Two-line combat in the void battlefield and the planetary battlefield.

Judging from the situation at this stage alone, the fighting on both sides is very anxious.

The army of undead who lacked explosive power wanted to destroy Luo Ji's army of civilizations in a short period of time. It was really not that easy.

Although this is more or less, it has a certain relationship with Zhong Mo's army of undead, which has not yet fully exerted its strength.

The curse on his body really disrupted Zhong Mo's original plan to a large extent.

And forced Zhong Mo, who originally wanted to delay the later stage, had to change his original plan and switch to the early stage.

But this does not mean that Zhong Mo has completely messed up.

In the early stage, he also has a plan to fight in the early stage. It is impossible for him to be anxious and just play around because of the curse on his body.

How could he make such a low-level mistake that would only ruin his chances of winning?

For Luo Ji's opponent, Zhong Mo didn't have any care in mind.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to choose to avoid the frontal confrontation with Luo Ji's Ten Thousand Realms Civilization before, and want to end the battle by killing Luo Ji directly.

Because this is the least risky approach for Zhong Mo.

If it succeeds, the battle will basically end directly.

Although it turned out that he failed, he was even defeated by Luo Ji.

But there are some things that you have to do to know. If you haven't done it, you never know. What's the use of arrogance?

Build on this foundation.

Because of his attention and caution to Luo Ji, his opponent, Zhong Mo would not easily take action at this stage when the combat power of his undead army has not been fully assembled.

And once he takes the shot, he must use the strongest strength to completely defeat Luo Ji's army of civilizations!

This timing did not make him wait too long.

Before successfully smoothing out the blood kings Dracula and Yuzao on the main planet of mechanical civilization, they soon led a team to support them, and successfully completed the rendezvous with the undead army under his command.

At this moment, the top combat power under his command was basically all assembled.

Sharpen the knife and chop the wood by mistake, and give Dracula and Yuzao some time to rest so that they can regain their fighting strength.

After a simple rest and reorganization, along with Zhong Mo's order, the undead army completely launched a powerful attack!

On the Void Battlefield, as the war unit with the strongest overall combat capability of their Styx civilization at this stage, Yaqi Orochi has undoubtedly taken the lead in a new round of offensive.

Just showing up on the battlefield has already doubled the pressure on the civilization of the world.

Aiming at the top war unit of Yaqi Orochi, they have already learned something about the civilization of the Ten Thousand Worlds in the previous battles.

This level of understanding allowed them to successfully avoid suffering a big loss without knowing it, but it obviously did not make the existence of Yaqi Orochi become much better.

After all, on the premise that it is very strong, it can absorb energy attacks and then counterattack. This characteristic of the Yaqi Orochi is simply disgusting.

With this alone, the majority of the troops on the side of the Ten Thousand Realms Civilization and the Void Battlefield can go around it.

And this situation gave the Yachi Orochi a very strong ability to break the game, and made the undead army's offensive strength suddenly rise by a level.

In just one round of offensive, the army of civilizations of the world, which was still equal to the army of the undead, fell into a passive state and was relatively obviously suppressed.

At the same time, on the inner battlefield of the planet, a group of Lich Archmages directly started to cast spells together.

In the sea of ​​skeletons that can't be seen at a glance, countless bones and wandering souls gather madly, and then they keep accumulating together.

During this process, on the battlefield, I don't know when, a large-scale thick fog actually rose.

Immediately afterwards, the loud noise of ‘Boom Boom’ came continuously from the thick fog.

The movement seemed to be something huge, approaching towards them.

With the movement getting closer and closer, from the exaggerated thick fog, the soldiers of the ten thousand civilizations on the battlefield can already clearly see, as if there are two huge dark red light groups, Dangling in the fog, constantly sweeping.

The next second, the dense fog broke open, and the first thing that emerged from the dense fog was a super huge skull!

The two dark red light clusters they had seen in the thick fog before were exactly the beating flames in the eye sockets of that huge skull.

Afterwards, before the soldiers could react, accompanied by the surging of the thick fog, two extremely thick skeleton arms protruded from the thick fog one after another.

As the two skeleton arms stretched out from the thick fog, they slapped heavily on the battlefield in front of them.

In an instant, amidst two loud noises that could be called earth-shaking, the earth broke apart directly.

At that time, the troops on both sides of the battlefield, regardless of the enemy and the enemy, were all affected.

But that super huge skeleton didn't seem to care about it.

A pair of skeleton arms stretched forward continuously, making a crawling motion, dragging his huge body to move on the battlefield amid the loud noise of the ‘boom boom’.

And in this process, the super huge skeleton, the huge upper body that matched its size, had already protruded out of the thick mist.

However, the lower body is still shrouded in the thick fog, making it impossible to see the whole picture.

But even so, everyone was able to make a relatively simple judgment just by looking at the part of the body that the super huge skeleton protruded from the thick fog.

The size of this super huge skeleton is at least more than a kilometer!

"Damn! What the **** is that?!"

In the command room, UU reading stared at that super huge skeleton. Even in Zhouyi, he was a bit crazy, and he didn't control it for a while, and he violently spoke up on the spot.

However, at the time, almost all the soldiers in the commanding room were shocked by the posture of the super huge skeleton. For a while, no one really noticed Zhou Yi's foul language.

He stared at the battlefield influence coming back in front of him.

Skeleton giant? Obviously not!

This super huge skeleton, although it is no problem to call it a giant skeleton.

However, through preliminary observations, Zhou Yi could basically confirm that this super huge skeleton is definitely not the same species as the skeleton giants that the undead army had thrown into the battlefield before.

Just as Zhou Yi was thinking about it, the super huge skeleton that appeared on the battlefield already let out a terrifying roar.

Suddenly, along with the spread of sound waves, the roar of the super huge skeleton made countless people's souls tremble. Even the morale of the army of civilizations of the world was hit, and there was a significant drop on the spot.

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