The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3922: Scalloped horn

After being attacked, the attacker's position was locked, and under John Thrall's signal, the Star Destroyer unceremoniously returned.

Regarding the firepower of the Star Destroyer, as early as the simple firefight, the mechanical civilization side had already collected some preliminary information and made adjustments to deploy more frigates and vanguard ships around its main firepower.

After one round of firing, a number of Class A vanguard ships immediately sealed their attack trajectories with their hulls. At the same time, the frigate also opened up a large reinforced force field shield to protect the main firepower and vanguard ships. .

Through the combination of multiple starships, a strengthened defense area is formed.

Under this multiple protection, the Comet Cannon wants to destroy the main firepower of their mechanical civilization. According to the order, they have to explode the'Enhanced Force Field Shield of the Frigate,' the Force Field Shield of the Vanguard, and the Force Field Shield of the Vanguard. The hull of the ship, the hull of the frigate, and the force field shield of the main firepower can finally reach the hull of the main firepower.

Although the comet cannon on the side of civilization is strong, on the side of mechanical civilization, they directly pulled their own vanguard and frigate to serve as the dead ghost of the main firepower. They wanted to threaten the main firepower of the mechanical civilization side. The difficulty has also risen linearly.

Of course, similar defense methods, they actually did the same on the Ten Thousand World Civilization side.

So at this point, everyone is half-hearted, don't despise anyone.

In this process, the Star Destroyer did not directly get together with the main force of their ten thousand world civilization, but while retreating, while adjusting the position, slowly moved to the other side, very arrogantly alone, occupying a void. Fire towards the army of mechanical civilization.

This seemingly simple mobile station has shown very good results in actual combat against mechanical civilization.

At the horns of each other with its own army, spreading out a fan-shaped formation, and gathering fire from both sides of the mechanical civilization to chase soldiers, it also forced the mechanical civilization to be unable to concentrate all the firepower in one area.

If the opponent wants to attack both the Star Destroyer and their main force of the civilization of the world, then their own firepower must be dispersed.

Conversely, if you choose to focus fire on one of them, or use most of the firepower to attack one of them, then the other side can get a comfortable output environment, and the output firepower that can burst out at that time must be amazing.

In this situation where the enemy is chased by the enemy, retreats and pulls each other, the advantages that this layout can bring are very obvious.

But to say it, in fact, not everyone can use it, and it needs to have enough hard power to support it.

If the Star Destroyer is replaced by an ordinary army, then according to the firepower of the mechanical civilization army, it is completely possible to fight for several rounds of bursts, forcibly kill one of them, and break the game by destroying one by one.

And it is precisely because the army of mechanical civilization, as a chaser, can neither kill the Star Destroyer nor the main force of their Ten Thousand Worlds civilization within a short period of time, so that it can force the opponent to form such a situation.

At this stage, the tactics of the civilization side of the Ten Thousand Realms are undoubtedly fighting entirely around the main fire fleet and the Star Destroyer.

The same is true on the mechanical civilization side.

But the difference is that in this process, the mechanical civilization side also showed a strong momentum of forward pressure.

Although the civilization of the Ten Thousand Worlds has been retreating, the gap in mobility has destined that the distance between the two of them will continue to be shortened.

After getting close to a certain distance, the magical fleet of the civilization side of the world, which had been waiting for the opportunity, fired a series of secondary main guns first.

At the same time, the 50,000 thermonuclear energy cannons on the Star Destroyer also began to explode, intertwined into an astonishing firepower net, and swept directly toward the army of mechanical civilization that was chasing up.

This move is not a strange move, but something that will inevitably happen in the pursuit.

But even in the case that the celestial computer of the mechanical civilization has already reached this point, in the face of this level of firepower, there is actually no good way to deal with it.

The formation evacuated in advance, combined with the battleship-class force field shield with full output power, reduced their losses to the greatest extent, and then launched a counterattack without hesitation.

At this moment, with the complete launch of the firepower in the fleets of both sides, the loss figures on both sides also began to continue to rise.

In this process, its own firepower, directly comparable to a large army of Star Destroyer, played a vital role.

After all, according to the original plan of mechanical civilization, in this stage when the two fleets are engaged in a head-on exchange of fire, in terms of the size of the fleet, they should have the upper hand.

They will directly use the firepower formed by the fleet size to suppress the armies of civilizations of the world. Then UU Reading will outflank them from both sides to form a siege formation and start annihilation.

But now, this original plan obviously cannot be implemented smoothly.

The fleet's firepower could not obviously suppress the opposite side, and at the same time, the horns of the main force of the Ten Thousand Realms Civilization and the Star Destroyer's formation of horns also contained to a large extent the flanking outflank troops they might send next.

Because the current formation of the Ten Thousand World Civilization Army is to vacate part of the frontal battlefield space, and the current positions of the main force and the Star Destroyer can be said to be half on the edge of the frontal battlefield and half on the flanking battlefield.

On the mechanical civilization side, if they send outlandish troops, they will inevitably be intercepted by them. This formation can disperse the enemy’s firepower and contain the enemy’s outflank tactics if it can stand up. It's pretty easy to use.

In this process, the Star Destroyer, who has almost occupied half of the civilized army of the ten thousand worlds, is no longer necessary to say how important it is.

At the same time, on the side of mechanical civilization, the obstacle level of the Star Destroyer has also been completely marked with the ‘X’ level label along with the latest intelligence update!

The army quickly pressed forward, intending to'compress people with force' of the mechanical civilization army. While the vanguard fleet was constantly approaching, the attack bays of the troop transport ships at the rear quickly opened, and a large number of Type 702 fighters and mechanical fighters continued Flying out of it, culled toward the army of ten thousand civilizations and the star destroyers.

At this juncture, the Type 702 fighters and the mechanical warriors completely formed a rapid assault force, and the advancing speed was even faster than that of the vanguard fleet, and they approached with a brainstorm.

Among them, the Star Destroyer, whose threat level has been marked as an ‘X’-level war unit, is naturally also given the key care of the mechanical civilization side!

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