"What's the matter? In the case of agility, there is a gap in IQ between individuals, which is not a strange thing, but the IQs of these two batches of skeleton giants are obviously not as simple as individual differences. It's completely clear, what's the situation?"

At this moment, Zhou Yi, who was in the commander-in-chief room, was really confused by the situation of those skeleton giants.

"In other words, the actions of these skeleton giants are gradually being directed by someone, but the other party has commanded a batch and stocked a batch? But what's the point of doing this? It's not just to confuse me, right?"

Even Zhou Yi himself felt a bit nonsense about the latter speculation.

Let a group of strategic-level skeleton giants in the front row maintain a low IQ state and fight there, just to confuse him?

How to calculate this account is a loss!

And just as Zhou Yi was thinking about it like this, a voice suddenly rang in his mind.

"General Zhouyi, have you ever thought that maybe those skeleton giants are similar to the alchemy golems of our ten thousand world civilization?"

"Similar to the alchemy golem of our ten thousand world civilization?"

Zhou Yi was not alarmed by the sudden sound in his mind, because the person speaking in his mind at this time was Guo Jia, the chief of general staff at the headquarters of the commander of staff behind the civilization of the world.

Of course, a more accurate statement should be that they are still using the belief network of their emperor to maintain the brain meeting.

As front-line commanders, Zhou Yi, Dominique Adolf, and Xi Sen had too many things to consider in a short period of time.

On the battlefield, in many situations, they may need to make a judgment in just a few seconds, and there is not much time for them to think slowly.

This greatly increases their thinking pressure, and it is also prone to mistakes.

It's not that they have become stupid, but because the conditions are too harsh.

This is like a four-digit or five-digit multiplication and division. Give everyone enough time and everyone can figure it out, but once you say it, I need you to figure out the correct answer within one second.

Then this condition is enough to screen out most of the people in this world.

This is basically what Zhouyi and the others need to do on the battlefield.

So many times, they need someone to check for them and help them think about some problems.

After Luo Ji's belief network was established, the headquarters of the Rear Staff Commander headed by Guo Jia basically assumed this responsibility.

After hearing Guo Jia's reminder, Zhou Yi thought roughly, it really wasn't impossible.

In fact, it is true.

The core of the undead unit is the soul, even a small skeleton soldier.

And as long as it is a unit with a soul, higher or lower, there must be a certain degree of intelligence.

In short, even if they are skeleton soldiers as low-level miscellaneous soldiers, they are actually smart.

It's just that their soul strength, due to the fact that it is too low, has caused their souls to be in a state of muddle-headedness.

Basically, follow the instructions of the Necromancer or higher-level undead unit to start the action.

As for their actions without getting orders, they tend to be instinctive, close to some animals.

And the souls of these skeleton giants are condensed from a large number of soul fragments.

The strength of the soul has already reached a certain level, so their intelligence is naturally much higher than that of ordinary skeleton soldiers.

But relatively, because the soul fragments that make up their souls are too many and too complicated, most of the newly born skeleton giants will have confusion, limited IQ, and instinctive actions.

But as time goes on, if the skeleton giant can survive for a long time, it will have the opportunity to completely integrate his soul, so that the consciousness will gradually be integrated and become more and more clear.

Under this premise, the accumulation of combat experience will also make them stronger and stronger.

This also makes it very obvious that the gap between the skeleton giants who have lived long enough and the newborn skeleton giants in actual combat capabilities will be widened.

From this point of view, isn't it very similar to the alchemy golem of their ten thousand world civilization?

This is not a good thing for their civilization of the world.

The skeleton giants themselves, as a strategic unit, are not very easy to deal with. If this is supplemented by sufficient intelligence and rich practical experience, then the difficulty level of those skeleton giants will have to rise at least one or two levels. .

In this situation, just thinking about it is enough to cause headaches.

As thoughts flew around, Zhou Yi immediately made a decision.

Along with the tremor of the earth, the giant army of beasts in the planet quickly dispatched.

The mountain giant elephant is the largest defensive behemoth unit with the strongest defensive power among all the giant beasts. In the conventional battles in the past, if the giant beast army is out of battle on the planet, the mountain giant elephant is basically an untouchable vanguard.

But the current situation is not a regular battle...

Mountain giant elephants are more suitable to be used in some steadily advancing battles.

And if it needs to be advanced efficiently.

Headed by the fierce earth dragon Cook, the wild ox of the tauren clan and the wild boar of the wild boar clan are more suitable choices.

At the moment of entering the field, with the strengthening of the elemental power, one of the skeleton giants who threw the zombie express in the back row was locked and rushed over.

As the all-around player in the monster unit, the fierce earth dragon Cook is not good at speed.

Under normal circumstances, its moving speed is not outstanding.

However, it has a strong explosive power. Once Uukanshu www.uukanshu.com is forced to push it with its explosive power, it can still explode with an astonishing speed in a short period of time.

At that moment, pushing his huge body with explosive force, the fierce earth dragon Cook was like a jetted rocket missile, rushing straight towards the target.

Wherever he went, the sea of ​​skulls and skeletons in front of him directly turned up with exaggerated waves, and countless skeleton soldiers were crushed by the fierce earth dragon Cook and knocked out. The movement caused by that was not insignificant.

Perceiving the approaching threat of the Skeleton Giant, the first reaction was obviously to dodge.

But after that, he should have made a judgment based on his own actual combat experience, knowing that according to his speed and flexibility, he could not avoid this sacrificial collision of the fierce earth dragon Cook.

So he simply confronted him head-on, waved his own fists, and smashed directly at the fierce earth dragon Cook!

In an instant, the limit speed erupted, and the full collision with its own tonnage showed its destructive power on the spot.

The huge body of the Skeleton Giant was directly hit to pieces, and bone fragments splashed all over!

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