The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3944: , The key 1 battle (4)

Fortunately, the speed of the three strong elves are not weaker than others.

Needless to say, Cerelia and Lombard, the storm knights, as the flying dragon cavalry, Delk's short-distance eruption speed is also extremely fast and amazing.

Facing the counterattack of General Tronia, while Niederhogg used his physical control to evade the attack, the three strong elves immediately acted as birds and beasts.

Niederhogg's failed Chaos Dragon Breath directly caused them to lose their dominance.

Admiral Tronia, who had been converted to a guard-type X-class fighter, had his defense system fully opened at this moment, and he advanced with an energy-absorbing shield.

At the same time, Manlinda and Balloch, who were behind Admiral Tronia, also fired directly at Cerelia, Lombard, and Delk who were evasive.

Through the previous battles, the machine clan already has a carefully calculated kill order. Compared with the rough skin and thick skin, the evasion ability is also quite good. The overall quality may be the highest among the few enemy units. Hogg, based on the calculation results, there is no doubt that they will give priority to the three of Cerelia.

Because these three people only need a frontal attack to cause effective damage to them.

Especially Cerelia, she is agile and swift, but her own defense is not high, and it can even be said that the defense is weak, let alone the attack of the X-level fighters, I am afraid that the energy attacks of the S-level fighters and even the A-level fighters will attack her. In all, there are no small threats.

Of course, whether you can hit or not is another matter...

Under normal circumstances, S-class fighters or A-class fighters face Cerelia, and the chance of being hit is much higher than the chance of hitting.

Manlinda continued fierce firepower, and General Tronia and Balloch assisted in output.

The evasion of the three of Cerelia, within their calculations, was almost at the same time that Cerelia and the others made an evasive action, while Manlinda and the others had already launched the pursuit for the first time.

The protection of Admiral Tronia gave Manlinda a better output environment and demonstrated an amazing suppressive power.

In this process, on the side of mechanical civilization, the advancement of the three X-rank fighters continued.

Compared with the long-range auxiliary output, Balloch, who was already better at close combat, let alone the fact that Admiral Tronia's body is clearly equipped with a gravity-generating device.

In this level of battle, once the distance is narrowed to a certain point, once caught by the gravity field of General Tronia, it can be dangerous.

In response to this situation, the civilization of Ten Thousand Worlds naturally has the means to deal with it.

[Holy Light Prison! 】

In the void, the conqueror knight flapping the six wings behind him with a single finger, passed General Tronia and Balloch on the spot, trapping Manlinda, who was firing wildly behind him.

At the same time, the Blaster's magic rifle was set up in the distance, and Jarvan, who had been waiting for the opportunity, quickly pulled the trigger.

In an instant, the special magic missile came out of the barrel and hit Manlinda at the fastest speed.

Obviously, on the side of Ten Thousand Realms Civilization, there is no plan to fight five against mechanical civilization.

After all, in a five-to-five situation, Cerelia, Delk, and Lombard are three strong elves, although they are all panel monsters, they are still half a point behind in terms of level. The experienced X-rank fighters cooperated with each other, and the difficulty they wanted to win was a bit too high.

Now with the arrival of two reinforcements, this has given them a bit of confidence.

Just like the five X-level fighters on the side of the mechanical civilization are calculating their actions, the generals of the ten thousand world civilization are also practising five X-level fighters.

Let Cerelia, Lombard and Delk be the bait first to lure Admiral Tronia and Balloch to press forward.

In this process, although Manlinda is an all-around X-level fighter, he mainly relies on long-range firepower output. Even if he acts with Admiral Tronia and Balloch, it is absolutely impossible to follow too closely. In that case, it would be too dangerous for her, and this gave the conquering knight and Jarvan a chance to attack.

Excluding the first round, after Jarvan passively participated in the battle to destroy Manlinda, Jarvan did not participate in the previous second round of offensive.

The fundamental reason is that he is not particularly suitable for this type of battle.

What Jarvan is good at is the blasting technique, which takes advantage of the powerful range killing ability.

Attacks like this type are used to attack enemy troops, battleships, and even fortress facilities. The effect is the best.

But if it is used to fight a single unit, and under the premise of cooperating with his own fierce generals, then Jarvan will be easy to fight, because he will accidentally injure his own people if he is not careful.

In addition, while containing the offensive of five X-level fighters, on the side of mechanical civilization, large troops and large-scale S-level fighters must also need someone to deal with it.

Otherwise, even if you have won the five X-level fighters on your side, during this period, the S-level fighters on the opposite side, with a large force, destroyed their large force, wouldn’t it just be cold? ?

Therefore, generals like Latier and Guo Zhen who are obviously more adept at charging and engulfing and engaging the enemy's large forces stayed on the core battlefield to support the overall situation, and did not blend into the battle here.

As for Jarvan, he was also fighting with the big army. UU Reading was temporarily transferred. To put it bluntly, their combat power was really not enough.

In the face of this level of battle, the rest of the combat forces, click and go, it seems that Jarvan is more suitable.

In this way, Jarvan's sudden intervention, to a certain extent, exceeded the calculation of the mechanical civilization side.

Eventually evolved into the current situation.

But Manlinda is an X-rank fighter after all. With her absolute hard power, she directly enters the annihilation mode. The tyrannical energy attack broke the shackles of Latir's prison of light in an instant and escaped.

In the face of this situation, Jarvan was also quick-eyed, and directly triggered the magic spell on the special magic missile to detonate it.

Suddenly, a shocking explosion directly swept everything around, as well as Admiral Tronia and Balloch who were rushing in front at the time.

The body that lost balance for a moment proved that Manlinda had not completely escaped the influence of Jarvan's attack, and suffered a certain degree of shock.

In comparison, Admiral Tronia's side is much safer.

Perceiving the attack, Balloch hid directly behind Admiral Tronia.

At the same time, Admiral Tronia's energy-absorbing shield in one fell swoop, after avoiding the damage from the explosion center, the aftermath of the explosion basically couldn't help them.

However, Jarvan’s attack was still a success and opened up the situation for Cerelia and the others.

Without hesitation, Cerelia, who was moving at high speed, quickly bent her bow and used her arrow. As soon as she shot her hand, she directly revealed a hand of renju arrows that can be called the ‘Nine Stars Link’ level!

As a result, at the moment when these nine wizard magic arrows left the string, the maddening wormhole opened again on the only way, and the guy Caesar Trunk shot again!

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