The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3952: Wormhole engine

The heavy blow, accompanied by intense pain, made Niederhogg's look even more ferocious.

Almost at the moment Balloch used the high-frequency vibration particle gun through its body, Niederhogg's dragon claws had already grabbed the high-frequency vibration particle gun that was still exposed.

At that moment, Balloch, who had already realized what Niederhogg was going to do, disconnected from the high-frequency vibrating particle gun for the first time and tried to avoid it.

However, Niederhogg's speed was even faster. Accompanied by the raging dragon's mouth, a mouthful of chaotic dragon's breath shot directly past, completely engulfing Balloch on the spot!

Under normal circumstances, the breath of dragon's breath cannot be so rapid.

This involves a practical skill of their dragon clan.

That is, when fighting, they can hold the dragon's breath a little bit in their mouths, so that they do not need to spit out immediately, and at the same time, they will not be discovered by the enemy.

And when they need to be used, this advance preparation will greatly increase the efficiency of their breathing dragon's breath.

Of course, the disadvantage is that during this process, the elemental power in their bodies will continue to be consumed, and at the same time there is a breath of dragon in their mouths, which will more or less affect their battles.

But now it seems that the overall effect is quite good.

Facing the close-face attack of Niederhogg's Chaos Dragon's Breath, even as an X-rank fighter Balloch, the alloy armor around him melted instantly under the erosion of the Chaos Dragon's Breath and turned into an unrecognizable machine. The skeleton was finally completely wiped out!

As a result, at this moment, Caesar Trunk performed the same trick again, and a wormhole opened directly behind Niederhogg.

However, Lombard had just died under the enemy's sneak attack before, how could Niederhogg at this time be unprepared?

At the juncture of life and death, with the twisting of the dragon's body, I saw Niederhogg's dragon head violently turn, and the un-extinguished Chaos Dragon's Breath blasted toward the opened wormhole so suddenly!

Unlike ordinary dragon's breath, the biggest characteristic of Niederhogg's chaotic dragon's breath is that it is a continuous attack. As long as the elemental power in Niederhog's body can still support it, then this chaotic dragon's breath, Nid Hogg sprayed as long as he wanted!

And this information, the mechanical civilization side is obviously not aware of it, because it has never done so before.

The dragon's breath that was blasting over quickly collided with the anti-matter energy cannon that Kurinna had passed through the wormhole.

Under the squeezing of the two forces, in a short time, no one can do anything about it.

Switching to a normal state, Niederhogg was naturally not afraid of confronting this kind of power confrontation.

But at this moment, the serious injuries on his body have dragged it back.

The high-frequency vibrating particle gun that penetrated its body was still on its body at the moment.

Its super high temperature caused the high-frequency vibration particle gun to scorch its wounds as it penetrated its body.

And now, with the violent movements and the burden of the high-intensity exhalation of the dragon's breath, the scorched wound soon suffered large-scale tears, and the hot dragon's blood continued to flow out of the wound.

At the same time, the most deadly thing was that the high-frequency vibrating particle gun that penetrated its body also injured Niederhogg's internal organs.

Under the involvement of internal organs, the state of decline made Niederhogg gradually weakened.

Somewhat unwilling, but it is no longer the bear kid with a stubborn brain back then. Seizing the right time, while maintaining the dragon's breath to resist the wormhole attack from Kurin, combined with the control of the body, the dragon's body quickly made it. Avoiding the action, staggered the energy attack.

One shot was defeated and the wormhole closed, and Caesar Trunk naturally didn't intend to let Nidhogg just like that.

The first reaction was to open the wormhole again and cooperate with Kulin's attack to chase down Nidhogg who was trying to withdraw from the front line.

As a result, as soon as he raised his hand, a small explosion occurred on the mechanical giant's right arm, and in conjunction with the frantically reverberating alarm in the individual's main brain, his movements were abruptly interrupted.

"Warning! Wormhole engine stability has decreased, falling below 60%! The probability of self-detonation has increased..."

"Warning! The right arm device is severely damaged. If it is used forcibly, the risk of explosion will increase by 47.92%!"


Confirming the warning reminder of the individual's mastermind, he scanned the arc's right arm as quickly as possible.

His right arm was previously injured by Cerelia's wizard magic arrow.

At that time, Lombard’s storm slaying greatly reduced the defense of his force field shield. After that, although he hid in the wormhole in time, Serelia’s tracking characteristics Nine wizard magic arrows also chased in.

This is not an ordinary wizard magic arrow, but uses the branches of the ancient elves as the main material. The top elven artisan Carl spent a lot of time and energy to make the top elven magic arrows one by one.

In order to get through this wave, Luo Ji really turned out all the treasures he was pressing on the bottom of the box.

These nine top wizard magic arrows are typical composite wizard magic arrows. While possessing the characteristics of tracking arrows, they also have the super penetration power of the chasing arrows.

Supplemented by Cerelia's nine-star linking technique, the large-scale condensed wind element vindictiveness, its destructive power is almost pushed to the extreme.

Caesar Trunk’s force field shield that was smashed by the storm and reduced its strength was forcibly pierced by five of the top elven magic arrows, and then the remaining four top elven magic arrows that followed were hit with one arrow. On the abdomen of his body, three arrows hit his right arm.

Although benefiting from the strength of the mechanical giant, he was not directly exploded, but the equipment inside the body was relatively obviously damaged.

This situation has a great impact on the body of Caesar Trunk.

Because his body is different from other mechanical clan bodies.

The biggest difference is that his current body uses the ‘wormhole engine’ just developed by their mechanical civilization.

The technology of the ‘wormhole engine’ is very complex, although their mechanical civilization has developed it to the point where it can be used in actual combat.

But once some equipment is damaged, the stability of the wormhole engine will be greatly reduced.

When Lombard used the storm to attack Manlinda, Caesar Trunk did not make a timely action because he was carrying out emergency treatment of his equipment at the time. By the time the treatment was completed, it was already too late.

But emergency treatment, after all, can only respond to an emergency.

Just now, Caesar Trunk opened the wormhole many times in a short period of time to support the battle.

The support effect is significant, but the cost is that the overloaded equipment is now on the verge of being completely scrapped.

It now appears that the technology of their mechanical civilization "wormhole engine" is still immature after all.

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