The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3998: , Predation begins

During that embarrassing period of no use, the improved efficiency of these two missile weapons has slowed down.

At the same time, the improvement funds and the members of the project team have also been reduced a lot.

After all, this good steel had to be used on the blade. At that time, the Ordnance Research Department of their Ten Thousand Realms Civilization could not concentrate their manpower and material resources to improve and upgrade a weapon that was not useful in a short period of time.

However, for long-term considerations, the improvement and research and development projects have not stopped, and have been proceeding at a turtle speed.

After so many years, the results are quite remarkable. Compared with the period when the magical civilization was engaged, the two missile weapons have been very comprehensively improved in all aspects!

The predator missile exploded in large numbers, and while causing damage, a large number of special rays were also scattered from it.

Compared with the range of the explosion shock, the range of those special rays is undoubtedly wider.

At that moment, a group of annihilators, under the observation of the built-in tactical eyepieces of their "King of War" exoskeleton reinforced armor, a large number of ghost knights were already marked by the rays of their preying missiles.

After confirming the completion of this step, Chat Black Iron's face showed a frenzy.

"The predation begins!"

Long before the order of Chat Black Iron was issued, above the master hands of all the Annihilators, the Magical Flame Dragon Cannon was already ready.

Just waiting for the order to arrive, in an instant, a burst of firepower swept towards the rushing Ghost Knight troops.

Facing this threat of firepower, the Ghost Knights subconsciously made an evasive action.

Immediately afterwards, they soon discovered that the bullets fired by the Annihilators were directly chasing up with the evasive action they made!

Today's latest predator missiles are not just as simple as their own tracking features.

After exploding, producing special rays, marking the target in a wide range, supplemented by the special bullets they made, after launching, it can directly track the marked target.

This is not a particularly advanced technology in itself, but if that technology can be integrated into a small bullet, it will be very powerful.

Although, in the field of tracking weapons, the elves have tracking arrows, and even the magic pilots also have tracking bombs. Looking at the effect and power alone, this tracking bomb matched with the predator missile has no advantage.

But as long as you look at the cost, the advantage is too great!

Whether it is the magic arrows of the elves or the magic missiles of the magic pilots, it requires a lot of labor costs.

And not everyone can make it. This requires elven craftsmen and sorcerers with sufficient skills to do it.

This greatly increases the manufacturing cost of magic missiles and wizard magic arrows.

In addition, the manufacturing efficiency is still slow, the slowest of which is the wizard magic arrow, followed by the magic missile.

And once the focus is shifted to manufacturing cost and manufacturing efficiency, then the annihilators, the tracking bombs used at this time, have too much advantage.

This kind of tracking bomb can be directly produced in an automated assembly line.

It is no exaggeration to say that the labor cost was reduced to a minimum at once, and only two or three staff who are familiar with the operation of the equipment can manage an entire automated manufacturing workshop with ease.

With this as a prerequisite, its own manufacturing cost, when the manufacturing technology is proficient, is just over 20% higher than that of ordinary bullets.

This gave the annihilators headed by Chat Black Iron the confidence to squeeze the trigger and open fire arbitrarily.

Because it must be used in conjunction with predator missiles, this type of bullet is also named ‘predator bomb’.

The existence of predator missiles and predator bombs has turned the annihilator's magic dragon cannon directly into a fool's gun.

As long as the predator missile successfully marks the target, the annihilators, to a large extent, only need to close their eyes and pull the trigger.

Of course, this does not mean that the annihilators have nothing to do.

The research and development of predator missiles and predator bombs is just to provide the annihilators with the simplest and fastest suppressing power in the complex battlefield environment.

So that the annihilators who have obtained this fool's firepower can concentrate their main energy on the operation of other weapons.

Instead of letting them be lazy!

During the frenzied firing of the Magic Dragon Cannon in conjunction with the predator bombs, a group of annihilators led by Chat Black Iron quickly opened the back shoulder armor on the right side.

As a heavy fire weapon on the exoskeleton reinforced armor of the "King of War", the eight-barreled Yanlong Cannon was quickly deployed from it.

Among them, many of the annihilators with the main firepower in the back row, at this time, took out the crystal tube as an enhanced equipment from the stalker’s built-in equipment box and installed it on the eight-barreled Yanlong cannon on the shoulder, directly The firepower of their eight-barreled Yanlong Cannon has been upgraded to the level of a small naval gun!

For today’s annihilators, the predator bombs of the Sorcerer Yanlong Cannon, UU Reading is only used for containment, and the main energy is completely concentrated on the two on the shoulders of the thermal nuclear energy cannon and the stalker. The operation of a single-soldier thermonuclear energy gun.

From the perspective of the class of arms, the Ghost Rider is the top class unit of the undead, and the Annihilator is the top class unit of the dwarf.

Everyone is a civilized top class of each other, and when it comes to fighting, basically no one is afraid of anyone.

Under the control of the firepower of the magic dragon cannon, which was transformed into a fool's gun, the thermonuclear energy cannon carefully operated by the annihilators frequently hit the enemy Ghost Rider.

Relying on the range advantage and firepower output comparable to that of naval guns, the first two rounds of attacks allowed them to achieve good results.

Even to a certain extent, it has the upper hand.

Generally speaking, the cavalry troops have only to obediently drink hatred against hot weapons.

But obviously, the ghost knight troops are not ordinary cavalry troops.

A lot of common sense does not apply to them.

In the rain of bullets, the Ghost Knight troops headed by Jialan quickly shuttled, trying to get close to the Annihilator troops to complete the face.

But at this stage, the Annihilator troops headed by Chat Dark Iron are obviously not interested in fighting with them.

The Ghost Knight troops kept pushing forward, while they kept moving backwards, trying to increase their firepower output time.

In this process, in the void behind the annihilators, along with the opening of small space doors, the supply boxes of the annihilators quickly flew out of the space doors.

Just as the Mecha Corps has the support of logistics units, so do their Annihilator units.

Seeing the opportunity, the logistics force sent them supplies in time.

This can only be said to be too timely for the Annihilator troops that are frantically erupting firepower.

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