The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4024: , Exert force (2)

Genius remembers this site address in one second: []The fastest update! No ads! The wandering soul's invasion through the wall brought an impact to the interior of the Star Destroyer.

However, they cannot be said to be defenseless.

Taking into account some special circumstances, the important facilities of the Star Destroyer are all closer to the core. In the outer circle, in addition to deploying some defensive facilities, it is mainly a combat zone.

Generally, after the start of a war, the combat area will be cleared out, all non-combatants will be evacuated, and in each corresponding standby area nearby, a larger-scale garrison force than usual will be sent to garrison.

Now that the news of the wandering spirits' invasion has been confirmed, the garrison troops wearing full power armor have been dispatched after receiving the order.

The main weapons in his hands have all been replaced with beam rifles.

Can not only fight against ordinary units, but also against wandering units.

Skimming will increase energy consumption without mentioning the problem. The beam rifle has basically no defects.

Relying on their control over the interior of the Star Destroyer, locking the position of the wandering soul and mobilizing the nearest armored infantry to shoot it is not too difficult in itself.

After all, it has been said before that this kind of low-level spirit unit itself does not possess substantial damage ability.

The purpose of these wandering souls invading in is nothing more than two.

One is to collect the internal intelligence of their Star Destroyer to facilitate the undead army to launch an offensive.

And the other one, naturally, was to interfere with them, to cover their own troops and push forward.

This is also the main duty of a low-level spirit unit like the Wandering Soul and Wraith Spirit on this battlefield today.

Although the intensity itself is not high, it is almost inevitable that the continuous invasion will have an impact on the interior of their Star Destroyer.

During this period, the undead army naturally seized this opportunity and hurried forward.

During that simple fight, the Lich King Sorenk had clearly realized that under the premise of maintaining that kind of long-distance combat, their undead army had no advantage in facing the giant annihilator.

Even on their side, under the premise of occupying a hard power advantage, if they can't get closer in time, then their advantage will sooner or later be wiped out by the crazy long-range firepower on the opposite side!

Through the internal tactical system of the Star Destroyer, the latest movement of the undead army on this side of the battlefield was confirmed, and he took a sigh of relief. John Thrall changed his previous anxious state and commanded them calmly under pressure. The firepower inside the Star Destroyer attacked the undead forces advancing up.

At the same time, the Star Destroyer also began to move backwards steadily on the premise that the firepower output would not be affected as a priority.

The army of the undead wanted to rush forward and fight them face-to-face, so that the annihilator's long-range firepower advantage could not be maximized.

As for the Star Destroyer, in order to give full play to their advantages in long-range firepower, provided that their attack range can be guaranteed, naturally they don't want the undead army to get too close to them.

The purpose and core ideas of these two parties can basically be said to be clear at a glance.

Next, it depends on who is better.

You come and I go, the battle on this side of the void battlefield is also fierce and unusual.

Under the blessing of John Thrall's blessing, the annihilator who was originally a strategic war unit at the planetary level, demonstrated even more terrifying firepower output.

Although the Lich King Sorenk is also a top commander, in the face of the firepower of the Star Destroyer, and considering the nature of their undead army, it is really not said that he wants to force it up in a short period of time. so easy.

But the Lich King Sorenk didn't intend to waste too much time here, with a mentality of wanting to solve the battle as soon as possible, an order was issued as quickly as possible.

In an instant, in the void, along with the sweep of the two foxtails, a large number of meteorites covered with a layer of high-temperature lava, slammed straight toward the direction of the Star Destroyer!

"It's the nine-tailed fox, it really came to me!"

Maintaining a stable communication with Zhou Yi, John Thrall immediately gave feedback to Zhou Yi when he captured Yuzao's front figure.

Obviously, John Thrall was mentally prepared for the appearance of Yuzaoqian.

In the previous battles, in order to speed up the offensive efficiency of the undead army lacking explosive power, Zhong Mo and the Lich King Solenque directly used the top combat forces including the blood king Dracula and Yuzaoqian. , Was sent out, hoping to open the situation through the use of top combat power.

Facts have proved that their goal has been fully achieved.

After the top combat forces including Dracula and Yuzaoqian entered the battlefield, their main force on the side of the void battlefield on the side of the ten thousand civilizations was almost completely suppressed.

Judging from the situation at the time, being completely defeated is a matter of time.

But this move also led to an inevitable situation.

That is to make Dracula and Yuzao Qianqian their top combat powers, reveal their whereabouts in advance.

Once a top combat force like this is shot, their strong sense of presence makes it difficult for the enemy to not notice.

Under this premise, if the Lich King Sorenk wanted to make follow-up mobilizations of these top combat powers, it would definitely not be possible to escape Zhou Yi's eyes.

Basically, Zhou Yi noticed it as soon as Yuzao was transferred.

Considering the current situation again, where will the top combat unit of Tamazou be transferred after being transferred from the battlefield in front of him? This is basically a self-evident thing.

Even as early as the beginning, UU reading www. Zhouyi and Guo Jia conducted a simple deduction on this situation in a meeting in the brain.

On the side of the undead army, if you want to solve the forces on the Annihilator side as soon as possible, the best way is to mobilize top combat power and open a breakthrough.

As for the undead army, the specific strengths of the existing top combat forces, through the battles in front of them, and the information provided by Bai Ze, they still have a relatively detailed understanding.

After a little calculation, the most suitable candidate for dispatch is the nine-tailed fox Yuzao in all likelihood.

From the perspective of ability, this Yuzao front is very comprehensive, and basically has no obvious shortcomings.

And considering that the Star Destroyer that needs to be dealt with is a planet-level war unit, Yuzao, who is also a war unit, and can'one-man army', in dealing with this type of task, her value and ability, It is undoubtedly above Dracula.

Combining intelligence feedback and various speculation analysis, Zhou Yi directly relayed the situation to John Thrall in the first place.

The results proved that they did not unexpectedly!

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