The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3927: Ruthless suppression

As the patriarch of the Eagles and the first warrior in the clan, if he is only dealing with a blade-type S-rank fighter, Soe will not be able to retain the vengeance buff on his body, and specifically open the Beastmaster’s real body, let His battle time enters a countdown state.

The reason Suoyi did this is because of his wild intuition, he has already sensed an even greater threat in this battlefield!

At that moment, in full compliance with his body instinct, Soy controlled his figure and quickly made a flip and avoidance action.

Almost at the same time he made this evasive action, a series of energy attacks directly hit his original position.

The missed attack did not stop the opponent from stopping his attack, and continued fierce pursuit, and quickly blasted towards Suoyi.

In this process, the attacker also showed up unobtrusively, it was Manlinda, an X-rank fighter from the machine clan!

At the time, if Suoy did not activate the Beastmaster’s real body in time to increase his combat power, and ensure that the revenge BUFF on his body would not subside, then, according to the performance of the X-class fighter of the mechanical clan, he would have been buried in Manlin just now. Under Da's energy attack.

But even so, Suoy was a little embarrassed to hide just now.

If you want to fight against Manlinda, who is an X-rank fighter of the mechanical clan, and win, he probably has to lay down a bit of revenge buff for a while.

However, Manlinda obviously did not intend to give him this opportunity...

"The target value is continuing to rise, and the intelligence is updated. The current threat level is judged to be'X-'. It must be killed as soon as possible, the restrictions are lifted, all weapon permissions are obtained, and the annihilation mode is activated."

Following the judgment of the individual mastermind, the dark red high-concentration energy particles spewed up at this moment, and Manlinda entered the annihilation mode without hesitation!

Under normal circumstances, an X-level fighter of mechanical civilization, who wants to deal with Suoy, whose threat level has initially reached ‘X-’, does not actually need to enter the annihilation mode directly, at least at this stage, it’s not necessary.

Even in normal mode, it takes a little more time to solve it.

However, on the side of mechanical civilization, in this juncture of seizing the advantage and launching a counterattack, it is obvious that it does not want to take this risk. At the same time, considering the continuous improvement of Soy’s combat power, it is most safe to directly open the annihilation mode to solve the goal.

Actually speaking, according to the urinary nature of mechanical civilization, how could they suffer?

It took so long to fight through the collection of intelligence and the calculation of celestial computers. Regarding the resurrection mechanism of the civilization of the world, Caesar Trunk has already analyzed it.

To compare this, if Soy died in a battle, he would have to retire for more than a year. On the mechanical civilization side, if Manlinda died in battle, he would only need to be replaced with a spare X-class body. And the consciousness body will soon return to the battlefield.

The two high-end combat forces fought each other for casualties, and at the end of the fight, it was basically clear who had the advantage.

Facing Manlinda in the annihilation mode, the pressure that Suoy needs to bear has increased exponentially, even under the blessing of the state of the **** of vengeance, he was ruthlessly suppressed by Manlinda's hard power.

Although in this process, the revenge BUFF on him also continued to stack, steadily increasing his combat power.

But at the same time, Manlinda's attack also wounded him.

The Eagle Race, which takes speed and flexibility as the biggest advantage, is definitely a relatively crispy race in the orc civilization.

Not to mention the energy attack of Manlinda, the mechanical X-level fighter, even if it is an S-level or even mechanical A-level fighter, hitting them will also cause them to be injured.

The superposition of Revenge BUFF is increasing Soy's panel attributes, but the injuries on his body are constantly restricting his performance.

It is impossible to continue like this. He can't blindly dodge. That will only give the opponent a chance to fire wildly. Soy must look for opportunities, take the initiative to attack, and use his own offensive to limit Manlinda's offensive.

But this thing is extremely difficult to achieve.

After entering the annihilation mode, Manlinda's repressive power has soared, and it is not comparable to before.

Not to mention looking for a chance to attack, two rounds of fire, directly let Suoyi feel the threat of death.

Under the crazy bursts of the energy weapon's ultra-high frequency, it is not easy for him to survive. At the moment, if he wants to fight Manlinda to death, he has only one last resort...

At that moment, Suoyi quickly became bloodshot and his eyes became scarlet and dazzling, adding a bit of tyranny to his sacred and majestic posture in the state of the **** of vengeance!

The frenzied start, Suoy, who began to squeeze all his power, launched the most ferocious counterattack against Manlinda.

However, madness is the signature method of the orcs, how could Manlinda be unprepared?

Manlinda's individual mastermind had already formulated a targeted battle plan. Soy's frenzy was completely within her expectations.

Although Suoyi's physical attributes have been improved in all directions in a frenzied state, she can't enjoy the sanity aura like the human race Ganisa. The ordinary item of orc civilization's "madness restraint" can only ensure that they can In a frenzied state, maintain the most basic sanity.

However, the whole judgment and thinking ability will still decline drastically, and they will begin to act completely in accordance with their wild instincts.

Although the wild instincts of the orcs can provide them with powerful reaction speed and early warning ability in battle, if they fully follow the wild instincts, then the action mode of the orcs will become very simple on the machine side. It's clear!

With this as the premise, under the big data calculation of Manlinda's individual mastermind, Soy's mode of action has basically been seen through by her.

Coupled with the super performance brought by its own X-level annihilation mode, it can not be said that it is easy to suppress Soe, but there is not much difficulty.

At this moment, Suoyi, in a frenzied state, was full of unwillingness, wishing to rush up and die with Manlinda.

But even if he is in a frenzied state, UU reading www. also knew in his heart that if he really rushed head-on, he would be wiped out by the opponent's energy attack before he got close to Manlinda.

In fact, until now, even though Manlinda's attack has not been able to hit him head-on, the opponent's attack intensity is too high, and just a few scratches on him have already caused him to be completely wounded at this time.

In the face of the ruthless suppression from Manlinda, Suoyi in a frenzied state, although it is not pessimistic, but the mania is quite a bit.

The terrible situation, coupled with the wild release in a frenzied state.

Suoyi, who was precisely suppressed by Manlinda during the entire process, became extremely irritable at this time.

"Mum's! Is it true that Lao Tzu is going to be suppressed to death by this guy?!"

In Suoyi's mind, thoughts flashed, and at this moment, a series of magic missiles that broke through the air brought variables to him!

It was Jarvan. Just now, Jarvan had already killed the other two S-class fighters who were getting in the way under the cover of his own guards, and turned to the fire!

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