The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3975: ,not much hope

The latest website: The return of Yaqi Orochi is expected by the army of mechanical civilization.

Even, with the help of the black hole to clear the field, the undead army completely retreated, temporarily evacuated from the defensive area of ​​the planet, avoiding risks, and was unable to continue to press this opportunity, following the instructions of the Caesar Trunk Celestial Computer to deploy defenses on the periphery of the planet. The garrison of mechanical civilization has already regrouped and started the battle.

A moment ago, Yaqi Orochi returned to the battlefield aggressively, but in the next moment, he was ruthlessly baptized by a large number of heavy material cannons on the side of mechanical civilization.

The continuous heavy blows made Yaqi Orochi feel familiar and mad.

It intends to launch a counterattack, but its mode of action has basically been calculated by Caesar Trunk’s celestial computer. It has a predictable attack and is equipped with heavy material cannons. It is about to be defeated. Tempered.

At this time, even the Yachi Orochi, a top war unit, was fully aware that he might need a little support from his own army.

However, as soon as it turned its head, it quickly discovered an extremely cruel reality, that is, in a short period of time, it should be difficult for the undead army to effectively support it.

After being attacked by a black hole by Caesar Trunk and evaporating tens of millions of troops in an instant, the size of the undead army has already been significantly reduced.

Today's undead army has spread out its formation, and the waiting garrison of mechanical civilization is directly rejected by the firepower carefully calculated by the celestial computer.

It was obviously not that easy for those who had withdrawn before, but now want to get in again.

Facts have proved that the black hole attack by Caesar Trunk indeed helped to a large extent equalize the disadvantage of the garrison of mechanical civilization.

In this wave, even though Zhong Mo’s undead army forced Caesar Trunk to surrender the strongest hole card in his hand, their undead army no longer needed to worry about Caesar Trunk’s machinery in the next offensive. Civilized black hole attack.

But in contrast, the simple and rude effect of this hole card also allowed Zhong Mo's undead army to pay a sufficient price of troops, while making their previous advancement progress directly cleared.

Now, facing the regrouped garrison of mechanical civilization, how easy is it to say that if you want to go in again, and even pose a threat to the planetary atmosphere of mechanical civilization again?

At this moment, in this battlefield, Caesar Trunk's army of mechanical civilization is undoubtedly ushering in the biggest turning point.

At the level of the army, the disadvantages of troops and war units, although not completely equalized, the degree of disadvantage has also been significantly reduced, and even once again the undead army has been pushed out of the defense line, further consolidating them. Home field advantage.

And at the top level of combat power, their mechanical civilization, ten X-level fighters, even if they can't easily destroy the top combat power of the undead army, suppressing the other side can definitely stabilize them.

All signs indicate that if this wave of Caesar Trunk can be played well, the overall situation will definitely be able to usher in a round of reversal!

However, at this crucial moment, on the other side of the battlefield where the army of civilizations of the world was fighting, the news of the defeat of his army of mechanical civilizations came back. The new intelligence data and the changes brought on the spot The odds of winning him for the army of mechanical civilization were not high, but it dropped by 17%!

Fortunately, Caesar Trunk has no biological emotions. Otherwise, facing such a situation, his mentality is 100% going to blow up.

The calculation results of the celestial computer had already defaulted to the current stage, the highest priority option before his eyes.

The army on the other side of the battlefield has been defeated, and even the logistics fleet has been taken away by the opponent, and along with the logistics fleet, there are a large number of spare bodies and spare consciousness bodies of their mechanical warriors.

Of course, they also include the spare bodies and spare consciousness bodies of General Tronia, Manlinda, and Kulin who are X-rank fighters.

The army of civilizations of the Ten Thousand Worlds, the new special force that has never been seen before, robbed the three X-level fighters of Tronia, Manlinda, and Kulin to resurrect and return to the battlefield before returning to the battlefield. The amazing offensive efficiency disintegrated their mechanical civilization fleet and ended the battle first.

Even without considering the loss of the spare bodies and spare consciousness bodies of the three X-rank fighters, this round of battle brought Caesar Trunk's mechanical civilization to a heavy loss.

The outcome of the battlefield of Ten Thousand Realms Civilization will directly affect the outcome of the undead army.

As soon as the results came out, the odds of victory for Caesar Trunk's mechanical civilization army became extremely slim.

However, there is no giving up in the mechanical clan.

In the current situation, where is the chance of winning for their mechanical civilization? So needless to say, there is no doubt that it is to grab the army of the civilization of the world and rush to this side of the battlefield to solve or severely damage the army of the undead in front of you. This is the only chance for Caesar Trunk to win.

In comparison, Caesar Trunk, who has been driven to a dead end, also received news from Luo Ji. After learning that the army of civilizations of the world had begun to rush to them, Zhong Mo's entire state was already In the invisible, it revealed so much calmness.

The current situation, the situation of their two armies, roughly estimated, can be regarded as evenly matched.

If they let their two armies squat to the end in this way, it would naturally be able to tell the outcome.

The end result is nothing more than a miserable victory for one of the parties.

But in a short time, they obviously couldn't kill anyone.

Combining the situation, UU reading www. counted the time, and the army of civilizations of the ten thousand worlds that lasted Luo Ji arrived on the battlefield, for Zhong Mo's army of undead, it was a breeze.

Even Luo Ji's army of civilizations from the Ten Thousand Realms would be fine if they want to rest for a while.

In fact, after learning about the situation from Zhong Mo, Luo Ji did intend to let his army rest for a few days.

In the previous battle, taking into account the situation of the battle, their army of civilizations of the ten thousand worlds only took a short seven days to rest before marching again.

Now that I have finished another fight, in a short period of time, I have experienced many consecutive high-intensity battles. Except for the golem army on the alchemy side, even the orc army is really exhausted.

In this state, if you don’t take a break anymore, it’s no longer fatigued to fight, but it’s really fatal!

In this way, after confirming the situation with Zhong Mo, the two discussed briefly, and finally decided to give Luo Ji's army of civilizations of the world a half-month rest period to adjust the state a little.

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