the corpse of the A-class starship.

In doing so, it is not that it is idle and boring, and even if it is really going to be said, this is Zhong Mo's command.

Its fundamental purpose is to detonate the Class A starship, so that the Yaqi Orochi can absorb energy.

Replaced by ordinary opponents, at this point, the Class A starship on the side of mechanical civilization should have launched a self-detonation attack.

But considering the particularity of the Yachi Orochi, it is of course impossible for Caesar Trunk to let that A-class starship explode to send energy to the opposite side.

Therefore, at the moment when the A-class starship was attacked by the Yachi Orochi, Caesar Trunk, who anticipated this situation in advance, not only dismantled the self-detonation device on the starship with the highest authority, but even initiated the installation. The reinforced stabilizer on the A-class starship, so as not to suddenly explode after being stimulated.

The technological power of mechanical civilization is basically capable of pressing magical civilization on the ground and wantonly friction, which makes the stability level of their stabilizers quite high.

In general, it is difficult to make the energy in their energy furnace unstable.

But no matter how awesome the stabilizer is, it can’t stand someone directly blasting your energy stove...

The Baqi Orochi who was frantically whiplashing the corpse quickly exploded the energy furnace of the A-class starship and caused a big explosion.

The attack of the energy cannon, in the process of storing energy and launching, it will carry out complex transformations, transforming pure energy into more destructive power, but the unconverted energy itself, explosive power Actually limited.

Bathed in the explosion of the A-class starship energy furnace, Yachi Orochi absorbed part of the explosion energy as it wished, and then rushed towards the next target while advancing.

Facing the shameless behavior of Yaqi Orochi, even Caesar Trunk has nothing to do.

As a top war unit with a hundred ghost civilization, how could it be easily abolished because of the exposure of intelligence?

Even when it is a last resort, they will attack the Yaqi Orochi by themselves. What are they afraid of? !

What Caesar Trunk can do today is to reduce as much as possible the way the Yaqi Orochi gets energy, so as to reduce the threat that the other side can pose to his main force of mechanical civilization.

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