As the commander-in-chief of the army in charge of overall planning, it is of course impossible for Zhou Yi to focus solely on the battles within the planet.

Outside of this planet, the battle in the void battlefield also needs his attention at any time to confirm the situation.

But, compared with the battlefield within the planet.

On the Void Battlefield, there are Dominic Adolf, Xi Sen and Du Yuanzhi who are in the three armies to control the situation.

With regard to the fleet, there are also a number of veterans such as Yuan Xi, Esther, and Gao Yi sitting in charge. Basically, it can be ensured that there will be no major problems.

Therefore, compared with the situation on the planet, the situation on the void battlefield made Zhou Yi more worry-free.

Of course, the situation is so terrible, in fact, there is no need to worry about it...

Facing the void battlefield, it was like a hob meat, rampant Yaqi Orochi.

Taking into account the limitation of energy attack, on their side, in the limited combat power at this stage, under the premise of facing the Yaqi Orochi, the unit that can show a certain effect is probably only the 100 heads under Zhao Heng's command. The giant snake shed sand.

Don't think that the Hundred-Headed Giant Snake Shesha has more heads than the Eight-Headed Snake, and he will definitely win.

Yaqi Orochi is the top war unit of the Hundred Ghost Civilization!

Of course, the Hundred-Headed Serpent Shesha is also the top war unit of the orc civilization.

But between them, there is a huge gap that cannot be ignored.

That is, the Yachi Orochi is a unit of ultra-standard civilization. Even after being converted into an undead unit, the Yachi Orochi can still enjoy a series of buffs from the ultra-standard civilization of the Styx civilization.

On the other hand, Shesha, the giant snake with hundreds of heads, the civilization it currently lives in is nothing more than a golden civilization.

Apart from anything else, how much is the difference between the golden civilization and the super-specification civilization just by the buff provided by the civilization project?

Therefore, even if it is also the top war unit of their respective civilizations, the Hundred-Headed Serpent Shesha at this stage lacks the capital to challenge the Yaqi Serpent on its own.

In order to make up for this shortcoming, the best way for them at this stage is to send more troops to fight less.

The sea king whale Hal of the Murloc race, the raging shark, the deep sea monster, the Terror King snake and the bloodthirsty serpent of the snake-human race, the storm giant eagle of the eagle human race, a series of giant beast units of the civilization of the world and the orc civilization, The siege soon came up.

In close combat, on the premise of smoothly avoiding the powerful characteristic of the Yaqi Orochi which can absorb energy and counterattack, a group of giant beasts units managed to contain the Yaqi Orochi smoothly for the time being.

But this does not mean that the situation is optimistic.

In this void battlefield, every giant beast of the orc tribe is a very important war unit.

Their existence helped the army of civilizations of the ten thousand realms and the army of orcs to withstand a large number of troops from the civilization of Styx.

And once they have undergone a large-scale transfer, they turn their heads to deal with the Baqi Orochi of the Styx civilization, and the forces of the undead army that originally needed them to deal with, don’t have to directly crush their armies of civilizations and orcs. Is it on your body?

Even if you don't need to transfer all of it, just transfer a part of it, the impact is already large enough for the void battlefield on this side.

Even if it can contain the Yaqi Orochi, the fact that the army is at a disadvantage on the Void Battlefield is almost unavoidable.

Just after confirming the situation on the Void Battlefield, Zhou Yi frowned, and the whole person was really not optimistic at all.

On the other side of the void battlefield, the behemoths of the orc clan headed by Shesha, the giant snake with a hundred heads, don't know how long they will be able to support.

The only thing that Zhouyi can be sure of right now is that even if it is a behemoth with strong resilience and continuous combat capability, it cannot be sustained.

As a top war unit, the Yachi Orochi itself has a clear advantage in hard power. With this as a prerequisite, it has been transformed into an undead unit and has unlimited physical strength.

This directly led to an embarrassing situation of ‘fighting and consuming too much’.

And this situation, is it not the epitome of their army of civilizations of the Ten Thousand Worlds and the army of Styx civilization today?

Thinking of this, Zhou Yi couldn't help feeling heavy again.

But he didn't have the idle time, so he continued to feel melancholy here.

When you have that time, it's better to think about how to break the game.

Using this as a starting point, the focus of Zhou Yi is undoubtedly placed on this battlefield within the planet.

Not because he himself was inside the planet, but because compared to the void battlefield that was almost dead at this stage, the Gaia giant successfully suppressed the desolate skeleton and created it for them on the battlefield within their planet. There is a breaking point!

Seizing this breaking point, they might be able to get a fight.

As long as the battle within the planet can enable them to win, then, with a comfortable support environment and a front-line base with defensive facilities, they can more effectively provide support to the void battlefield.

Then just play steadily and slowly expand the advantage step by step.

Of course, it’s useless to think too much now. The important thing is how to fight the battle in front of you.

There is no time for Zhou Yi to slowly ponder that the existence of the Gaia giant will continue to consume the mental power of Jie Zichuan and Dilit.

Even though the two earth-based masters of their Ten Thousand Realms Civilization, their spiritual power is extremely powerful.

But maintaining the Gaia giants at the kilometer level is not an easy life. It is unrealistic for them to continue to maintain it like this.

If the army on their planet wants to win, they must create a sufficient advantage for their side before the Gaia giant leaves the field.

Avoiding the area where the Gaia giants and the desolate skeletons are fighting, UU reading starts with the mountain giant elephants of the orc army, and the garrison army in their planet directly faces the undead army that rushes in.

In fact, I really want to say that the giant beast army headed by the mountain giant elephants is not incapable of fighting against the desolate skeletons.

But at this stage, they still don't know exactly what the path of the poisonous fog of the wild skeletons is.

Given the other choices, Zhou Yi really didn't want to take the important behemoth units in their planet to take this risk.

Besides, the super-strong antibodies of orc civilization can only be produced after being poisoned first and healed smoothly.

In other words, in this situation, if the monster unit is sent to fight the desolate skeletons, the poisonous mist of the opponent will definitely have a significant impact on the monster units.

In comparison, the Gaia giant, who is neither affected by the poisonous fog nor disturbed by the mental shock, is undoubtedly a more suitable choice.

And behemoth units, used in the battle against the main force of the undead army, they can show even greater value!

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