The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3915: , Can really find a location

It is different from the black hole formed by exploding the planet.

The black hole generating device, to a large extent, makes the existence of black holes more controllable, and can be used as a star-killing weapon.

But on the other hand, this kind of weapon is simply ‘destructive’, and of course it’s impossible for the mechanical clan to use it unrestrictedly.

First of all, the production of black hole generating devices requires a huge energy body to support it.

And the name of that energy body is called Stellar!

Their mechanical civilization does not only collect energy from stars.

In fact, after the energy collection and transformation device covers an entire star, they will also manufacture a large number of factories and facilities on the outside of that device, which can directly draw on the energy of the star for operation.

Under this premise, the highest-level factory is the black hole factory that produces this black hole generating device.

When this black hole factory is in production and operation, in order to ensure the stability of energy, other mechanical civilization factories on the star will stop operating.

But even so, it is obvious that the black hole generating device cannot be mass-produced.

In fact, the black hole factory can only produce one black hole generating device at a time, and while consuming a lot of energy, the time required is not short.

Under this premise, it has no way of hoarding in advance, because the stability of the black hole generating device will become worse and worse over time.

After the completion of production, the stability is the highest in the first month, and it is also the safest. There is basically no case that the device is out of control and a black hole is suddenly formed.

And after the first month, this device will not explode instantly, but the stability will become worse and worse until it explodes...

Under this premise, and also for reasons of stability, if you don't want this black hole generating device to be triggered in advance, long-distance launching and other means, basically don't think about it.

The safest way is to find a reliable unit. It is best not to suffer any impact during the period, and to **** the device to the designated location.

Obviously, even if it is a civilization that is as powerful as a mechanical clan, there is no way to manipulate black holes wantonly.

Here, by the way, it is worth mentioning that this newly produced black hole generating device, according to the initial plan of Caesar Trunk, is to be sent to the battlefield against the undead army.

As a result, he did not expect that the threat displayed by the civilization of the world is stronger than that in his celestial computer calculation.

Therefore, after the latest calculation of the war, Caesar Trunk immediately adjusted the original plan and sent this black hole generating device here.

After the black hole generating device broke away from the stable environment of the Manlinda core power furnace, before Caesar Trunk could trigger it, the instability of the black hole generating device had begun to increase significantly.

Fortunately, at this point, it doesn't matter if it is stable and unstable.

The black hole generating device is directly triggered.

That small black spot was not within the scope of Wang Sheng's vision, and the detection system found no abnormality for a while.

The five X-class fighters who received unified instructions disarmed their defenses at the same time, and let the naval guns of the Star Chaser fleet bomb them, becoming the first wave of nutrients for the black hole to grow!

"Casefire, ceasefire!!"

At that moment, the attack from their Star Chaser fleet seemed to be dragged by an invisible force, and was swallowed up on the spot.

In this process, the rapidly growing black hole made Wang Sheng realize that something big happened on the spot! Hastened to stop the attack! And they reported the situation here in time to the command office of their Ten Thousand World Civilization Army.

This wormhole opened too suddenly, and the black hole came even more suddenly!

This unexpected situation made their Star Chaser fleet too late to mobilize too much firepower in a short time. At that time, only a few magic warships could fire at that position.

Now it seems that it is a good thing.

The limited firepower is not enough to send too much energy to the black hole.

If the size of black holes can be controlled in time and not allowed to continue to expand, their losses will also be controlled in time.

However, this wave of attacks by mechanical civilization is not something they can solve without firing.

In fact, it didn't matter if Wang Sheng's Star Chaser fleet could not fire at that time.

Caesar Trunk has already prepared enough ‘nutrient’ for the black hole.

Needless to say, it is those five X-rank fighters!

Although X-level fighters are precious, the cost of construction is even higher.

But with five X-level fighters and a black hole generating device, to replace the army of civilizations of the ten thousand worlds, can he still be considered a loss for this account?

Without any hesitation, the five X-rank fighters just blew themselves up.

In the previous attack on the undead army, General Tronia and a large number of mechanical warriors blasted themselves frantically, forming a black hole that severely inflicted the undead army on the spot and caused it to retreat. UU reading www.

And this time, although there was no army of mechanical civilization to follow, the energy generated by the self-detonation of five X-rank fighters was added together, and it was really not bad.

In an instant, swallowing the energy formed by the self-detonation of five X-rank fighters, the black hole produced an explosive growth.

At that time, the magic warship, which was nearby, and there was no time to retreat, was instantly swept in by the insanely swelling black hole.

A large number of magical warships were swallowed, and all became the nutrients for the continued expansion of the black hole. The expansion speed of the black hole continued to grow, becoming larger and larger, thus devouring more magical warships and letting the Ten Thousand Realms in the Chinese army’s position. The situation of the civilized army suddenly becomes extremely dangerous.

At the same time, it also cut off the back of the front army, and in the process of continuous expansion, began to pose a threat to the rear army's position.

Everyone has to admit that those guys from the mechanical race can really find a place.

But at this moment, on the side of the civilization of the world, everyone's attention is not completely focused on this black hole.

Because, just as the five Class X fighters cut through the wormhole and cut into their middle army position, they were outside the front army position of the Ten Thousand World Civilization Army, and between the black hole formed by the meteorite cannon directly hitting the planet on the other side. , There is actually a mechanical giant nearly 100 meters in height appearing in the void!

The mechanical giant drilled out of the wormhole, his entire shape was in human form, said to be a giant, but in fact, except for the height of nearly 100 meters, his body is not burly and bloated, of course, it is not too slender, it belongs to That kind of just right streamlined body.

After appearing, the mechanical giant's arms were fully extended and lifted to both sides of the body.

During this period, his open palm seemed to be pointed at the two black holes on the void battlefield at this time. Invisible, people have a strong sense of crisis!

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