Latest website: As mentioned earlier, the key to this step of the plan lies in whether Cheng Hao can use space to transmit in time at the moment of life and death to send Glimpse and Niederhogg away.

Unlike the fierce generals of his Ten Thousand Worlds civilization, Glimpse and Nidhogg would not be resurrected once they died in battle.

Ysera relied on the attack range of the air-breaking dragon's breath to stay away from this area. When the time comes, pay attention to the timing. Generally, they will not be affected by the black hole or meteor cannon attack.

But at that time, the glimpse of entering the scene was different from Niederhogg.

Once Cheng Hao makes a mistake, the two are dead!

This is also the biggest reason why Luo Ji was so entangled before.

Although Xiaoying and Niederhogg are both beasts and not humans, they were both raised by him alone. After so many years, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is half a child.

Let them take such a huge risk to perform the task. Luo Ji wanted to make this decision. It was naturally not easy, and it could even be said to be a bit painful.

But the current battle is related to the survival of their civilizations in the world. Once there is a difference, hundreds of millions of troops will be killed, and the civilization will be destroyed!

At this juncture, Luo Ji had to make a trade-off. Taking this risk, he had no choice.

The order was issued, and Cheng Hao, who received the order, took a sharp breath at this moment.

Cheng Hao has been a calm personality since he was a child. At the same time, he always remembered the warnings of his teacher Jie Zichuan, which made him not panic in every move. In the eyes of others, he was always calm and confident.

And his certainty is accumulated from countless boring exercises in the weekdays. Cheng Hao is a very practical person who can accumulate self-confidence through crazy training.

The spell of space teleport is different from the space gate.

As for the space door, basically, within Cheng Hao's range of perception, or a place with his space mark, he can open it anytime, anywhere.

As for space teleportation, you must first leave a space mark on the target.

For a simple example, call the target that needs to be teleported as'Target A', and Cheng Hao needs to teleport Target A to'Location B', then'Target A'and'Location B'must be All have the space mark left by him, otherwise there is only one, and the space transmission will not be able to be displayed smoothly.

Compared with the space gate, although the space transmission is more restrictive and not as flexible as the space gate, it is better than the transmission efficiency.

As long as Cheng Hao sets the control mark in advance, and can withstand the space interference that will inevitably appear at that time, and casts the spell successfully, then the space transfer can directly ignore the target's wishes and force it away in an instant!

Cheng Hao has practiced this very high-level spatial spell, and has also used it many times.

It is no exaggeration to say that, supplemented by the ‘Space God’s Checks and Balances’, this spell can basically do it at his fingertips.

However, in the face of what he was about to do next, his whole person still unavoidably got nervous.

At this moment, what his teacher Jie Zichuan said to him before he went out with the army, couldn’t help but sound in Cheng Hao’s ears...

"When you are on the battlefield, don't think too much when casting spells. The more you think about it, the easier it is to make mistakes. Trust your body. You have practiced these spells countless times. Your body has already remembered how to use them. Spells, if you think too much, it will interfere with yourself."

As his thoughts flew around, Cheng Hao, who exhaled a long breath, opened his eyes and became a little firmer.

The rear troops, meteorite guns were quickly ready.

It was different from the situation where the magical civilization fired a cannon and abolished a cannon.

Regarding the main body of the Meteor Cannon shells, although their Ten Thousand Realms Civilization did not make any obvious improvements, for the Meteor Cannon’s turret and body, the upgrade level is really a qualitative change.

The biggest change is that this thing is finally not a one-time consumable.

The reason why the magical civilization’s meteor cannon turned into a one-time consumable is that it is bluntly technically and technologically inadequate, and its body cannot withstand the super recoil produced when the meteor cannon is fired, which eventually leads to its collapse and disintegration.

However, in terms of technology and scientific and technological capabilities, the civilization of the Ten Thousand Realms is what has completely exploded the magical civilization. At the same time, there are technical blessings from various other civilization systems.

Under the joint development of Ye Xuan, Jarrett, and Bart Wildhammer, the Meteor Cannon completely removed the label of "disposable consumables".

Almost at the same time when the front army emptied the attack trajectory, the mechanical civilization planet that was the target of the attack had already entered their attack range. The next second, the meteor cannon came out of the box, tearing the void all the way, and attacking. The target blasted past.

At the same time, within the defense line of the mechanical civilization planet, five X-class fighters of the mechanical race showed up without any accident.

Needless to say, their goal is to attack the meteorite cannon and launch interception.

In the face of this situation, according to the plan made long ago, the side of the civilization of the ten thousand worlds is also a repeat of the old technique. While letting Ysera lead the way, the dragon spirit druid who recovered some mana slightly, kept the distance. During the containment of the action of the X-class fighters of the mechanical civilization side, the space door in the area opened quickly, Glimpse and Nidhogg shot out from it, and slaughtered the target.

Even though this action, Luo Jida had already instructed Glimpse and Niederhogg from the very beginning, mainly to contain them, and depending on the situation, be ready to retreat at any time, so as not to be affected by black holes or meteor cannon attacks.

But the Glimpse and Niederhogg who were killed from the space gate, the whole culling momentum, was still very fierce, and it was completely with the mentality of killing the other party. UU reading

Luo Ji wasn't surprised at this, after all, Glimpse and Niederhogg's nature were just like that.

Moreover, there are five X-level fighters on the opposite side. When they are culled, if they have reservations, they don't have to be instantly counter-killed.

It doesn't take much time. The meteorite cannons are flying at an amazing speed. They only need to hold them for a moment to make them hit the target.

Up to this point, the entire plan has proceeded very smoothly.

However, what Luo Ji didn't expect was that the opponent did not launch the black hole weapon as he expected to defuse their meteorite cannon attack.

To be honest, the five X-rank fighters did not even care about the meteor cannon after Glimpse and Nidhogg appeared. Instead, they launched a siege to Glimpse in the first place.

And as the core of this round of their army of civilizations, the Meteor Cannon completely approached the target planet so easily...

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