The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3994: ,small gift

"We have just fought a series of fierce battles before, and now our state of the army of ten thousand civilizations has almost fallen to the bottom, and there is no outbreak at all in the early stage."

At this moment, in the brain meeting initiated by Luo Ji with the help of the Faith Network, located on the side of the civilization of the world, William Zhang is speaking.

As the core of explosive tactics, as the supreme commander of the elven army, the elven king William Zhang has a say in this area.

Not only from a battle or recent battles, but from this entire ultra-large-scale war.

There is no doubt that this war has reached the late stage.

Although the elves are very typical long-lived races, this kind of war with an extremely long time span is too unfriendly to the elves who are good at fighting outbreaks.

In many previous battles, the elves have made great contributions. With their super explosive power, they have helped the army of civilizations open the situation and settle the victory. It has become the core of the army.

But fighting to this point, the elves undoubtedly basically lost the ability to follow-up combat.

William Zhang's remarks made the atmosphere on the scene obviously a little more solemn.

"Although we have made the latest mobilization, we are ready to accumulate strength, recharge our energy, and move to the later stage, but the pursuit of the undead army is really too aggressive. In this state, our army has recovered its effect. It’s really hard to say how much it can recover if it drops drastically and continues to survive."

"It's a question whether it can even survive until then..."

The person who spoke at this time was Dominique Adolf.

"At the same time, what is even more troublesome is that the undead army itself is good at playing late games. Even if we successfully delay it to the late games, it doesn't mean we have any advantages."

Speaking of this, the atmosphere on the scene suddenly became more solemn. Regarding the battle with the undead army, the generals were generally pessimistic.

The main reason is the current situation, which is really terrible.

I can't fight in the early stage, and I'm afraid I can't fight in the later stage. This sentence can probably describe how aggrieved their army of civilizations is at this stage.

Usually in front of his subordinates, the generals including Zhouyi, Dominique Adolf, and Xi Sen, naturally have to take their pessimism well, so as not to affect the people who are in the end, and lead to the morale of the army. Unstable.

But at this moment, who is eligible to participate in this brain meeting, who is not a general who has served as an important position in the military? Which one is not a sensible person?

After holding back for so long, the generals are also human. In this situation, their pressure is much greater than those of the soldiers underneath. They have been holding back, so they can't hold back any problems? Always let them find a way to vent their emotions appropriately.

Now that there are no outsiders present, it is a good opportunity for them to vent their emotions.

As a result, Luo Ji clearly came to the meeting to discuss tactics and policies, but before he knew it, the core of the meeting became the generals who listened to the generals.

In fact, in this battle, if they can smoothly withdraw from Ten Thousand Worlds of Civilization, it is not impossible to fight with sufficient home court advantage and a better rest environment.

But the problem now is that the undead army is too aggressive.

According to the current stage, the pursuit of the undead army, let alone want to withdraw their ten thousand civilizations, can they now withdraw to the frontline planet closest to them, there is a question mark.

Looking at the generals who were spitting out bitterness under his command, after they were almost vomiting out bitterness, Luo Ji began to speak in an orderly manner...

"This wave, the army of the undead should not be delayed."

Luo Ji's sudden remarks made the generals who were about to do something serious after vomiting their bitterness, their expressions were all stunned.

"Your Majesty, what do you say?"

At this moment, even Guo Jia and Zhou Yi, who had always been calm and composed, couldn't help asking questions one after another.

After all, this battle has been fought to the present level, and such a thing has happened, even if it is the two of them, there is no very good idea.

The only way left is to bite the bullet, act on the fly, and act as you see fit.

But at this time Luo Ji's words have brought some changes to the current situation.

"I went to the camp of the undead army to discuss the ownership of the mechanical civilization. Everyone should know it?"

Upon mentioning this matter, all the generals under his command were full of unhappiness.

Although in the strict sense, they and the Styx Civilization are not a family, but after all, they are big and small, and so many battles have been fought.

The Styx Civilization has helped them a lot, but in turn, their Ten Thousand Realms Civilization has also helped them a lot.

Especially in the few super-specification battles, their Ten Thousand Realms Civilization also did their best, and even paid a lot of money for this.

How can they be regarded as loyal allies?

As a result, this turning face is really faster than turning a book!

Even Guo Jia and Zhou Yi hadn't expected a situation like this.

At that time, the camp exploded, and the movement was not small. Zhou Yi and the others, who had been paying attention to the negotiation site, were shocked and angry after receiving the information. The first reaction was to lead the troops to kill. U U Reading

Fortunately, Luo Ji, who was in the command room of the Conquer King, sent a message before they led the troops to kill.

While telling them that the undead army is the enemy, it also made Zhou Yi and the others clearly aware that their Majesty was all right at all.

After learning that the person who went there for an interview with Pluto Zhong Mo turned out to be an alchemy substitute, everyone was even more surprised.

Although the alchemy system has been integrated into their civilization of the world for many years, alchemy puppets can basically be seen by the discerning people as not being creatures, and they generally appear as statues.

They are exactly the same as real people, even living alchemy substitutes, they really haven't seen it.

However, considering that their civilization of the world also has alchemy creatures, they can even cultivate severed limbs and organs with alchemy genetic technology, and everyone does not think it is too strange.

It now appears that the reason why their emperor agreed to meet in person and then sent an alchemy substitute, this fight was from the beginning with the purpose of testing the other side.

Rather than let the other party keep hiding, it is better to directly attract the other party to show up!

If the other party has bad intentions, then at this point in time when their emperor leaves his army camp to go to a third-party area for interviews, it is the best time to do it.

It turned out that Zhong Mo started.

The dead hand who came up and down tried to take Luo Ji's life directly.

Under this premise, Luo Ji sent an alchemy substitute over there, of course, it was impossible to die for him, and then he would be silent for a moment when he exploded.

Luo Ji also let the wind chime move other hands and feet on it.

"The alchemy substitute, I left some'little gifts'. If there is no accident with my arrangement, Zhong Mo shouldn't live long."

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