The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3973: ,The last chance

The mechanics of the mechanics are as disgusting as ever.

   At the moment when the black hole formed, the surrounding mechanical warriors directly went up for nothing.

   Only this time, Caesar Trunk did not use their X-level fighters as bait and black hole nutrients, but instead chose an S-level fighter.

  According to the calculation results of the celestial computer, after they used the black hole trick many times, Zhong Mo's army of undead must have been prepared.

   Especially the top combat power on the opposite side.

   In fact, when their mechanical civilization army first launched a black hole attack, the distance was very close at that time, and even the king of blood, Dracula, on the face of Admiral Tronia, escaped in time.

   Even in the case of a temporary reaction, it can reach this point.

   And those prince-level blood clan, at the time, it was purely because they were unprepared.

   Now that he is prepared, if he wants to be yin to them, the success rate will drop drastically.

   Even one is not good. Several X-level fighters of their mechanical civilization all got in, but the top combat power of the undead army on the opposite side failed to kill.

   Once such a situation is formed, wouldn't their mechanical civilization be equivalent to playing off, and they will kill themselves?

  Originally, with the arrival of Balloch and Yale, they still have a certain advantage in the top combat power.

   Looking at the top combat power alone, if they continue to fight like this, they won't suffer.

   As a result, a black hole was thrown out, and the top combat power became the nutrient of the black hole. If all the top combat power of the undead army could be killed, of course it would be good, but what if you didn't kill it? Then their greatest advantage is gone?

   After this, according to the offensive strength of the undead army, I am afraid that it is not that the X-rank fighters have not had time to resurrect, the planet will have to be pushed flat by the undead army.

   How can Caesar Trunk take this risk in this situation now?

Following the calculation results of the celestial computer, in this wave, Caesar Trunk carefully handed the black hole generator that had just been sent to the front line to one of the many S-class fighters, and then rushed into the undead army to trigger it. .

   Its fundamental purpose is to strike at the size of the undead army.

   It's best to swallow all the big snakes.

   After all, in terms of top combat power, they have an advantage at this stage, and the biggest disadvantage at the moment lies in the war unit.

   As long as this black hole attack is used to equalize this disadvantage, then Zhong Mo's army of undead people will most likely not be their opponents.

   Following the calculations of the celestial computer and the implementation of the plan, after the black hole swallowed the S-class fighters, A-class fighters and B-class fighters of the machine clan on a large scale, the size of its body began to expand rapidly.

   Although in terms of total energy, S-level fighters and X-level fighters are not comparable at all.

   But in this matter, the lack of quality can still be compensated by quantity.

   But it is a pity that the army of the undead has been prepared for a long time.

At the same time, the character of Yaqi Orochi has always been a bit cunning. Those eight heads are not decorations. During the battle, it will use its brains. It burst out almost immediately when it noticed the existence of the black hole. The fastest speed, how far to escape.

   As for the undead army, this large-scale army certainly does not have that high movement efficiency.

   But under the premise of precautions, the Lich King Sorenk directly cooperated with Zhong Mo and commanded their undead army to evacuate in time. Basically, it can be regarded as keeping his own losses to a minimum.

  If it goes well, then they only need to watch the black hole created by the mechanical civilization disappear on its own, and then continue the offensive.

   But how could Caesar Trunk give up his best time to reverse?

   If this black hole fails, then according to the current situation, he wants to continue until the production of the next black hole generating device is completed, I am afraid it will be suspended.

   There were no accidents. Almost at the same time that the undead army evacuated after deployment, Caesar Trunk, who was controlling the mechanical giant, had already passed through the wormhole and appeared on the battlefield.

At that time, Caesar Trunk, who was on the other side of the battlefield, retired from the frontline battlefield early after confirming his own damage and greatly reducing the stability of his wormhole engine. Down.

Because of being attacked by Cerelia’s magic arrow, and after emergency treatment, it was used many times, which further aggravated the situation. The wormhole generator on the right arm of Caesar Trunk , It is completely scrapped.

   Fortunately, Caesar Trunk's timely closing, so that the important core Wormhole engine is not damaged, basically intact.

   This wormhole engine is currently unique in mechanical civilization. If you want to recreate one, even if it is mechanical civilization, you can’t do it in a short time.

   However, other parts, production difficulty, manufacturing time and manufacturing cost are far less than the wormhole engine. Therefore, just in case, some replacement spare parts are prepared in advance. U U Reading

   After withdrawing from the battlefield with Ten Thousand Realms Civilization, Caesar Trunk, who returned to his base and replaced himself with spare parts, was basically resurrected with full blood.

   Then, based on the latest battlefield intelligence feedback to him, he did not rush to the army of civilizations of the world, but directly rushed to this battlefield through the wormhole.

   Next, what Caesar Trunk has to do is obviously no need to say more.

   He wanted to transfer the black hole through the wormhole channel, so that the black hole that had been emptied would once again hit Zhong Mo's undead army!

   All this happened very quickly.

   Although Zhong Mo had learned about this situation from Luo Ji in advance, he was unaware of being surprised when he really saw Caesar Trunk's method.

   It is not an exaggeration to say that Caesar Trunk’s hand can directly increase the threat level of the black hole attack geometrically!

   At this moment, Zhong Mo already knew very well why the army of civilizations of the ten thousand realms, which had a great momentum, had fallen before.

  Because the reality is that even on the premise that he has been mentally prepared in advance, facing Caesar Trunk's hand operation, his army of undead has not been able to respond very well.

   This matter can't be dealt with at all.

  You black hole, just like this, how can you deal with it?

   There is only one choice before your eyes, and that is to escape!

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