The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3977: , Playing fast and playing slow

Latest URL: Adjust your mentality, don’t panic.

On the mechanical civilization side, from beginning to end, the superiority in the top combat power has always been guaranteed.

Especially on the premise that the opponent can be resurrected in a relatively short period of time.

It is not wise to fight against the opponent.

Luo Ji and Zhong Mo, their two civilized armies, the biggest advantage now lies in the size of the army and the war unit.

The giant soldiers were threatened by the X-level fighters of the mechanical civilization and were unable to provide combat power. This was not fatal to Luo Ji and the others.

The only thing that will be affected is offensive efficiency.

In other words, it's just the difference between playing fast and playing slow...

Of course, you can't say that playing fast is not important.

The advantage of being able to solve the battle efficiently is actually great.

Take the black hole attack of mechanical civilization as an example.

If your offensive efficiency is too low and Caesar Trunk drags on time again and abruptly suffocates a black hole attack, then the risk you need to bear has increased again?

At the same time, this battle will be a little more variable.

The previous Luo Ji and Zhou Yi made such a decision because they wanted to reduce this risk.

And now, after losing seven giant soldiers one after another, Luo Ji had completely dispelled this idea.

According to the battle at the time, if the giant soldiers remain on the battlefield to fight hard, they will only be targeted by the X-level fighters of the mechanical civilization side.

Instead of that, it is better to control the loss and withdraw it.

Taking into account the battle situation on your side, the X-rank fighters on the mechanical civilization side obviously did not intend to chase and kill too far, so that the giant soldiers can successfully escape.

After that, under the command of Zhouyi and Dominic Adolf, the main force of their ten thousand world civilizations also coordinated with Zhong Mo's undead army to press forward quickly.

At this stage, the combined army formed by the Ten Thousand Realms Civilization and the Styx Civilization can be said to occupy an absolute advantage in terms of military strength.

Once the two sides joined forces, in just one round of offensive, the combined army forcefully advanced the planetary defense circle of mechanical civilization.

Faced with this situation, the garrison on the side of mechanical civilization is really helpless.

At their current stage, all the troops that can be mobilized have been concentrated here, and they still cannot withstand the offensive of the combined army of Ten Thousand Realms Civilization and Styx Civilization. This is really helpless.

In this process, of course, Caesar Trunk can choose to mobilize his X-level fighters to come and play unparalleled in the coalition army.

But with the combined strength of tens of millions, you can kill one or two X-level fighters until they run out of ammunition and food.

In this process, the transfer of X-level fighters will also cause their suppression of the enemy's top combat power to decline.

Bai Ze and Luo Yong from the Ten Thousand Realms Civilization side are not in complete state. Although the road has been retired, they can also blend in the battle between the top combat power a little bit, but in the current situation, they It must not be able to sustain the overall situation.

For the mechanical civilization side, the most difficult unit on the top combat power side is the blood king Dracula and the white-faced golden-haired nine-tailed fox Yuzao in front of the undead army!

Both of them were judged to be ‘X+’ level combat power.

Under this premise, Dracula focused more on close combat, while Tamamoqian focused more on long-range witchcraft attacks.

This combination of long attack and close combat can already make the combat power far more than one plus one equals two.

Under this premise, after experiencing continuous high-intensity battles, the two top combat forces that were forced to cooperate have also cultivated such a tacit understanding.

This time is good, the combat power that finally appears, naturally becomes stronger.

On the side of the undead army, with the top-level combat power inferior, it can still fight against the X-level fighters on the side of the mechanical civilization.

To a large extent, thanks to the two ‘X+’ level combat powers of Dracula and Yuzao, they provoked the backbone at the critical moment and supported the situation.

At the same time, Caesar Trunk, even when the number of X-level fighters is dominant, dare not transfer multiple X-level fighters to suppress other troops.

At this stage, once the balance of the top combat power is broken, then the side that has been broken will have to usher in the end of complete annihilation!

In fact, from the moment the army of civilizations arrived, mechanical civilization had fallen into a dead end.

Next, what Caesar Trunk can do can basically be classified as a ‘dying struggle’.

Under the almost relentless force of the coalition army, the garrison on the mechanical civilization side retreated steadily.

After establishing a clear advantage, the entire process didn't take much time. The planet landing forces of the Ten Thousand World Civilization Army and the Undead Army have already begun to smoothly attack the planet's atmosphere.

Compared with the army of civilizations of the world, the larger army of undead directly took on the task of pioneering the path.

The defensive firepower deployed on the planet's surface on the side of the mechanical civilization has not yet officially approached the atmosphere, has locked them in and swept over them.

The fortress-level anti-matter energy cannon is still powerful.

Once hit head-on, even the ghost warship of the Styx civilization, it is difficult to hold that shot.

This loss figure really rose a lot all of a sudden.

But this is obviously not enough to persuade the undead army.

In this protracted galaxy-level war, who wins and who loses, basically depends on this battle. How could Zhong Mo lose the chain because of the entanglement of that little force loss at this time?

At this point, even if he wants to use his troops, he must pile in! Put the mechanical civilization garrison on this planet to death!

The ghost fleet's almost crazy offensive, UU reading www. soon opened a gap for their joint landing force.

Seizing the opportunity, they joined forces with the landing forces and rushed into the planet with a single brain.

After successfully breaking through the planet's atmosphere and entering the planet's interior, the important first step of this planet's landing war is considered complete.

The machine clan base on the surface of the planet is still venting their defensive firepower frantically.

In order to further reduce the difficulty of logging in, they have not yet entered the low-altitude area, and the flying forces of both of them have been dispatched at high speed.

Then seized the opportunity, after an entire landing force quickly flew to the low-altitude area of ​​this planet, without any nonsense, the airdrop hatches at the bottom of the magic guided transport ships opened at the fastest speed. , One by one alchemy cores smashed straight toward the surface.

Needless to say, this is the signature unit of their Ten Thousand Realms Civilization Landing Force, the Rock Giant!

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