The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4021: , Raise your arms

Genius remembers this site address in one second: []The fastest update! No ads! It was like Zhou Yi had been waiting for the follow-up actions of the undead army under pressure.

As the commander-in-chief of the undead army, the Lich King Sorenk has been waiting for the follow-up actions of the army of civilizations of the world.

To be more accurate, he is waiting for the Star Destroyer to take the initiative to enter the arena.

The super long-range firepower output of the Star Destroyer is very strong, needless to say.

If their undead army can defeat the Void Battlefield, the main force of Ten Thousand Realms Civilization in a short period of time, then it's all easy to say.

But the problem now is that it can't.

The army of civilizations on the Void Battlefield has shown a tenacious fighting ability that surprised the Lich King Sauron.

And their undead army is really not good at fighting outbursts.

This makes it impossible for them to immediately seal the victory with explosive efficiency.

To win, you can definitely win, but it takes time. It is absolutely impossible to get it between this moment and a half.

But once the time stretches, they will have to withstand several rounds of superluminal mushroom bombs from the Star Destroyer.

In their heyday, the undead army did not care about the loss of troops, but after the battle with mechanical civilization, their troops suffered heavy losses, which made the Lich King Sorenk have to perform. Be more cautious.

Just in case, but also to improve the efficiency of subsequent mobilization, almost after being hit by the Star Destroyer at a very long distance, the Lich King Sorenk immediately took advantage of the forces of the undead army and carried out some appropriate measures. The transfer.

This movement is very unobvious. Even in the offensive, this kind of movement is normal, and it is not surprising.

But it happened that Zhou Yi caught him and stopped John Thrall, who was about to direct the Star Destroyer into the arena.

After that, with the passage of time, the tenacious performance of the civilization of the world on the frontal battlefield, coupled with the staged strikes of the super-light mushroom bombs of the Star Destroyer on the flanks, left the Lich King Sorenk unable to do anything. Then he just ignored him, and in the end the Lich King Sauron, who hadn't consumed the energy of Zhouyi, gave the action order.

He probably couldn't imagine how Zhou Yi could see the problem from a transfer that basically had no problems.

All of a sudden, it changed the situation where the Star Destroyer was about to enter the battlefield, and successfully won the dominance for the Star Destroyer on the flanking battlefield!

Before the official launch of the operation, some movements of the undead army could be carried out in secret.

But once it is really ready to start an action, it is almost impossible to mobilize troops that have reached a certain scale on this battlefield, and then want to conceal the civilization of Ten Thousand Worlds.

The movement of the undead army was confirmed for the first time. At that moment, the violent fluctuation of emotion made Zhou Yi want to raise his arms and shout!

At this moment, he really waited too long, and at the same time he was under too much pressure.

However, as the commander-in-chief of the army, his self-cultivation still allowed Zhou Yi to control his emotions abruptly, and immediately notified John Thrall of the situation here.

In fact, the undead army made such an obvious action, and under the synchronization of intelligence, John Thrall confirmed this situation at almost the same time as Zhou Yi.

It's just that, unlike Zhou Yi, who controlled his emotions in time, John Thrall, who had always been calm and restrained, had a backlog of pressure. After getting catharsis, he directly did what Zhou Yi wanted to do now.

That is directly shouting!

On Zhouyi's side, if he made such a move, it might appear that he, the commander-in-chief, was not calm enough, and it might even affect the soldiers below.

But John Thrall’s situation is different. Their dwarven atmosphere is different from that of the human race. In the dwarven army, it helps to boost morale.

Especially in this depressed atmosphere.

Of course, John Thrall has obviously not forgotten what he should do.

"Notify all departments and units, ready to meet!"

The Star Destroyer, who was already at the highest level of preparedness, was already ready to respond to the enemy's attack at any time.

Now there is naturally nothing to be nervous and flustered.

The advantage of attack range gives them plenty of preparation time at this moment.

Within the Star Destroyer, in the urgency, everything is so orderly.

"Report, the enemy has entered our attack range!"

"Launch an enemy missile!"

In this wave, John Thrall didn't mean to play hide and seek with the other side.

After all, the size of their Star Destroyer is not a suitable unit for playing this kind of routine.

Carrying out his "invincible king of beasts, there is no need to cover up!" ’Thinking.

Following the order, a large number of armors on the surface of the Star Destroyer were opened one after another, and the densely packed missile launchers were just exposed in the void.

These technological side-fighting missiles deployed on the Star Destroyer had previously been given a chance to fire due to the fact that their attack range was not as fast as the super-light speed mushroom bomb.

Once the fire is fired, the attack density and attack frequency of the Star Destroyer will increase dramatically in an instant!

After all, this conventional technology side weapon has always been a cheap firepower that wins by volume.

With this as the premise, these enemy annihilation missiles are primarily aimed at mass destruction of enemy forces, so the entire structure is a very typical sub-munition.

Compared with the previous large-scale launch of the "Miscellaneous Soldier Terminator" on the Zhouyi side, the biggest difference between the Star Destroyer’s enemy destroyer missile is that it is more powerful.

The explosive power of an enemy annihilating missile, UU reading www. basically has to be steadily higher than the two levels of ‘Miscellaneous Soldier Terminator’.

Therefore, even in the face of some more powerful enemy units, the Star Destroyer’s enemy missiles can show enough threat.

Unlike the ‘Miscellaneous Soldier Terminator’, which simply focuses its positioning and configuration on clearing miscellaneous soldiers, the threat level will plummet against stronger units.

One round of fire of the enemy annihilation missile directly inflicted a head-on attack on the undead troops that had been killed. All of a sudden, the loss of force was soaring like a rocket.

But Sorenk, the Lich King, obviously didn't take this loss to heart.

As for the number of Star Destroyer’s paths, how could he send out the main force in a hurry?

At this time, those who were hit hard by the enemy-killing missiles were nothing more than the path-exploring troops he sent, and their composition was mainly based on the low-level arms of their undead army.

Although the current strength of their undead army is far from being as ample as it was in the early years, they still have lost this amount of strength...

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