The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3982: , Dead end (2)

Through the belief network, Bai Ze, who had escaped from the dead, reported the situation here to Luo Ji the first time.

Rayong's death is undoubtedly a huge loss for the current stage, the army of civilizations in the world, which lacks top combat capabilities.

Fortunately, the problem is no longer in this situation.

He glanced at the system map fixed in the upper left corner of his vision.

At this moment, on this map, only a pitiful piece of the shadow area of ​​the mechanical civilization is left.

Based on the experience Luo Ji has accumulated from this series of galaxy wars, he analyzes the size of this small shadow. Generally, there is only one planet in this area, and two of them are dead. This is already the limit, just that. Location, can't squeeze the third planet.

And now the five mechanical civilization planets that have been exposed in the vision of their combined army, without exception, are suffering from their all-round invasion.

According to the latest information returned by the various legions, the five planets will be completely wiped out by them in no more than a month.

In addition, more importantly, after having survived the black hole attack of Caesar Trunk, Bai Ze and Dracula were already close to the stars of mechanical civilization.

The sun, which provides energy for an entire civilization, is the lifeblood of mechanical civilization.

And in the following, Bai Ze and Dracula will destroy all the factory facilities and installations that Caesar Trunk has built on the surface of the star!

Completely cut off the energy supply of mechanical civilization!

However, the scale of the facilities built on the surface of the sun by mechanical civilization is really huge.

The troops who came with them have been completely wiped out in the previous black hole attack. Even though destroying these facilities, for a top combat force like them, it is a matter of waving a weapon, but they alone think All these facilities must be destroyed in a short time...

The workload is obviously too much.

But they have to rush to destroy the enemy X-level fighters who may be able to resurrect before they can complete their resurrection...

Just when Bai Ze felt a headache for this, as the top combat power of the undead army, Yuzao covered his face with a fan, and one of the foxtails behind him flicked. In an instant, in the void, suddenly appeared. One after another huge meteorites.

Immediately afterwards, another foxtail flicked in front of Yuzao, and the surface of those meteorites suddenly exuded an astonishing high temperature, and then the surface dissolved, and the meteorites were directly covered with a layer of terrifying magma!

"go with!"

With a soft drink, along with the fan in his hand, the large lava meteorite suddenly turned into a meteor fire, blasting towards the mechanical civilization facilities covering the surface of the star.

Just one round of attack caused huge damage to the facilities of mechanical civilization, and at the same time, it smashed a large hole directly on the surface of the device.

All of a sudden, the blazing sunlight overflowed from the hole that was pierced.

Yu Zao Qian, who is now an undead unit, felt a clear sense of discomfort.

While frowning, he hurriedly covered his face with the fan in his hand, and then spoke quite annoyed...

"When will you be so stupid? Can you leave all these things to your concubine yourself?"

The words in front of Tamamo, through the special demon power, directly penetrated into the ears of Bai Ze and Dracula.

Although this tone is full of irritation.

But somehow, with an inexplicable flattery, it deceives people's minds.

When ordinary people saw it, I was afraid that they would have to be caught directly, and reduced to a plaything in the forefoot of Yuzao, letting her play around at will.

However, none of those present were ordinary people.

Of course Tamazouqian knew that her charm technique was useless to these guys. However, as a white-faced golden nine-tailed fox, even if she didn't deliberately use the charm technique, her every move was also Will bring such an effect naturally, not her intentional use.

Hearing the words in front of Yuzao, Dracula, who had already begun to condense into black bats and envelop his body, shielded him from the sun, frowned.

Among the people at the scene, the only one who will not be affected by the sun is probably only Bai Ze.

But it is obviously not realistic to expect Bai Ze to settle all these things single-handedly.

At this point, Dracula suddenly spoke...

"Control your attack power, don't break that shell."

"Huh, so much nonsense."

Facing Dracula's gesticulations, Tamamo looked rather unhappy in front of him.

It is indeed her mistake to misestimate the strength of the stellar shell of mechanical civilization, but what to do next, even if Dracula doesn't say it, she knows it!

In fact, she originally intended to do this, but it felt a little different to be so pointed by Dracula.

The arrogance in front of Yuzao, UU reading obviously made Dracula a little uncomfortable.

You know, among the undead army, the most arrogant and arrogant in the past has always been the one in front of you.

Now I encounter a character who is equally arrogant and domineering.

The two guys got together, but they couldn't get along at all, even Dracula had tolerated her for a long time.

At this point, Dracula's eyes had already lit up with a thrilling dark red light.

Just when he was about to let Yuzao figure out who had the final say here, Bai Ze, who felt that the situation was not good, hurriedly bite the bullet and came up, making a difference.

"Well, everyone, the current situation should still focus on the overall situation. The X-rank fighter on the opposite side does not know if it can be resurrected. Once resurrected, we will be in big trouble. The most urgent thing now is to quickly cut off the mechanical civilization. The energy gains that we have gained have further established our advantages."

Neither Dracula nor Yuzao Qian are fools, and of course they also know the current situation and what is most important.

It's just that these two arrogant guys suddenly got up and they couldn't control them.

Now that Bai Ze stepped up in time to act as the peacemaker, and gave the steps, the two guys naturally hurried down the steps, and they couldn't really stay there all the time.

With a cold snort, Yuzao slammed the fan in his hand, wrapped her body with a demon-like energy, and shielded her from the sun. At the same time, the two foxtails swayed behind her, which had once again condensed into huge lava meteorites, and smashed into them. Mechanical civilization facilities on the surface of stars.

When Dracula saw this, he stopped speaking, and clenched the blood sword in his hand, surrounded by countless black bats, attacked the mechanical civilization facilities represented by the stars!

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