The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3917: , Can play anyway

Under the traction of the two-way wormhole, the two black holes quickly merged into one while swallowing each other.

In an instant, this entire star field was completely transformed into an even more astonishing death zone, and its range almost enveloped an entire void battlefield.

That unstoppable force caused a large number of civilized troops of the Ten Thousand Worlds that were not able to withdraw in time to be instantly buried in a black hole.

During this period, the mechanical giant relied on the wormhole to shuttle and retreat easily.

Compared with the relatively common subspace shuttle technology in the super-specification civilization on the technological side, what Wormhole insists to say is actually a subspace. After all, spaces other than the main space are basically divided into the subspace range. inner.

However, the subspace shuttle technology itself has its own strengths and weaknesses.

For example, the technology of mechanical civilization in this area is stronger than other civilizations.

Under this premise, the wormhole shuttle can be understood as a more advanced version of the subspace shuttle. Compared with the ordinary subspace shuttle, the wormhole shuttle is more accurate, more stable, and more efficient.

However, the technical level is also more complicated.

"The object is being scanned, please wait..."

In the form of a silver-white cube, the space artifact presented in front of the mechanical giant is now floating in the palm of the opponent.

At that time, he was trying to use the connected wormhole as a traction to combine the two black holes into one, and sweep the entire battlefield. On Cheng Hao's side, the powerful space force attracted his attention. .

Although relying on the super wormhole shuttle ability, even in the face of black holes, he has the capital to retreat all over his body. However, if you want to forcefully control the black hole and stop it from functioning like Cheng Hao, even if it only requires He couldn't control it in just three seconds.

He knew that on the side of Ten Thousand Realms Civilization, there was an amazing space master, but even his celestial computer could not calculate that the other party was able to do this!

According to the feedback from the space energy at that time and the follow-up calculations of the celestial computer, the fundamental reason for the other party's ability to show such a powerful space power is likely to come from the silver-white cube in his hand.

At this moment, his scanning system is scanning it...

"Dip! The scan is completed, the unknown substance is temporarily unresolved."

At that moment, the news was almost simultaneously fed back to Caesar Trunk, who was in the depths of civilization, as the mastermind of civilization.

It is actually a bit wrong to say that, because to say it really, that mechanical giant is actually the body of Caesar Trunk, and it is also controlled by Caesar Trunk.

However, what is different from other mechanical warriors is that the subjective consciousness of Caesar Trunk still remains in the depths of civilization, and is integrated with the mastermind of their mechanical civilization, that is, the celestial computer.

As for the mechanical giant, it is actually a bit similar to Luo Ji's Conquering King Colossus, he is controlled remotely.

The mechanical giant can't analyze it, it is very likely that the performance of the analysis equipment on the body is not enough.

Although the performance and configuration of this body is still above the X-class body, it is the body with the highest performance and configuration in their mechanical civilization.

But in itself, the ability to analyze substances is definitely not comparable to the large professional equipment behind it.

Caesar Trunk, who got the result, flew out a small flying device directly from his body, and used the unfolded mechanical claws to grab the silver-white cube.

Immediately afterwards, a wormhole connected to the rear was unfolded, and the small flying device flew in with the silver-white cube directly, ready to send it back to the rear for research and analysis.

As for the mechanical giant, he undoubtedly still has things to do.

After the two black holes merged into one, and after some crazy rages, the entire star field in front of them had been completely emptied.

The black hole that lost the matter and energy that could be swallowed, and could not continue to maintain its shape, eventually disappeared without a trace, and the entire star field also returned to peace.

But this calm did not last long.

Along with the Caesar Trunk signal, a large number of space doors opened quickly in this star field flattened by the black hole, and starships of mechanical civilization continued to fly out of the space doors.

At this moment, their army of mechanical civilization is gathering!

Before the expedition army of the Ten Thousand Realms Civilization, when they were pressed beyond the defense line of their mechanical civilization planet, there was a period of rest.

During that time, they were given the opportunity to operate mechanical civilization. Under the cover of environmental mimicry and distance, their army of mechanical civilization had already completed the hacking.

There are also major starships, but most of them have been replaced by Class B starships or even Class C starships that basically only serve in the logistics fleet.

These starships are of low level and low manufacturing cost. There are so many com, and their mechanical and civilized starships, in appearance, have always been the same.

If the tens of thousands of civilizations draw closer, there will be a chance to see the problem.

But at that time, one of them was on the periphery of the planet, and the other was outside the planet's defense line. The distance was so far, and there was a main fleet of mechanical civilization and environmental mimicry to cover.

As soon as the number increased, on the premise that no problems were found on the side of the civilization of the ten thousand worlds, the large-scale fleet easily created the illusion of their mechanical civilization, relying on this planet, and fighting the army of civilizations of the ten thousand worlds to the death.

After this, it depends on the civilization of the ten thousand realms, whether the meteor cannon will be fired.

Needless to say, the situation of choosing to launch the meteor cannon nowadays is no longer necessary.

Conversely, if the opponent chooses not to launch, but to let the army attack, their mechanical civilization also has a backup plan to use.

At that time, they will first wait for the army of civilizations to attack, and then activate the black hole generating device to form a black hole, swallow the planet and nearby troops as decoys, and lead the black hole to expand rapidly to deal with the army of civilizations.

They can play anyway.

Of course, the implementation of the No. 1 plan is fairly smooth now, and the No. 2 plan is naturally unnecessary.

Before, when the civilization of the world opened the space door to launch a large-scale emergency retreat, Caesar Trunk tracked the fluctuations in space.

Taking into account the environmental factors at the time, even if it is a subspace shuttle, it will not go far.

He knew where the army of civilizations of the Ten Thousand Realms had fled roughly.

Now on the side of their mechanical civilization, the real garrison army has gathered, synchronized Caesar Trunk's intelligence data, and under the calculation of the celestial computer, locked the mechanical civilization army in the approximate direction, and quickly launched the hunt!

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