With the large number of Skeleton Giants entering the arena, the undead army, the Lich Mage began to join forces to cast spells frequently, brushing up a set of buffing spells for the undead army that is advancing at full speed.

The outer defensive shield was partially opened, and in a new round of fire from the Ten Thousand Realms Civilized Army as the defensive side, the undead army was completely pushed out of the shield.

Another round of fire, the side of the civilization of the world, the output of firepower is still fierce, under their firepower swept, the undead unit that rushed in the forefront was blasted into fragments in pieces, using the most brutal and vicious means. To curb the advancement of the undead army.

However, in this process, the undead army, which has completely narrowed the distance, has obviously begun to exert its strength.

Grasping the gap where they fired from the civilization of the world, a large number of undead units just rushed directly into the shield of their defensive position.

For such a situation, Zhou Yi, who had experienced the war with the Zerg civilization, were not unfamiliar with them.

In the face of such an enemy, it is always better to block than to sparse.

Otherwise, let the countless enemies squeeze onto their defensive shield, no matter how strong the defensive shield is.

Instead of that, it would be better to deliberately open a gap and let the undead army pour in from the gap they opened, so as to control the enemy's invasion position, rather than let the opponent find it by himself.

Seize the opportunity and take advantage of the opportunity of the dwarven tank mecha legion to reload and cool down, and block it with a defensive shield for a period of time.

During this period of time, Zhou Yi quickly issued an order to make the Dwarf Tank and Mecha Corps retreat in an orderly manner to make room for the undead army outside to invade.

Among the defensive positions, the coordinates of the gap to be opened have passed the "Kamikawa" tactical system, and they have all been synchronized to each of their tanks and mechas, and they have begun to calibrate the attack angle of the weapon at the fastest speed. .

"General, the pressure of the outer shield has risen drastically!"

From the moment the undead army and them were completely close, the defensive pressure that the defensive shield of their base needed to withstand began to rise in a straight line.

"Report the value."


After confirming the pressure of the shield, Zhou Yi's face sank. It took only a while for the undead army to advance, and the value has jumped directly to more than 70%?

The group buffing spells of the Lich Mage on the opposite side and the existence of a large number of skeleton giants are indispensable.

But Zhou Yi obviously had no time to entangle this issue.

Their surface defensive positions, although they use a very typical composite multiple defensive shield.

But once the outer shield is blown out, it takes a lot of time to recover.

No commander would want his shield to be forcibly broken, which would greatly increase the risk they need to bear.

In just such a short time, the value on the command office's side was already close to 75%.

Zhou Yi acted decisively and quickly ordered...

"Notify the No. 1, No. 3, No. 5, and No. 7 defensive positions, and be ready to attack. After the shield pressure jumps to 80%, directly open the entrances in these four defensive areas to let the undead army come in. "

In order to facilitate command, with their command base as the core, after the introduction of the tank and mecha corps, Zhou Yi directly divided the entire outer circle of the area and marked them with numbers from one to eight.

Now that the order is issued, the troops in the defensive positions No. 1, No. 3, No. 5, and No. 7 are all strained after receiving the order, and they are ready to fight.

As soon as the outer defensive shield was on, the moment the entrance opened, along with the frantically influx of undead units, the tank and mecha corps immediately opened fire.

Pulled to the maximum firepower in one breath, it swept toward the area that had been locked for a long time. The undead unit that rushed forward at the time was directly hit by the most complete destruction.

But this is obviously not enough to contain the offensive of the undead army, especially after the Skeleton Giant enters the field!

On the battlefield, the existence of the skeleton giant directly became the core of the undead army's offensive.

The huge size of the skeleton giant makes it easier to become the target of the dwarven war **** tank mecha unit than the ordinary skeleton soldier underneath.

Although the skeleton giant's own defensive ability is only at the upper-middle level, it is also measured by a strategic-level unit.

At the same time, considering the particularity of the undead, in fact, it is not so easy to solve a skeleton giant.

With the firepower of the Ares tank mecha units, the skeleton giants, surrounded by countless skeleton soldiers, kept pushing forward.

The Tank Mech Corps is a typical long-range firepower unit. Even if it has the shortest attack range, it is known as the Ranger tank mech that is good at close-range maneuvering and wandering. Strictly speaking, it is also a serious long-range firepower unit. Not good at close combat.

Knowing this, Zhou Yi certainly couldn't let the skeleton giant, a strategic unit of the undead army, slam into their faces so easily.

Corresponding measures were taken quickly. On the battlefield, among the own army, the rock giants as alchemy golems quickly condensed and formed, step by step toward the undead army that rushed in frantically.

Needless to say, Zhou Yi sent these rock giants, of course, not to use them to trample on the countless skeleton soldiers at their feet.

To be honest, against the huge skeleton soldier, the kill efficiency of the rock giant's foot is definitely not as high as that of the Ares tank mecha with special high-explosive bombs.

In this wave of battles, the main goal of the Rock Giant is nothing else, it is the Skeleton Giant as an enemy strategic unit!

The giant units on both sides quickly and thoroughly fought together.

The skeleton giant has a skinny figure, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is obviously more flexible than the rock giant.

After getting close to a certain point, facing the oncoming rock giant, the skeleton giant with the beating soul and fire in his eye sockets directly roared and smashed it with a fist.

In an instant, the rubble splashed, and the rock giant's burly and thick body was smashed out of a big hole on the spot.

And accompanied by a continuous burst of heavy punches, he was completely smashed.

This situation was completely within Zhou Yi's expectations.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, you can know that the Rock Giant is just a low-level unit of the alchemical civilization. Although it was later improved by the wind chime and became an intermediate unit, the skeleton giant is a strategic unit of the undead army! These two kinds of existence are not at the same level at all, okay?

However, it is not to say that facing the skeleton giant, the rock giant loses the slightest advantage.

The ability to absorb earth and rocks from the ground under your feet, repair the body's recovery ability, and that far more than the skeleton giants, is their biggest advantage now!

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