After the army was assembled, it officially set off soon.

During this period, Luo Ji also notified Xi Sen through the belief network, so that he could start commanding the pursuit troops under his command and strengthen the offensive.

At this moment, their army of civilization behind the Ten Thousand Worlds of civilization and the army of mechanical civilization, who are retreating back to aid, are separated by a distance of almost a week.

For long-distance movement, the mechanically civilized fleet has an advantage in movement efficiency.

If the pursuit fleet commanded by Xi Sen does not launch several offensives of sufficient intensity to slow down the movement efficiency of the opposing mechanical civilization army, then under normal circumstances, their ten thousand world civilization army wants to catch up in a short period of time. so easy.

Of course, it must be able to catch up in the end.

Because it is different from the mechanical civilization army that is being pursued by Xi Sen's pursuit troops, they can open the temporary space door and take the space channel on the side of the ten thousand civilization civilization!

They have already detected spatial fluctuations in the surrounding star field.

In fact, as early as a week ago, when the battle had not ended, and the mechanical civilization army had not retreated, the extremely abnormal and extremely unstable spatial fluctuations in the surrounding star fields had disappeared.

It now seems that that kind of abnormality is really the mechanical giant hiding in the dark to make a ghost.

However, afterwards, the other party probably also had some problems, and at the same time it relieved the interference to the surrounding star field spatial fluctuations, it did not make another move.

Anyway, this is a good thing.

Although the mechanical giant itself did not show any offensive ability, the use of that wormhole was even more annoying than some star-killing weapons!

However, you still have to keep one of the eyes that should be kept, to guard against the other side.

According to the method of using that wormhole, if you relax and carelessly, you will be dead!

Check the location with Xi Sen and lock a confirmed safe interstellar coordinate. With the opening of the temporary space door, the army of civilizations of the world moved quickly.

The exit location cannot be set up too close to the army of mechanical civilization.

The danger is on the one hand, and on the other hand, because the mechanical civilization army itself is surrounded by spatial interference.

The closer you get, the more unstable the space becomes.

In that state, the deviation of the exit position is only slight, and I am afraid that the interference will be too serious. After they are close, the exit cannot be opened directly, and the space channel may even collapse.

At that time, their entire army will be in danger.

After passing through a fairly stable subspace shuttle, somewhere in the star field, a large space door opened quickly, and the army of civilizations that had sailed all the way at high speed just flew out of it.

In a short time, the originally empty star field suddenly became a bit crowded due to the arrival of this large army.

During this period, Luo Ji contacted Xi Sen again.

It only took almost half a day to travel the short distance of the space channel.

In this half-day, Xi Sen has already launched three waves of increased intensity attack against the evacuating army of mechanical civilization.

Of course, it's basically a one-shot.

After all, the rear army of their Ten Thousand Worlds civilization is still far away from him, and the main army of mechanical civilization is not paperless. If he fights too much, what if he makes the wrong step by the time and kills himself?

Be cautious, there is always no big problem.

Moreover, even if it is an attack like this, as long as the attack frequency is increased, it can effectively slow down the efficiency of the mechanical civilization army.

And in this process, the mastermind of this army of mechanical civilizations, in all likelihood, has analyzed the intelligence that their rear army has chased up from the actions of their chasing troops of ten thousand civilizations.

This makes this army of mechanical civilization even more unwilling to waste time on this pursuit unit commanded by Xi Sen.

The regional space interference carried by the army is destined to be impossible for enemy troops to directly shuttle through space and chase their vicinity.

Although I don't know where the rear army of Ten Thousand Worlds of Civilization has been chasing, but now the army of mechanical civilization here only wants to keep away.

In this way, Xi Sen, who is commanding the chasing troops in the face of this army of mechanical civilization, who is immersed in the rush, really has no good way.

After all, his current forces are limited.

Sometimes, even if it retreats with a single blow, it is possible to pay a high price because of the instant counterattack of the mechanical civilization army.

If this is to launch a strong attack, I am afraid that it will not be killed by the opponent.

Of course, this ‘one strike and retreat’ policy also has a prerequisite, and that is, the rear army of their ten thousand world civilization has not yet arrived near the battlefield.

And if their army behind the civilization of Ten Thousand Worlds has been chased down nearby.

In this critical situation, Xi Sen obviously didn't mind fighting a fierce battle with the mechanical civilization army, paying a certain price to create an opportunity for the rear army to chase it up.

At this moment, UU reading www. uukanshu. Xi Sen, who received Luo Ji's news through Faith Network, knew that the time was about to come.

While reporting the current coordinate position of the mechanical civilization army to Luo Ji, Xi Sen was already ready to prepare for the next storm.

At the same time, on the other side, inside the mechanical civilization planet, a space door opened quickly, and a large number of mechanical warriors flew out of it in groups.

The two figures headed by it are Balloch and Yale who have completed their resurrection!

Facing the harassment and entanglement of Xi Sen's pursuit troops, the army of mechanical civilization wants to get rid of the opponent and open the space door. It is indeed useless.

However, the army can't go, this doesn't mean that the individual troops can't go.

Seeing an opportunity, under the cover of the army, Balloch and Yale, who have completed the resurrection, directly took a combat force composed of a large number of mechanical warriors, separated from the army of mechanical civilization, and completely opened the distance. After that, the space door was opened.

Needless to say, its purpose is naturally to urgently support the planetary defense line on this side.

On his own territory, relying on the space shuttle technology of mechanical civilization, it is almost impossible for the exit to deviate without interference.

With the stability brought by this technical force, Balloch and Yale perfectly avoided the undead army and successfully reached the planetary defense line.

On the void battlefield outside the planet, the two civilized armies are fighting each other.

Among them, individual units of the undead army have already begun to charge their planet's atmosphere, trying to get into the planet's interior.

However, with Balloch and Yale as the leader, the mechanical tribe troops that have just arrived on this side of the battlefield do not mean to rush into the battle...

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