The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3924: , Deep into the truth

"C2 area, target number one, watch my signal and cover me."

Relying on the communication technique, Jarvan, who was always in contact with the guards of the third magic pilot regiment under his command, kept in touch with him. While passing on the message, his figure flipped and the explosion technique under his feet immediately unfolded.

In an instant, the impact force formed by the violent explosion made Jarvan start off like a rocket, and his whole body ejected at an astonishing speed.

This method of bursting advancement has long been recorded in mechanical civilization, which is not uncommon.

Even Jarvan did it when he first entered the war.

As a result, he did not leave any fond memories, and he was miserably cleaned up.

But today is different. After that battle, Jarvan also deliberately asked Zhao Hao many questions, among which was about the explosion.

Although the bursting advancement of their magical technique system and the thundering step of the martial arts system are completely different, the effect is similar.

In the battle at that time, unlike Jarvan, who was miserably cleaned up with a burst of propulsion, Zhao Hao was able to cope with the siege of the mechanical race with the help of Thunderbolt.

Regarding this problem, Jarvan would naturally ask for some advice.

He actually knew where the problem was. Although the burst advancing speed was amazing, the straight-and-forward movement method was too predictable for the mechanical race.

So he needs to add changes to the burst propulsion, and the key point is how he should add the changes, and how should he operate, in order to make the burst propulsion more flexible?

In response to this question, with Jingleibu as a reference, Jarvan took a lot of lessons from Zhao Hao.

Later, after a little familiarity, Jarvan often asked Zhao Hao for some questions after the war, conducted a post-war review, confirmed what he had shortcomings, and learned from Zhao Hao's experience.

From this point of view, Zhao Hao is almost catching up with Jiawen’s half of his teacher, which makes the relationship between the two of him become a little teacher and friend, and it is invisible, making Zhao Hao’s martial arts army and Jiawen’s subordinates. The relationship with the third magic pilot regiment has been eased to a certain extent.

This can be regarded as a little windfall.

At this moment, when Jarvan rushed out with that burst of force, the mechanical clan who had predicted the attack position had already launched an attack in advance.

If he had just entered the battlefield, and the actual combat experience was still very lacking, in the face of this situation, almost all of the time, Jarvan would have to slam his head into the mechanical warrior's energy cannon attack and complete a wave of perfect suicide.

But today's Jarvan would not make such a low-level mistake.

At the critical moment, I saw Jarvan moving at high speed, his body shape matched his feet, and a sudden change, accompanied by another explosion technique at his feet.

Immediately afterwards, with the impetus of the explosive force, Jarvan actually came to an emergency change direction that was explosive but not lacking in flexibility.

Wanting to urgently change the direction of movement under the impetus of that explosive speed is a very test of the physical fitness, reaction speed, proficiency of the magical technique, combat experience, and control of one's own body. Yes, it's not that easy.

After gaining experience from Zhao Hao, in order to be able to use this trick smoothly and proficiently in actual combat, Jarvan did not practice hard.

However, he had already used this trick in previous battles with the machine race, and at this time more than one machine race S-class fighters were eyeing him.

After confirming his change of direction, another mechanical S-class fighter's energy attack quickly chased him.

Unexpectedly, at the very moment of the moment, Jarvan actually launched another burst to change the direction of movement!

Double change in a short time! The difficulty has increased exponentially, and this trick he used for the first time with the lower eyelids of the mechanical race.

For this move, there may also be records in the big data of the machine family, and even the other party may have calculated this possibility.

At this time, the first reaction of the S-rank fighter who opened fire was to switch to fire.

Unexpectedly, before he could make a move, in the void, a round of magic missile sniper hit the fire, not only abruptly interrupted his attack, but also forced him to make an evasive action.

And that is, when the mechanical S-class fighter made an evasive action, Jarvan in the explosive rush, as if he had already gotten the moment, the muzzle of the magical rifle of the'Blaster' in his hand was already It was on the evasion route of the mechanical S-class fighter.

Fast sniping in an emergency, but the accuracy of the head is still guaranteed.

At that moment, the mechanical S-class fighter who had made an evasive action was almost as if he had rushed into Jarvan's attack on his own initiative.

In an instant, under the cast of Jarvan's blasting technique, a violent explosive impact swallowed the target completely.

"Good job!"

Through communication techniques, Jarvan did not hesitate to compliment himself, but at the same time he did not forget the business.

"Pay attention to target number two! Don't be careless!"

Needless to say, this fighting style was properly influenced by Zhao Hao.

As we all know, once a group fights, it’s easy to ignore the soldiers under their hands. If they don’t pay attention, they will rush and kill alone on the battlefield. They are best at bringing their soldiers to fight together, and they also know how to make full use of them. There are three majestic soldiers under his command.

One is Guo Zhen, one is Liu Meng, and the other is Zhao Hao!

Guo Zhen's five-star command is no longer necessary. He is now in the martial arts regiment with the largest number of commanders and the strongest commander ability, followed by Liu Meng.

As for Zhao Hao, UU reading, his command is actually not high, only three stars.

The reason why his fighting style has become like this is purely because of the influence of his father who is good at commanding soldiers, that is, Zhao Pan.

Although the command is not high, his fighting style has penetrated into his bones.

Fortunately, the troop under his command is the trump card of their Iron Wall Legion. The martial arts soldiers in the troop have outstanding individual combat capabilities, but the number is not large. The number of troops and the excellent command of the three-star level are more than enough to control. , There will not be an embarrassing situation where the command is too low and the command can't come.

Today, Jarvan, who has won the true biography of Zhao Hao, has become more and more accustomed to commanding and mobilizing the elite magic pilots of the third magic pilot regiment under his command while exerting his own combat power on the battlefield. Come and cooperate with him. Combat.

Those magic pilots may not be strong enough, but Jarvan doesn't need them to do much.

For Jarvan, they only need to shoot at a critical moment, provide some fire support, interrupt the attack of the opposing machine clan warrior, or provide some suppressing power, and he can create the opportunity to destroy the opponent!

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