The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4002: , I am a bit optimistic!

It is impossible for the undead army to be unaware of this move by the army of civilizations of the world.

At this stage, although their undead army has obvious advantages in terms of hard power, their undead army is not the material for explosive tactics after all.

Therefore, in the current battle, even if they can mobilize large-scale troops and launch a powerful offensive, the powerful offensive also focuses more on stable and continuous output, and it is difficult to show a devastating explosive offensive force.

Forcing the undead army that is not good at launching a strong attack at the beginning of the battle to launch a strong attack, pulling the opponent into a field that he is relatively not good at. This should be the biggest advantage Luo Ji has won for his army in this wave.

Under this premise, despite the terrible state of the Ten Thousand World Civilization Army, the defense of the entire army is not as bad as paper.

The vast majority of the troops are the undead army composed of the low-level arms. Even if they launch a large-scale offensive, they will not be pushed all the way.

This made it difficult for them to stop smoothly at this stage even if they saw the series of actions behind the army of civilizations.

After all, Zhou Yida knew from the beginning that this action could not be hidden, and at the same time he was not afraid that the undead army would know it.

If he knows it, he will know it. Isn't he going to fight as he should?

The current situation of their army of civilizations has basically fallen to the bottom. How can it be worse?

In the words of Xi Sen, ‘after thinking about it this way, I am very optimistic! ’

Of course, everyone knows that this guy is having fun in suffering.

But thinking about it carefully, it seems that this is indeed the case.

Xi Sen, sometimes in terms of mentality adjustment, is really uniquely talented.

The battle is still going on, the undead army, relying on its huge scale, pushed forward in a big way, and the huge force was almost crowded with the entire surrounding star field.

Such a force, in accordance with the current stage of the civilization of Ten Thousand Realms, wants to block all of it, it is unrealistic.

Really speaking, unless they are on the territory of their own civilization, backed by the support of the Great Wall of the Void.

Otherwise, even the army of civilizations of the Ten Thousand Worlds in its heyday would not be able to block the army of undead races with tens of millions of troops.

This situation eventually led to a large number of undead forces that were too late to intercept, rushing towards the frontline planet numbered K067.

The meaning of the undead army is obvious, that is, they want to rush into the interior of the frontline planet number K067 and take off their command base.

Once successful, the effect is basically the same as completing a draw from the bottom of the pot.

Faced with this situation, if they can, of course their army of civilizations wants to avoid risks.

But in the case of unavoidable circumstances, you can only pinch your nose and choose to release strategically.

Thinking more optimistically, there are actually some benefits.

For example, to disperse the opposing forces...

The current situation is not difficult to guess, and it is basically within Zhouyi's expectations.

After he settled down on several mobile bases in the void, he immediately asked the engineering troops inside the base to erect anti-aircraft weapons in an emergency.

Now the landing forces of the undead army are trying to break through the atmosphere of the frontline planet numbered K067. The surface air defense firepower that detected this situation naturally opened fire.

Among them, the core firepower is the air defense missile on the scientific and technological side.

It is still because of the suppression of the technological force of mechanical civilization. Weapons such as anti-aircraft missiles have not been able to play a role in the previous war with mechanical civilization.

This wave of confrontation with the undead army is finally able to lift the restrictions.

This air defense missile, what they have in the inventory of Ten Thousand Realms Civilization, at the same time, the military factory on the Goblin Machinery City can directly produce assembly line production, and there is basically no need to worry about the output and quantity.

Relying on Ye Qingxuan's trading system, Luo Ji directly moved nearly 70% of the inventory to the front line.

At this moment, it is not the number of missiles that restricts the power of air defense missiles, but the number of missile launchers.

Although it was deployed as soon as it landed, time was still limited after all, and the landing troops of the Undead Army arrived too quickly.

At this point in time, they can spread out the missile positions so quickly and form a certain scale of air defense firepower, even if they have high operational efficiency.

Targeting the ghost warships of the undead army’s landing forces, within the missile launcher, anti-aircraft missiles fired out one after another.

Its power is still very secure.

Facing the continuous attack of that series of anti-aircraft missiles, many ghost warships were destroyed on the spot.

Then the wreckage of the ghost warship was dragged by the gravity of the planet and fell to the surface of the planet.

It's a pity that this air defense firepower can't be sustained by the civilization of Ten Thousand Realms.

The limited missile launching device is destined to have a limited missile launch. Under this premise, the cooling of the device and the secondary reloading of the missile will take time.

Even in Zhouyi, there is no way to block the planet's defense line tightly with the limited firepower in his hand.

Seizing this gap, the landing force of the undead army broke through the planet's atmosphere in a big way, and successfully completed the landing soon.

Immediately afterwards, within the planet, the large-scale undead army directly turned into an astonishing sea of ​​soldiers, swept toward their surface defensive position with the dwarven void mobile base as the core!

"The defense system is turned on, and the strength is pulled to level two!"

In the command room, upon receiving Zhou Yi's order, an entire large composite defensive shield was quickly opened on the periphery of the defense position.

However, Zhou Yi did not intend to use the shield to resist the attack of the undead landing troops directly. UU reading

Ants often kill elephants, and the defensive shield of their dwarven void mobile base needs energy support.

If they resist, even if the undead army’s low-level forces cannot forcibly explode their defensive shields, as the offensive continues, the sharp increase in energy consumption will soon make their defensive shields themselves. Disintegrated due to insufficient energy.

This can be regarded as the consistent style of the undead army.

Not to kill you, but to consume you!

Taking into account their current situation, under the premise that the two armies have formally engaged in a confrontation, they will definitely suffer a loss if it is really exhausted.

Regarding the methods of the undead army, it can be regarded as Zhou Yi who has enough knowledge, of course, it is impossible to fight like the opposite at this kind of knotty eyes.

Behind the defensive shield, the dwarven tanks and mecha units have already deployed their firepower formation and are ready for long-range firepower output.

The melee troops, on the other hand, are on standby nearby, ready to go out at any time to contain the offensive of the opposing undead army!

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